Any interest in a Newbie Mini-Jam?

No Biggie, was just wonderin
This is a great idea! I'm not new to fly fishing, but self taught and I have to admit pretty lousy, so this would be a great chance to meet some of the folks here and learn a lot of useful stuff. I will definitely try and make it and will bring some CDC and elk caddis and some soft hackle caddis pupa for the pot.
What weight line, I may have an old one you can have.
goodeyesniper wrote:
Also HA do you need me to bring anything? A table cups ect ect?

gfen wrote:
goodeyesniper wrote:
Also HA do you need me to bring anything? A table cups ect ect?


Uhhh, that'd equal jailbait for you.

I have some vintage silk fly lines we'll cut up to use. ;-) I think Adam meant tying cords for knots. Iffn you want to bring something, you could furl up a couple of leaders. I know sniper could use one.

Sniper - You're good to go. We'll be fine with the stuff I'll bring. There's several picnic tables down there.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Uhhh, that'd equal jailbait for you.

Chicks' older sisters.

Its a fly fishng demo, you know its going to be a sausage festival by default.
I just called my 16 year old grand son and he wants to go. I bought him a fly rod and waders for Christmas.
I told him these guys know a lot more than I do and I need help too.
I'am 4 hours away, but I'am going to try to make it.
HA I'll try to make, depends upon several things the most important is the weather. If it is real cold and windy no, otherwise I'm in. Any blind fish left in LL?

Don't get old to many problems.

Sausage fest for sure. Yeah it would be jailbait lol. And okay HA let me know if you need anything!
My schedule has finally shaken out, and I will be able to make it. Looking forward to it, and I'm fine with discussing flies.
I suppose I'm discussing the techniques of your flies, Jay. I suppose thats the when, where, and how? Anyway, if you're planning on throwing me any curve balls, let me know ahead of time. :)
I plan on doing a 3 part discussion. General imitators, specific imitators, and attractors. The vast majority of the material I've dreamed up so far is on general imitators. Shocking, I know.

Expect lots of simple flies with simple materials. Hare's ears (not the hoity toity traditional ones) and walt's worms, pheasants tails (ditto), some soft hackles, cdc and elk, and buggers. Since I mostly use that kind of stuff, that's what I am qualified to discuss.

Otherwise I'll briefly discuss specific imitations for a few common food items (sulphur nymph, cress bug, scud, sculpin, turkey wing caddis, sulphur comparadun, etc), then touch on attractors (prince nymph, stimulator, green weenie, etc).
Alright, thanks. I'll come up with something. I'll probably:

1. split up your flies into categories (nymphs, wets, emergers, duns, etc.), which you'll likely have already done somewhat...

2. Compare that to the evolution of various hatches and when to use each. Doesn't look like Afish has this covered in the program, and its related to mine, so....

3. Explain the techniques for each style of fly. How to get it in the desired part of the water column, how to deal with drag, etc.

As I'm followed up with indicator fishin, that'll transition nicely.
Any one planning on donating flies for the beginners? I have a pile of flys that I have bought that I dont use that I plan on handing out. Depending on how many beginners we have coming, I will tie some of the flies jayl and pcray1231 are planning on talking about, (HE, PT, walts worm). Do we know the number of beginners attending?
I'm maybe going to bring a handful.

I was going to bring some junk along to let people tie up hare's ears, or walt's worms if they want. Its crap collecting dust, but it gets the point across, and if a fish eats 'em they'll work. That and a couple cheap C clamp vises.

Tie 'em then fish 'em.
I like the idea of doing basic fly tying. IMO, fishing is nothing without at least a crude understanding of tying (and vise versa), so it's at least worth showing what goes into making a fly.
Don't get me wrong, I don't know if I'm entirely faithful in the idea that a sz10 HE will take jack in late Feb on the LL, but whatever.

It'll work somewhere. :)
Im in. I would be honored to learn from you people. Have read many great post and interested in meeting you also. I might have one handicap. Had shoulder surgery last week. will depend on what the Doctor lets me do. But at least i will be there to learn from you. Hope in the next couple weeks, i will be able to use the shoulder and fish. will be good physical therapy.
I will need some GPS location so i can get there. Never been there before. Also sounds like i might get lucky on this one and we will have 2-3 teachers per student. I can deal with that. But no yelling at me if i get it wrong. hahahaha.
I have two vises which I will bring. I will share my materials, and show some basic fly tying. Im no expert by any means, but I got the basics down enough to teach a beginner a thing or two.