Paflyfish Jamboree 2015 - May 15-17

Great shots, Pat. Fun weekend, indeed.
Nice to finally meet you and BS and laugh and have a soda or two. Love the tiger... was that in a brookie stream?
Oh, and great pics skybay! Everyone else, post your pics please!

Greenghost, great meeting you as well. Yeah, the tiger came from a brookie stream. Same stream as the brookie pics and Murph. It was Saturday morning. It was the first fish I truly landed of the jam (had a long line release prior). I've now fished that stream twice, once when it was too high, and now once when too low. I have not caught a brown in it, but even before catching the tiger, I would expect it has a few.
Pat, great pictures, thanks for sharing. I look forward to joining you guys for a jam one of these years. Right now, I have two family "jams" each year and I am pretty sure that my wife may protest if I add a third.

Congratulations on the tiger trout; it is a beauty!

I was wondering what kind of snakes were in the two pictures?
Thanks. The first, I'm not sure. Thinking a brown snake? The second is clearly a water snake, of which we saw many. The turtle I think is a Wood Turtle. We also saw a mink and a snapping turtle, but no pics of those.
I regret not being able to go this year.
Wow no Csoult, no Shakey, no Squatch....but Jared was there with his trusty camera and carpet munching flies (one of which hangs proudly in my cabin w/ a PAFF sticker!)

Good pics as usual from Jared. I'm gonna have to let you fellows play w/ the settings on my camera. My pictures always suuuuuck.
that looked like a tortoise to me....
Had a great time, fishing was good , the guys that I fished with were top shelf. Can't wait until next year.
A bit late but, here are a few photos from the Jam. Most of the photos are from the Poe Paddy area of Penns. The small water was a little creek we crossed on the way to Penns.