Toothy Critter Success Thread

Not quite musky or pike but had pickerel slamming poppers right off the bank all weekend. Did see a 30ish inch pike tossed on the bank to die though....
Awesome! Sucks to hear about the pike....mustve been a bitter bass fisherman.

Got another one tonight! This thing ROCKED my world compared to that smaller one last week. This stuff is like drugs.

Was too busy freaking out and forgot to get a measurement. I took the tape out after and I'm thinking it was around 40. I taped it out at 38 and it was definitely bigger than that. I don't want to say anything over 40 though because I am not positive, and I want that as another milestone to pass haha. What do you guys think?

T, nice fish!

After reading this thread, I want to try the Esox thing.
Give me some of your musky mojo T! I'm going Friday after work to a local lake. Haven't gone in a few weeks. Nice catch!
Thanks brookie chaser

BlueSteel89 wrote:
Give me some of your musky mojo T! I'm going Friday after work to a local lake. Haven't gone in a few weeks. Nice catch!

Thanks man. If you don't have any, tie up some olive back, white bellied flies in the 5-7 inch flavor. Every follow and hookup I've had this year have been on that. Could be coincidence but I haven't changed flies since! I'll post a nice picture of the fly sometime in the near future. I call it the Ludwig. Good luck man.
TLoomis wrote:
I don't want to say anything over 40 though because I am not positive, and I want that as another milestone to pass haha. What do you guys think?

It's a nice purebred - certainly close to 40 inches. In my book, any muskie on a fly is a trophy.
Tloomis. awesome fish! Congrats!

T...crushing it lately bro. Congrats. That fish is pushing the 40 mark. Is it just me or does it look like that thing has some battle scars? You're getting me all amped up, going to chase them this weekend. Going to have to make a tough decision because I don't have my gobbler yet this year.
TLoomis wrote:

Got another one tonight! This thing ROCKED my world compared to that smaller one last week. This stuff is like drugs.

Well well well, someones having quite the hot streak!

Congrats on the fish and keep it up! I've been doing the trout weenie thing for a couple weeks...this needs to change.

Thanks everyone!

Crawdad31 wrote:
T...crushing it lately bro. Congrats. That fish is pushing the 40 mark. Is it just me or does it look like that thing has some battle scars? You're getting me all amped up, going to chase them this weekend. Going to have to make a tough decision because I don't have my gobbler yet this year.

Thanks dude, and Yeah I'm going to say it was 39 just for good measure...haha pun intended. And it definitely had a mark on its side. Not really sure what it was. Didn't look like bite marks or anything. I caught it near a log jam so maybe he roughed himself up chasing bait.

jay348 wrote:

Well well well, someones having quite the hot streak!

Congrats on the fish and keep it up! I've been doing the trout weenie thing for a couple weeks...this needs to change.

Thanks man. Definitely didn't think I'd be landing two by now! After last year's beatdown it's a nice change of pace.
Great fish buddy. Looks like I better step up my game hahaha. As far as scared up fish alotta of injuries come from the spawn. Sometimes females take a beating from the males trying get them to start dropping eggs.
Nice fish Ty. Everything up here has been blown out and it doesn't look any better for a while. I need to get out bad

I can't figure out how to resize photo but here is a video

2014 First Fish:
Nice fish plombardo. I can see the excitement and chaos in your face. What a rush!