Paflyfish Jamboree 2015 - May 15-17

Exactly two weeks from now there will be a whole lot of PAFFers drinking coffee and holding their heads.
JackM wrote:
Exactly two weeks from now there will be a whole lot of PAFFers drinking coffee and holding their heads.

Trying to figure out if even the Brookie streams are blown out.

On a serious note, start a roll call here or a new thread?
If there isn't one already, it is time for a roll call thread.
I'll be arriving on the afternoon of Friday, 5/15 and camping at Poe Paddy State Park and staying through Monday, 5/18.

If anyone is interested in getting together to fish some while there, look me up or msg me. I'm wanting/planning to fish the following:

Big Fishing Creek (the Narrows stretch)
Penn's Creek (in and around Poe Paddy)

I'd also like to hit up one or two small brookie streams with my 3wt.

Looking forward to this trip. I'm also going to be staying in Leonard Harrison State Park (Pine Creek Gorge) from 5/11 - 5/15 and fishing Pine Creek and other streams in the surrounding area.

Hope to see you guys there!

anybody have a room in the cabin for Sat-Sun night
? :)
So, what time do most of the fellows head out to the streams in the morning? Thinking of driving up in the morning from Carlisle. Would really like to hook up with someone and fish streams I've never been to.
joebamboo wrote:
So, what time do most of the fellows head out to the streams in the morning? Thinking of driving up in the morning from Carlisle. Would really like to hook up with someone and fish streams I've never been to.

It's not generally an early start (esp on Sunday). If you arrive around 8-10am they will likely be the usual coffee crew at the pavilion. Some folks don't even head out until afternoon as the prime fishing is, of course, the evening hatches.
Planning on dropping by Saturday evening thanks to the reminder from good friend Ed.Hope to meet some of the forum members in person.
Now that I have bought a toon and practiced a few times on a lake,I'm ready to meet some forum members who would i can tag along with on their floats,so I can keep it safe.
I think it high time we get some name tags at the jam, so people can identify themselves. I am looking forward to it and spoke to 7 Mountains rep yesterday and she told me they are looking forward to hosting us.

As much as we need the CG to accommodate us and our hours, I would like to remind all comers that there will be regulars and guests at the CG not affiliated with us that may not appreciate our taking over and violating quiet hours, so please do your level best to minimize our impact. Let's try to keep all noise, music, group conversations near the pavillion during dark hours and even in the daylight, be mindful that conversations and language can be overheard by people and children.

OK, a word to the wise-- no more church-lady posts. :cool:
Hey guys, I am kicking around the idea of bringing my smoker with me and smoking a couple of Pork Butts for Pulled Pork Sandwiches on Saturday night. (I have been told that I do this pretty well.) Before I do this I wanted to see if there was enough interest from all of you to make it worth while. So let me know.
GRIZZ...Thats a fantastic idea...lets put it this way, it won't go to waste. In fact, I will pick up the buns. Just let me know how many.
Competition for pro4mormance. GG
I’m horrible with the hotel bookings for FF events (I’m ‘No Reservation type of guy’…) so I may sleep under my Jetta or by the creek somewhere, ready for the action. Expect my appearance for Saturday and Sunday. Will roll vid cam at “ the better moments”.
Grizz: idea of bringing the smoker is excellent.
Where is Shaky? Can’t miss his tunes~~~~~


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There is never a competition regarding JBque, only enjoyment. I could always do another kind of smoked #MEAT. The smoker will be there either way. Have to keep friends happy otherwise I would have none.
Hey Pro4 I wasn't trying to "Butt-In" on what you usually do. I think I am going to do the smoking here tomorrow and bring it up with me. Just don't have enough room in my vehicle to bring the WSM with me.

Maurice, not sure how many buns we need since I don't know how hungry this crowd gets. I will let you figure from the number of folks coming as to how many to buy. There will be plenty of pork to fill them.
Grizz I didn't take it that way, plenty going on and around.
Foot in mouth again. ,sorry if I misspoke. GG
GG, no offense taken at all. As a matter of fact, I love a little competition. That is how I get better with my Q making. So Pro4 bring on your Pulled Pork and lets see who wins. :-D
Any judge will need to eat two sandwiches as a minimum.

In another vein:

The question has often been asked: what is the cost of the Jamboree? And the answer has always been: nothing. But in the distant past, dealing with a location for late-night gatherings and the need for firewood, and eventually wanting to provide a "coffee service," it has become a tradition to hold a raffle on Saturday night from mostly donated prizes, which are really quite valuable, to raise money for, in order, payment for pavilion rental, payment for firewood consumed, reimbursement for coffee, creamer, sugar, cups, etc., so we can all join for a cup of "jo" on Saturday and Sunday. In the past, when those collections have exceeded costs, donations have been made of the excess to worthy conservation-oriented organizations.

If anyone wants to contribute "in kind" may I suggest: legal fire wood, plastic place settings, plates, bowls, knives forks spoons, cups, slat pepper, ice, oops, ice....
Skybay check your PM.

Grizz how much Butt did you smoke so I can plan accordingly, I usually get some ribs also or whatever looks good at the store when we go.

Dkile besides the scrapple I pick up some pork roll for you to try, it was a south jersey thing. Pork roll, egg, and cheese on a hard role, used to sneak out of temple as a kid to meet my friend for those sandwiches