Paflyfish Jamboree 2015 - May 15-17

hey no scrappling on here this is a gentlemens forum lol
Scrapple is scrapple it is all made in the USA!

Being a PA transplant from Virginia, I had to look it up...

From Wikipedia:

Scraps of meat left over from butchering, not used or sold elsewhere, were made into scrapple to avoid waste.

So, I have to ask, is the meat in scrapple the meat that did not make the cut for hotdogs?
No, it is on par with hot dog meat once you burn all the fat away.
Jack, it's called LIVER mush! Aka grapple! GG
Scrapple is nothing, you gotta go for puddin'. Plus a prescription for Lipitor.
I would love to attend if I can secure a cabin spot. Sounds like a great time.
salvelinus wrote:
Scrapple is nothing, you gotta go for puddin'. Plus a prescription for Lipitor.

Just to be clear to those in fear of eating scrapple due to the cholesterol in it...

Latest guidlines state that dietary cholesterol is NOT a major contributor to blood cholesterol.

On the other hand, saturated fats is, so best to cook your scrapple in the George Forman.;-)

Funny. My spell checker doesn't recognize "scrapple." Must be created by communists.;-)

I happen to know that the scrapple that Norm brought last year was fat free. ... Or maybe that was free fat. Can't remember.
I have to back out. I found out yesterday my new work schedule has me leaving for Boston at 2 pm on Sundays.
FarmerDave wrote:
JackM wrote:
I'm not claiming polenta and animal scraps is better when in the Italian iterations. Just sayin' it doesn't only exist in the PA Dutch form.

I'm no expert, only ever having scrapple once, but it seems to me that is not even close. No offense intended, but polenta is just a fancy name for grits. I personally have had grits polenta of times. But the corn substance in scrapple seems to be a much finer product.

Italian version is probably more like bland haggis.
The finer stuff is usually corn meal. As for Italian, it would probably have fennel and garlic in it, and be shrouded in some type of sauce.
FarmerDave wrote:
salvelinus wrote:
Scrapple is nothing, you gotta go for puddin'. Plus a prescription for Lipitor.

Just to be clear to those in fear of eating scrapple due to the cholesterol in it...

Latest guidlines state that dietary cholesterol is NOT a major contributor to blood cholesterol.

On the other hand, saturated fats is, so best to cook your scrapple in the George Forman.;-)

Funny. My spell checker doesn't recognize "scrapple." Must be created by communists.;-)

I happen to know that the scrapple that Norm brought last year was fat free. ... Or maybe that was free fat. Can't remember.

Or you could eat deer or elk scrapple.
Does anyone have a cabin spot open for the Jam? Looking for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.

Chaz wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
salvelinus wrote:
Scrapple is nothing, you gotta go for puddin'. Plus a prescription for Lipitor.

Just to be clear to those in fear of eating scrapple due to the cholesterol in it...

Latest guidlines state that dietary cholesterol is NOT a major contributor to blood cholesterol.

On the other hand, saturated fats is, so best to cook your scrapple in the George Forman.;-)

Funny. My spell checker doesn't recognize "scrapple." Must be created by communists.;-)

I happen to know that the scrapple that Norm brought last year was fat free. ... Or maybe that was free fat. Can't remember.

Or you could eat deer or elk scrapple.

Sorry, I leave those parts in the woods.
Cathy, you could always come up for the Saturday, which is probably what I will do.
Scrapple making is coming up on the Travel Chanel, if you are interested. I know DKile enjoys this episode #ScrappleRocks
Here is the Neptune Diner on the Travel Channel showing off scrapple.

This is what is all about. The Neptune is where a lot of us meet before the Lancaster Fly Fishing show BTW.
I would like to introduce another delicatessen to compete with the scrapple:
Tripe soup: great when is bang with some paprika and majoran: delicious! :p


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skybay wrote:
I would like to introduce another delicatessen to compete with the scrapple:
Tripe soup: great when is bang with some paprika and majoran: delicious! :p

I may some day try Tripe soup just for the hell of it, but probably not in the near future. I would consider trying haggis, too. However, I draw the line at chitlins.

Yea, I know where natural sausage casing comes from, but come on!

This discussion reminds me of the old joke where the wife was criticizing her husband for ordering beef tongue.

"How could you eat something that came out of a cow's mouth?!

Then she ordered a couple eggs.

Tried haggis ONCE. Actually, it's pretty good. Just eat the stuffing (potatoes & sausage).

Tripe? Eeeewwwww!!! NO WAY.

Equally disgusting is head cheese.

Chitlins? Uhhhhh, no.

There are people that like "rocky mountain oysters", too.
Maybe you are thinking of a different kind of head cheese, but the stuff I have tried is actually pretty good. It's the pickled variety that is probably more accurately called souse. My wife loves [d]head cheese[/d] souse.

And now that dietary cholesterol is no longer a major concern, we might have it more often as a snack. Good on crackers.

We also like Braunschweiger/liverwurst. She also has another name for it that is probably Ukrainian.
Tripe = chitterlings= barff. Used to eat pepper pot soup till I saw it had tripe in it. It was the villi on the piece I checked that did me in. GG