Any interest in a Newbie Mini-Jam?


Should be a great get-together! If I'm not working, I'll be there to help out.
I might be able to make it, but god dang it I hate fishing the LL lol Never seem to catch anything there. On the other hand, maybe thats why I need to come to this.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
ryguyfi wrote:
I would be willing to host one in Western Pa at the Neshannock once the season kicks in. We did an informal get together last year over the grannoms and had a blast. I'd be more than happy to show some newbies from my part of the state a few things too. Probably a week or so after opening day would work best.

PM me if you have any interest.


Attaboy Ryan! We'll have the whole state covered. Your event hosting skills are well proven - you're gonna have Oram's donuts, aren'tcha..... ;-)

I say we all chip in a couple bucks and have him overnight the donuts to us.
Orams... what are those??? :-D

I think I gained 5lbs over the steelhead JAM from eating 2 of those. I might be able to make some arrangements for you guys.

*WARNING* drool proof your computer before clicking link
afishinado wrote:

Should be a great get-together! If I'm not working, I'll be there to help out.

Hey, my telepathic powers are better than I thought! I was hoping you'd be able to attend - if you can attend, ya wanna do the onstream instruction after lunch? Basically show how you'd fish a section of stream, covering the why's and how's - putting everything from the morning sessions together.

This is shaping up to be an EPIC learning event!!!
ryguyfi wrote:
Orams... what are those??? :-D

I think I gained 5lbs over the steelhead JAM from eating 2 of those. I might be able to make some arrangements for you guys.

*WARNING* drool proof your computer before clicking link

Are the filled donut's as big as the Bun's you brought? Those fillings sound great.
ryguyfi wrote:
Orams... what are those??? :-D

I think I gained 5lbs over the steelhead JAM from eating 2 of those. I might be able to make some arrangements for you guys.

*WARNING* drool proof your computer before clicking link

Are the filled donut's as big as the Bun's you brought? Those fillings sound great.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
afishinado wrote:

Should be a great get-together! If I'm not working, I'll be there to help out.

Hey, my telepathic powers are better than I thought! I was hoping you'd be able to attend - if you can attend, ya wanna do the onstream instruction after lunch? Basically show how you'd fish a section of stream, covering the why's and how's - putting everything from the morning sessions together.

This is shaping up to be an EPIC learning event!!!

An Orvis guy working with an LL Bean guy!?!.... :-o

Sorta like a Packer fan tailgating with a Stiller fan... :p

I'd be glad to if i can make it. I'm teaching some tying classes, but that's on Sunday I believe. I'm not sure about Saturday.
BTW........FYI, Old Lefty (Dave Rothrock) is one of the best fly casting instructors in the country. His classes "teach the teachers" for the FFF.

If you can make it there......make it there (whether you're a newbie or oldbie).
Hey Ed.

I would be willing to help. Im more of a student than a teacher, but Id be willing to tie some flys up or something. Let me know what I can do.

If this happens, I may catch some fish this year. I'll be there. Completely STUDENT.
I'd be interested in helping out. Not really interested in being a student (unless we're doing another casting clinic with Dave), and not really sure if I am qualified to be a teacher, but I am in. Willing to help wherever possible, provided I can make it.
I would like to attend, I am way more student than teacher, way more.

But I have never fished the LL before and never met any of you PAFF'ers either so I think it would be fun

I can't tie flies but could bring extra gear if someone needs it
Valid point, I'll bring along one loaner rod and reel.
I'd be able to bring a few setups to use too. Unless it's 35-40+ degrees, I ain't fishin.
OK, that's all I needed to see. It's a go...

2011 PAFF Newbie Mini-Jam
Saturday, 2/26/11
9am - 4pm (90 minute break for lunch at noon)
Location: Little Lehigh, next to the spring house/former fly shop.

I'll make an announcement in the events forum as well.

Jay - Can you do a short program (1/2 hour tops) on bugs/flies? Visuals would be nice.

Andy - Can you take charge of the fly collection/distribution? All tyers are encouraged to donate whatever you can for the newbies/non-tyers. We'll collect them first thing, and distribute them after lunch.

All instructors - this is informal. Do whatever you feel is appropriate for your assigned section, but keep it to a half hour, time wise. Visuals are a good thing. We'll keep the casting instruction going the whole time, which will allow individual quality instruction time. This also gives any of the instructors a chance to work with Old Lefty (if he's there) in the afternoon.

I'll provide coffee and donuts in the morning, and spring water all day.

Ryan - Lemme know what I'd owe you for three boxes of Oram's (shipped), and if you're willing to do that. I get the leftovers. :)

JasonS - You're with me. We'll fill in wherever needed, and we'll set things up. Be early, buddy.
26th, eh. I've got a pretty good shot at making this, then.

Not sure where I fit in. Not a beginner, but I'm not instructor quality either, especially as it pertains to casting. I'll do what I can to help and maybe learn a little in the process.
Thanks so much for doing this guys. It'll be worth the drive. Might be a little late though, depending on traffic. I'm not willing to leave the house much earlier than 6.
pcray1231 wrote:
Not sure where I fit in.

Oh, I'm quite sure. ;-)

Pat - Can you do a brief (1/2 hour or less) talk on some commonly used techniques used to fish the flies that Jay (hopefully) will be discussing? Don't worry about it being all-encompassing. Remember this is for beginners - simple is good. Your session will probably bring a lot of questions, and you're quick on your feet. Your session will be the last of the morning, except for the casting, so if you want to cover knots also, feel free. We'll have enough experienced guys there to make sure the newbs get individual instruction on knots. This can go on in conjunction with the casting, up until lunchtime.

Pontus - Glad you like this. This is one way of showing our support for the new guys, and lends a bit of "hands on" information in addition to the beginners forum. I think it's cool that guys have an opportunity to learn and share information that is often easier done in person.
The best way to learn something is to teach it!

I could do a session on indicator fishing, supply printouts of my talking notes for the # of students, and topics include:
“Bobber” Indicators
Yarn Indicators
Dry Fly Indicators
Greased Leader and Sight Fishing
Rigging Indicators - slip ons, yarn with clinch knot to leader, split shot
Rigging Dry Fly Indicators - connecting the point fly to the bend of the hook of the top fly, connecting the point fly to the eye of the top fly, and blood knot dropper

Should be able to bring some flies up, as well. Hope the weather doesn't suck......
