Paflyfish Jamboree 2015 - May 15-17

Pro4, I have two 9 lb Butts on the smoker right now. I should get 11 to 12 lbs of shredded pork.

Man I am so looking forward to this trip.
Grizzz wrote:
Pro4, I have two 9 lb Butts on the smoker right now. I should get 11 to 12 lbs of shredded pork.

Man I am so looking forward to this trip.

So thats about 48 sammiches (@1/4 lb each) What about you Norm?

I may just get 100 buns.
Sounds like some good eatin...

Just to reiterate Jack's recent comments about respectful behavior at the campground, it should also be emphasized that this event should not be seen as an opportunity to conduct business.
If you have an item to donate for the raffle on Sat evening that is fine (I'll do a painting again), however efforts to promote one's wares or score sales are unwelcome. If you've got an item you think you may have a buyer for, or some neat merchandise, keep them in your car or cabin please. The pavilion gathering is not a business opportunity. Thanks for the cooperation.
You know you are getting close to being in the right spot when the spinner fall in your hotels parking lot is heavier then anything you have seen in Georgia.

Made it to Hagerstown tonight. Will be at the campground early tomorrow. Is there some central place to meet you guys?
People at the pavilion after 200 pm tomorrow should be our group through Sunday around noon. See you there.

There is a large pavilion next to the camp office that becomes our central point to meet-up, tie flies, have coffee, a beer or whatever floats your boat. A couple guys are likely already there tonight. Plenty more will start showing up in the afternoon. Hoping to get there by 2:00 myself.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone and scrapple!

Hey everyone, bring your own BBQ sauce with you for the Pulled Pork Sandwiches. I serve my Pork "naked" since everyone has their own favorite. I have a favorite of mine with me from the Deep South.
Couldn't make the Jam this year (bad wheel still mending) but I understand no fish were caught, no food was eaten, and there was no consumption of adult beverages at this year's Jam.
afishinado wrote:
Couldn't make the Jam this year (bad wheel still mending) but I understand no fish were caught, no food was eaten, and there was no consumption of adult beverages at this year's Jam.

Hey Gimpy - Hope that leg is getting better. We missed you at the pavillion Saturday night.

Just to make things right, I brought the "other" Tom C from Chester county with me - 'cause it just wouldn't be a Jam without a Tom C in attendance. He ate at least one of Grizzz's amazing pulled pork sammiches (in 4 bites), and had a beer in your honor.

He also caught his first Spring Creek browns on a parachute sulphur. Life is good for at least one Chester County Tom C.

Were your ears ringing? We started out telling everyone you had a torn leg muscle, but as the night wore on, it became an amputation just below your neck. :lol:
Nice to see everyone again. A lot of regulars did not make it, but I hope everyone who did (new or old) enjoyed themselves as much as me.
Sorry I missed the festivities Saturday Nite. Seems that I got some nasty bug probably Flying American Airlines.
Good to see old faces and meet new site members.
It was also good to hand the job of dish-washing off to Farmer Dave for a change.
Still recouping will post some pictures soon. GG
Art, I hope you are feeling better because you looked like crap Saturday morning-- and that's the first time I remember anyone looking more like crap than me. :cool:
JackM wrote:
Nice to see everyone again. A lot of regulars did not make it, but I hope everyone who did (new or old) enjoyed themselves as much as me.

Had a blast! Thanks to everyone.
Had a blast, didn't catch a ton of fish. Saw old friends made a few new ones. Zen if you catch something on the fly I gave you, you owe me the painting you won. #MuskieMeat
It was great seeing everybody, and a bummer for those that I missed. We fished pretty hard, and I personally had one of the best times fishing of any jam, but it made for some early nights. Art, I drank your beer last night when I got home, sorry you weren't feeling well on Saturday. Next year we're drinking one the second I pull into camp. :) I'll be dreaming about it til next year, if not the rest of my life. It was truly a memorable week.

After fishing Spring Creek in the afternoon/evening ,Heritage Angler drove me to the jam.

Finally met a bunch of guys whose posts I have read for years.

The pulled pork was excellent

Great week end.
Where are all the stories? Jack all torn on bourbon? Come on! I could not attend this year.
Left Penns with no regrets,

Driving like a maniac on Rt45, zipping trough the sleeping streets of Bellefonte, stopped on the first pool on the Spring Creek. The water was already assuredly boiling from the happy rising trout and air astir from the flying sulphurs. It was ~8PM Sunday. The day was nice but I was very late.
"#OOPS# me" as Debra from the Dexter series would say.
At the beginning, all of my offerings was refused until I tied on #16 Cahill.
Rise stopped like Ravel’s Bolero living me with open mouth, standing in the water, not exactly sure what to do next.


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Another great year of fishing and comradery. Penns and the Little J treated us well, and the weekend was topped off by winning Dave's beautiful painting.
This jam was fantastic. Brookie streams were tough, but we caught fish. The big streams were as they're supposed to be. I was there Friday-Wednesday and rotated each evening back and forth between Penns and Spring. Loads of sulphers on both. Tons of MB's on Penns in addition. Fish were lookin up and taking dries. Spring was as easy as it's supposed to be and Penns fish were as tough, and big, as they're supposed to be as well.

All in all:

- Great company
- I caught a TIGER!!!!!
- A 17ish inch Penns Creek Brown (and a bunch in the 12-15" range)
- double digit evenings on Spring
- Great camping weather

Fishing partners:

Scott (not on board)
Mike (not on board)
Tracy (not on board)

Pics (wild tiger included):

(note, in middle of the string, the triplicate campground pics with different color patterns were me playing with taking pictures through different pairs of sunglasses)