Swear word filter



Well-known member
Jan 14, 2013
Westmoreland County
Is there an option to unfilter swear words? I looked and can't find it.

Edit: I am not asking about a forum wide change. I am asking if I can set my profile so that I can view the naughty words on my account, not to make everyone have to see them.
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Doesn't offend me at all, it's just childish. Fourty three?
It obviously does or you wouldn't have felt the need to comment on it.

What is childish about it anyhow? Like seriously why is this any concern of yours? I didn't ask for a forum wide removal of a bad word filter. I asked if it was possible to turn it off on my end. People hardly even swear on here, but when they do I don't feel it necessary to have it blanked out.
While I understand your right to have free speech this forum is owned by an individual who has chosen to either block or edit out language that he feels is inappropriate for the intent of the free forum pages. I'm sure if you want to read expletives there are probably fishing forums where that language is permitted.
While I understand your right to have free speech this forum is owned by an individual who has chosen to either block or edit out language that he feels is inappropriate for the intent of the free forum pages. I'm sure if you want to read expletives there are probably fishing forums where that language is permitted.
Yes thats fine and I wasn't complaining. Most forums have an option to turn on / off word filters. I looked and couldn't find one, so I asked to see if maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place.

If I can't turn it off thats okay. I am not sure why people are getting upset at this its kind of weird.
Yes thats fine and I wasn't complaining. Most forums have an option to turn on / off word filters. I looked and couldn't find one, so I asked to see if maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place.

If I can't turn it off thats okay. I am not sure why people are getting upset at this its kind of weird.
I'm not upset you @#%*^&!! LoL
Allow me to translate for you:

******!! means %#$+@^!!
**** *** is $!~& *^#
****** means *@^!~#&

^-hole, ^$$hole, A$$hole, $#!+ for brains are self explanatory... ;)
Im sure we all do enough swearing riverside getting stuck in trees, short setting on fish, and untangling lines that we won’t miss a few stray F bombs on PAFF.