2016 North Central PA Summit 9/30-10/2

Fished Pine last night & today below Cedar Run for smallmouths. Last night & this morning everything on top on poppers. I used the popper with a San Juan worm dropper. Tonight all on the dropper. Most were under 12 inches, but one was a heavy 17 incher. Quite a battle on a 3wt 7'6". Also lost a nice one last night. Tempature in Pine this morning was 65. Creek is extremely low.
I need directions…

to get back home directions, :-D


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I ain't givin' you directions, Jared!!! You'll show up for Christmas!
Man I'd love to come to this! Al, Roger, Sas, Jarrod. If Turkey shows ....
csoult wrote:
Man I'd love to come to this! Al, Roger, Sas, Jarrod. If Turkey shows ....

Ya know muzzle loader is a real challenge. Anyone can bag a deer with a bow. Think it over.
Cody, bring your bow and come up.
Yeah man. Just come. You know you want to.
Crossover sport....bow hunt for gemmies. Tough to hit those little bastards.

Looks like that rain came a week early or you guys would have been perfect. Keep rain dance going as it will take several of these to ease the drought conditions
Watch out for Karl....it could hit us late this week/early next week. That could be the kick we need!

But we'll still bass if we can't bowhunt for gemmies.
We have already fashioned back up plans to try pickerel ponds, bass lakes etc. I expect the Catskill event to be a bust without a named storm hitting us.
Eye of the storm pointed directly at Potato City.....


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Thanks for the buzz kill Pat.
Looks like I'm going to be coming from Erie Saturday morning so I'll have to figure out a way to find yinz. I'm trying to pull a fast one at work Friday but there's no guarantee.
Ok, so my < 50% chance has been upgraded to about 50/50. Maybe even 60/40 to the good side. Wife willing to discuss (she wants a NYC weekend in November, weekend of steelhead jam, so that's out for me, but gives me negotiating power).

Anyway, Sas, I'd need directions. I generally know my way around up there, including knowing where Potato City is. But haven't been there in 10-15 years, and I don't know where your cabin is.

Also, I'd have 1 day of vacation. So if I came I'd be Friday to Sunday most likely.
RAIN!!!, NEED RAIN!!! I'm not going to potter Co to fish for damn bass.
Well, Pine Creek at Cedar Run is all but up to it's average flow for the year. So at least we'll have those stockies
Well, Pine Creek at Cedar Run is all but up to it's average flow for the year. So at least we'll have those stockies.

Hope you don't mean fall stockings. Stocking date is listed as Oct. 3.
I think it's privately stocked before then. I could be wrong.
I'd like to try and make it this year. send me directions. I'll probably stay at my camp and come a visit for a day.