2016 North Central PA Summit 9/30-10/2

Yes, need updates on what I'm missing. Sad I couldn't make it happen so I gotta live vicariously through you. Get on the ball you guys. I need a cast by cast, beer by beer rundown in real time....
Creeks still low, but we found fishable water, got into some fish, the beaver ponds are fine, got fish out of them. Different creeks tomorrow, time for BS and beer now!
bikerfish wrote:
Creeks still low, but we found fishable water, got into some fish, the beaver ponds are fine, got fish out of them. Different creeks tomorrow, time for BS and beer now!
So, you guys are chasing beaver up there?
Every day got a little better condition-wise. Fish were still reluctant to take a fly but we all got some trout. Beaver ponds were far from dried up. In fact, by the time we hiked up to them on Friday, several were overflowing.
Say a prayer for Turkey. That must have been a hellacious drive to Erie this morning. LOL!
Great weekend! awesome to see everyone, always a great crowd! Fishing was tough, but rewarding, fished some different waters, and got fish almost everywhere we went. Even had to deal with some muddy runoff!
Hit a great little stream in the ANF on the way home, new water to both Chuck and I, got into an even mix of wild browns and brookies. I will be taking a closer look at this stream in better water conditions, it just kept getting better the further up we went.
a big plus, it's a stream I've never heard mentioned, anywhere. No bootprints, no fisherman trails through the brush, etc.

Like I wrote in Jared's journal, great people, food, drink, and fishing.
TimRobinsin wrote:
Say a prayer for Turkey. That must have been a hellacious drive to Erie this morning. LOL!

I made it! 570 miles round trip (give or take). I stopped in Mt Jewett to see the Kinzua overlook but just did a u-turn in the parking lot because I didn't feel like walking. I'll get it next time.

Most excellent time at Sasquatch's camp as expected. It was a pleasure to meet some new (to me) people (Moosehead Belle, AFISHN, Chuck, and Derek's better half). Got my feet wet in a couple of streams that I've never fished before. Finally had the opportunity to meet Phil at Kettle Creek Tackle Shop. Had a great time BS'ing with everyone over beers and bourbon.

I think Bikerfish caught the best fish of the weekend so hopefully he'll post a pic for everyone.

Big thanks to Andy for opening his camp up to us and keeping this thing going.
Had a great time finally meeting some of the posters on this site.
Enjoyed the group,the food ,and the fellowship
Thanks,Andy for your hospitality