2016 North Central PA Summit 9/30-10/2

I would like to come up if there is still room
Always room! Watch this thread over the next month or so for some serious planning.
Brad the hope is that w/ a little less than 2 months to go, some rain will hit the area!

It looks like I will not be making the outing this year. I have a guide trip to do that weekend. I hate to miss the trip. I've attended everyone since they started and they all have been a blast. Good fishing, Great food and an Awesome time with some fellow fly fishermen. Hopefully I won't loose my bed at the camp for next season Ha Ha. And again a big thank you to Andy and his Dad for opening up there place to us all. I'll be looking forward to next years trip.

Just to add to BradFromPotter post. He's a little bit farther north then my place in Cross Forks. I've been up to my place the past four weekends and the waters are definitely in the worst shape I've seen them in a long time. Kettle, Pine and the tributaries are in bad shape, the good thing is no dead fish seen yet. Believe it or not I had to break out the bass gear and you guys know I am a die hard wet fly guy for trout. Bass fishing on the Bush dam and lower Kettle has been pretty good and also on Pine below Waterville.

But I am sure as Andy stated the rains will hit before October for another great North Central PA Summit. I'll be looking forward to reading about the trip. See you guys next year.
BradFromPotter wrote:
Better bring lots of water with you when you come up. Things are pretty ugly up here! :-(

But then there is...


They might be onto something there. New for 2016, Exclusive group flyfishing program. And its "Catch Or Release Fishing". Unfortunately for the group, the flyfishing pond is only available on Wednesdays through the end of September, so it looks like the early birds for this jam are the only ones that will catch the green weenie.
My Dad was up to our place 2 weeks ago, he doesn't fish but said the Oswayo was a trickle. Renting a rowboat at Lyman lake and trolling a streamer may be a good option. I did that once on a business trip to Canada. We caught stocked rainbows, I wasn't rowing so it was pretty cool.
Ahh Wetfly I can't believe you're gonna miss it. That's a real bummer!
Interested in coming up - checking on probability at the moment
We'd love to have you! You can have Wetfly's bed...
One month to go! Let's roll call this thang!

Skybay, you got the menu worked out!?
I hope you guys get some rain by then. NWS is calling for above normal temps and below normal precip through mid-September. Water temps obviously will be fine by then, for what little water there is. I have never seen it this dry up here.
salvelinus wrote:
I hope you guys get some rain by then. NWS is calling for above normal temps and below normal precip through mid-September. Water temps obviously will be fine by then, for what little water there is. I have never seen it this dry up here.

This has been the story of this summit. Last year, super-dry as well (maybe not this dry, but pretty dry), and the Friday night and Saturday it rained ALL day. Fishing was fantastic on Saturday. The rain brought all the fish out!

But, we can't control the weather. We can, however, control the good times!

gfoledc wrote:
I will be there
Great! Just an FYI for you, Roger, and for anyone else who's never been there before and may need directions, I will send out PMs a few days before the Summit w/ Google map coordinates to the cabin.

If I miss someone, please PM me prior to Wed. that week!
Watchin' this tropical storm. could bring some much needed rain for the Northeast.
After last years great time I'll be there.
Well, unfortunately, Kelly and I will not be able to make it this year. This makes us both sad as it's such a good time up there fishing and spending time with everyone. The 30th is my little brother's bday and the 1st is the Fly Fishing Film Tour in York. We were ready to skip both of these events to go but we just don't have enough vac. time left at work. We took a couple extra days off this year recently for a special trip I planned. During this trip I proposed and Kelly and I are now engaged. We will definitely miss everyone this year. Just writing this and realizing the realty that we're not attending is a real bummer. We both wish everyone the best and hope the trip is a success for all that go.
Bummer Chris!

Some may be concerned about the streams. I've been thinking about cancelling this year's summit due to drought conditions, but I decided to not do that. The drought is a concern for sure, but fishing is only one side of these events. If the trout streams are still deadly low, we have options for chasing warm water species. So come prepared for smallie action. God's Country Smallmouth can and are just as rewarding as God's Country trout!