Pennsylvania Fly Fishing

George Daniel - Tying and Fishing a Modified Murdich Minnow

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George shares how to tie and fish one of his favorite warm water streamers- a slightly modified Murdich Minnow. You can find more of George's video's on YouTube

George Daniel - Tying and Fishing a Modified Murdich Minnow

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George shares how to tie and fish one of his favorite warm water streamers- a slightly modified Murdich Minnow. You can find more of George's video's on YouTube

The 10 Best Fly Fishing Rivers in Montana

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By Brian McGeehan

Montana boasts perhaps the highest concentration of quality fly fishing for trout in the world. With a network of well-maintained roads and public access areas, fishing the best rivers, creeks, and lakes in Montana is logistically very easy. Compared to the remote and secluded rivers of Chile and Argentina, a Montana fly fishing trip is well within reach regardless of where home is. Additionally, Montana's best fly fishing waters have an abundance of experienced, professional fishing guides that intimately know the habits of these rivers, creeks, and lakes and the fish that swim in them. From consistent tailwater rivers like the Missouri River near Helena and Great Falls to wild and untamed freestones like the Yellowstone River near Bozeman and Livingston, and with all sorts smaller creeks and rivers in between, Montana has it all. To fish the best waters at the best times in Montana...

Dry Dropper Magic: Fly Fishing a Challenging Spring Creek

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Dave Rothrock and John Kolb fly fish a small spring creek and have plenty of action for a fun afternoon of fly fishing. The stream is a very challenging stream to fish with super spooky fish and very subtle takes. The stream challenged John and Dave. In the end, they managed to catch a good amount of fish. The dry dropper setup worked really well and a lot of fish were caught with either a sulphur dry fly or a sexy Waltz Worm.

Trout Town Triumph! Millheim Selected as the Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania

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PENNSYLVANIA, May 27, 2024 -
The angling aficionados at Paflyfish, an online community of fly fishing anglers, have selected Millheim as the Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania for 2024. Millheim is a small borough situated in a pleasant rural setting nestled in the Nittany Valley of Centre County. This trout-tastic town is home to some of the premier fly-fishing waters in the region. It is no secret to anglers that it also holds a charm all its own when it comes to fly fishing.

Members of the Pennsylvania fly-fishing community at selected Millheim in a recent poll as the Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania. It was identified for not only its close proximity to the many wonderful streams in the area but also...

Vote for the Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania 2024

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Frequently on Paflyfish, the question arises as to which is the best fly fishing town in Pennsylvania. It's a fun debate based on a lot of personal characteristics that determine what makes the best town. The last time we took a vote, Bellefonte was selected several years ago. However, times have changed, and it's time for another vote.

Some criteria for the best town could be:
- Fly fishing streams
- Nearby fly shops
- Food options including restaurants, taverns, and bars
- Overnight options such as campgrounds, Airbnbs, or hotels
- Travel distances to the town
- Or whatever inspires you for your favorite town!

Of course, when we are picking a town, this could include a village, hamlet, township, or other community in the state.

A thread was created, and nominations were taken for our top town vote. It was nice to hear calls for Ansonia and Hinkletown, but sadly, there wasn't enough support. However, we did receive the most support for Boiling Springs, Carlisle, Cross...

March Brown Dry Fly Pattern by Gary Morin

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Eastern March Browns (Maccaffertium vicarium) are a spring mayfly that can be found in many streams throughout Pennsylvania. They are predominantly found in Central Pennsylvania's popular streams like Penns, Middle, Big Fishing, and others.

Once thought to be a separate species, Gray Foxes are a little smaller and look similar to the March Brown, but have been identified through DNA to be the same species. Some will tie a very different pattern for a Gray Fox pattern depending on the stream.

March Browns are one of the first large mayflies to emerge, starting as early as late April and going into early May. Unlike many other hatches, they will often emerge throughout the day rather than at an expected time. They offer a great evening spinner fall when returning to lay their eggs. I like a rather large Rusty Brown Spinner pattern when the time is right.

Here is a nice pattern by Gary Morin found on his...

Fishy Intentions on a Pa Keystone Select Stream

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I enjoy many of the YouTube videos posted about fly fishing in Pennsylvania. A long-time member of PaFlyFish, @mute has been posting his videos for several years on his channel Fishy Intentions. He covers all kinds of streams, mostly from Southeastern Pennsylvania. I like the streams that are covered because he shares a great mix of all types of trout fly fishing that you find in the state. It really represents all the different waters and trout species. He also seems quite proficient at finding and catching palomino trout.

His latest video covers a recent day trip to a Keystone Select stream and some of the action with him and his friends. @mute also has a blog called Fishy Intentions where he posts details about his fishing trips.

Nominations for the Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania 2024

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A recently resurrected topic has inspired me to explore the idea of the "Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania." This question was asked and a poll taken back in 2009, but it is time to see if it's time to crown a new town for the illustrious title.

I'm asking for nominations before I set up a poll to vote on the "Best Fly Fishing Town in Pennsylvania." Please feel free to post your favorite town and what makes it a special fly fishing town. Yes, it should be a town in Pennsylvania.

Some criteria for the best town could be:
Fly fishing streams
Nearby fly shops
Food options including restaurants, taverns, and bars
Overnight options for campgrounds, Airbnbs, or hotels
Travel distances to the town
or whatever inspires you for your favorite town

We will leave nominations open for a couple of weeks. Afterward, I will close the thread and tally up the top nominees. I will take the top five nominees and create a new thread with a poll to determine our winner...

Penns Creek, Hatch Factory with Rick Nyles - Recorded Webinar

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Penns Creek, Hatch Factory with Rick Nyles
It is no secret that Penns Creek is regarded as one of Pennsylvania’s premier wild trout waterways. This status comes out of respect for the challenge and intrigue this stream has for anglers. If you want to learn more about this fantastic trout stream. Rick will cover the prolific bug life, the seasonal fishing and the overall stream tips. An exciting recorded webinar not to be missed.
Recorded November 7, 2022