Any interest in a Newbie Mini-Jam?

Sounds great, Keith! I'll slot you in.

Really, this isn't even something you need to plan that much for, but if you want to - go for it. Considering the subjects involved, the guys that will be speaking should be able to do this in their sleep, and they probably do!

Just imagine being a newbie, and being able to tap into the immense experience pool of the people speaking. People pay hundreds of dollars for classes being taught by instructors of this caliber - if they're lucky. A good mentor can really accelerate a beginning flyfisher's learning curve. PAFF is a great place to get that kind of mentoring, and to get it in person is priceless.

To my knowledge, this is the first I've ever seen of an internet flyfishing forum offering a program like this for beginners.
goodeyesniper wrote:
Im there. Let me know dates and everything asap

Hi sniper - here's the scoop:

2011 PAFF Newbie Mini-Jam
Saturday, 2/26/11
9am - 4pm (90 minute break for lunch at noon)
Location: Little Lehigh, next to the spring house/former fly shop.

Your post in the stream section was what got me thinking about this. Bring your gear along - you're gonna have a great time! Hope you have some room in your fly box. ;-)

I was so excited I just quick said im in and didn't even read the rest of the posts to find the date!!!!!!!!!!!! I have room don't worry, I don't have many flies at all lol. I can't wait im excited!
Also check your in box Heritage-angler!
I will try to make but I have my Tu banquette that same day and there is the car issue too but it should be fixed by than
Fredrick wrote:
I will try to make but I have my Tu banquette that same day and there is the car issue too but it should be fixed by than

Was hoping you'd be there. If the Southpaw can't make it, the casting session is up to me and you. Good practice for your upcoming CCI exam. :-D
Fish, teach, learn, eat,'s all good. Should be a great time.
Sounds like a great time and a great idea.

I will gladly take charge of the fly distribution. Anyone willing to tie some flys or donate let me know roughly how many and what you are going to bring so we all dont bring PTs and HEs. I will also bring my materials and vise. Im no expert by any means, but I can do the basics pretty well and will gladly help anyone with tying.
I think this is a really great idea. Fly fishing can be intimidating and this mini-jam will really help get over that.

I'm probably not the best guy to do knots. My knots work for me and I'm quick with them. I can do blood knots, nail knots, surgeons knots, etc. But streamside, I'm poor at those and lean heavily on bastardized varieties of the clinch knot. Probably shouldn't be teaching my bad habits to beginners, better to teach them the "proper" methods.

Heck, thats my whole flyfishing style. Bastardizing what you're supposed to do to make it work for me. :)

But situations and techniques, I'm cool with. If such discussion is supposed to jive with the flies Jay is gonna discuss, I should probably briefly touch base with Jay.
pcray, it's not bastardizing, it's adapting and refining to make it work for you. Some would say it's the process of defining your style ;-)

Dave R.
It's called laziness. My old method works, I'm good at it (meaning quick). At some point I found out I wasn't doing it "properly", and learning to do it properly might result in slightly better performance. But that wasn't worth the extra learning curve, I've unfortunately gotten set in my ways on knots....

Nonetheless, had I done it right the first time, I'd have gotten good on the proper methods instead of the improper ones. For newbies, I'm thus not the one to teach them.

But when and where to use what, when and where to avoid drag or utilize it, casts to solve those odd "nonperfect" situations, riggings, etc. I'm ok with all of that.
I think I can make it and will handle knots if you would like. Or I can team up with pcray. Let me know.
Would an event like this be closed to YOUNZERS?
I'd say of course it isn't, but fair warning: you'll be passing by some *fantastic* fishing to get here!
Just let me know & I'll help.
skiltonian, I really look forward to that. I have a TON to learn in that dept!

Fredericks post also got me thinking, ride share wise, I live in Montco near the Willow Grove TP exit if anyone needs a ride up.
Adam - Really appreciate you volunteering to do knots. Can you bring some pieces of cord to provide an easy to see visual? It's cool if guys want to work together when talking about these subjects - we're all working together to help those that want to learn. I suspect that you'll need help in providing individual attention to those that want to learn knots - our time is limited.

My intent was to have instructors get some advanced warning on what they'll be covering. Given the caliber of the guys instructing, you could easily do this off the cuff, but I didn't want to put anyone on the spot. This is basic stuff, and you'd all probably have a tougher time remembering how long ago you learned these things!

Skiltonian is dead on about the teaching thing. The experienced guys often take the basics for granted, but when you have to teach a student, it forces you to pay attention to the details. I have complete confidence you guys will provide a learning experience for our newcomers that they'll likely never find anywhere else. Some guys are lucky enough to have a good mentor - it shortens the learning curve considerably. Hopefully, we'll provide a good foundation for new guys to build on for the future.
osprey wrote:
Would an event like this be closed to YOUNZERS?

Yinzers are welcome. No Penguins jerseys allowed though. This is FLYERS country. ;-)