Paflyfish Jamboree 2015 - May 15-17

In my recent travels to South America, I was offered Tripe Soup that actually turned out to be pretty good, Definitely a.... Acquired taste... just as tofu is pretty good in Chinese soups like hot and sour. Although I wouldn't eat either raw, that would be rough.
LA, Did you try the Gunea Pig?
FarmerDave wrote:
LA, Did you try the Gunea Pig?

I could be wrong, but I think that's fairly Peru specific. Unless he was actually in Peru, then ignore me. This thread has me thinking I may bring some chicken liver and bourbon pate to El jammo. It's pretty ridonk, if you like weird meat gelatins.

Boyer, that sounds awesome!
I'd try that Matt, although 2 years ago I had no takers on the Gefilte Fish
bikerfish wrote:
Boyer, that sounds awesome!

I second that.

Chickens livers.

What''s not to love?

Hell, just bring both ingredients and I'll mix them myself.;-)

Norm, Sorry I did not try your Gefilte Fish. It was completely insensitive of your culture which I apologize for, but I assure you that it was only an oversight. Even my spell checker doesn't recognize the word Gefilta. But I did have some of the JBQ.

How about this year we buy some bagels, cream cheese, green onions, herbs, a lemon, and then smoke a couple of fresh caught trout and make lox and bagels PAFF style? Of course it would require us actually catching more than one but I'm optimistic. Then again, maybe we should catch the trout first, just in case.

FarmerDave wrote:
skybay wrote:
I would like to introduce another delicatessen to compete with the scrapple:
Tripe soup: great when is bang with some paprika and majoran: delicious! :p

I may some day try Tripe soup just for the hell of it, but probably not in the near future. I would consider trying haggis, too. However, I draw the line at chitlins.

Yea, I know where natural sausage casing comes from, but come on!

This discussion reminds me of the old joke where the wife was criticizing her husband for ordering beef tongue.

"How could you eat something that came out of a cow's mouth?!

Then she ordered a couple eggs.
I've had Haggis and what I had was very good, it's sorta like Scrapple, but different. Made with lamb instead of pork, and oatmeal instead of corn meal.
from wiki;
Haggis is a savoury pudding containing sheep's pluck (heart, liver and lungs); minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, traditionally encased in the animal's stomach[1] and nowadays often in an artificial casing. According to the 2001 English edition of the Larousse Gastronomique: "Although its description is not immediately appealing, haggis has an excellent nutty texture and delicious savoury flavour".[2]

It is believed that food similar to haggis (though not so named), perishable offal quickly cooked inside an animal's stomach, all conveniently available after a hunt, was eaten from ancient times.[3][4][5]

Although the name "hagws" or "hagese" was first used in England c1430, the dish came to be considered traditionally Scottish, even the national dish,[6] as a result of Scots poet Robert Burns' poem Address to a Haggis of 1787. Haggis is traditionally served with "neeps and tatties", boiled and mashed separately, and a dram (a glass of Scotch whisky), especially as the main course of a Burns supper."
RickinPa wrote:
Does anyone have a cabin spot open for the Jam? Looking for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.


Rick, check with LesTrout who has an earlier post on here. He reserved a cabin for the two of us and said there was room for more. I do not know if he has gotten anyone else yet.

Now I have a few other questions as the time to leave and drive north will be here before I know it.

I am trying to go through my flies to bring and I saw a listing of some I should consider but what sizes are most common?

Also, I saw someone mentioned that there will be a smoker up there working overtime. Do we get together for a group meal one night, like Saturday. I was looking at bringing my small smoker with me, if I have room in my car, to cook up some pulled pork. I have been told mine is pretty good.

Looking forward to meeting all of you and fish some great water.
Boyer, you still owe me a home brew, an elephant NEVER forgets. LOL GG
Grizzz, and all, there really is no group meal, but the pavilion is rented for the whole weekend, I think Friday at 3:00 until Sunday at Noon. The CG may not mind if it is used a little outside those limits, but the user should check.

Often groups form and have joint meals and cookouts at someone site and once the pavilion is ours, anyone attending should feel free to use the area for meals. I would recommend bringing what you need to cook your own meals, and if you want to share, I am sure people will share back. There is one large grill at the pavilion, which has just been a first-come first-served matter, but hopefully all attendees will be courteous not the hog the whole grill for a long period of time.

As the time approaches, a cooking and food sharing event may arise, such as a "chilli cookoff" that had developed in the past. If you find yourself without something, it is likely someone might help you out, but it is best to prepare to be self-sufficient. We have a raffle that raises funds to purchase the pavilion use, fund firewood if needed (but if anyone brings wood for the fire, such in-kind donations are appreciated), and to purchase coffee, coffee cups, Creamer and some stirrers and other things for coffee gathering the AM of Saturday and Sunday. The balance of donations are donated to worthy organizations, after reserving a small balance to take care of initial purchases made by the de facto organizers.

The Jamboree is basically a community effort. The only organization is the selecting of a date and time, securing the pavilion and firewood, and providing the coffee service at the rented pavilion. On Saturday night, Dave (our PAFF host) takes the privilege for a short while to conduct the raffle and say a few words.

On Friday and Saturday evenings, and Saturday and Sunday mornings, the organizers have (in the past) invited speakers or presenters to speak to the group. I am not sure what, if anything was arranged for this year. We discourage and commercial exploitation of the event at the pavilion, but what is done on one's own site is up to the individual.

It is getting close and I am looking forward to it.
Jack, do you want me to do the coffee this year? GG
I think if we get a plan together Friday we can see who will be up first and get them trained to start the first kettle. We need to see who is bringing urns. The last couple years experience suggests that two 30+ cup urns/percolators would make thing flow more efficiently. Always looking for help.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Jack, do you want me to do the coffee this year? GG

If so, I guess that means I will be in charge of waking you at about 5:00AM. :p

I ended up with the 30 or 50 cup Coffee Urn last year along with a box full of cups and other stuff. I will bring that stuff....but by no means am I getting up that early....I may be up that late however if history is any judge.
Absolutely. Misery loves company. Last years cluster proved that a committee is needed to make coffee. I only remember one big pot? GG
Only one urn, but a lot of drinkers at around 800 AM, so I suggest we try to get another one going, even if smaller to keep the java flowing.
Get up earlier!! GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Boyer, you still owe me a home brew, an elephant NEVER forgets. LOL GG

Getting ready to make a batch in the next week or so specifically for the Jam, but just in case, I have a bottle or two of my last batch set aside for you, man. What day you heading up? Haha, I need to know how long I have to fight my cabin mates off of my beer.

I am looking into a simple timer for the coffee urn. The monster took over 40 minutes to perk. I got up at 6:00 to it on in the mornings. Much too early for me.