Toothy Critter Success Thread

Nice Pike! Looks like the fins are starting to color up a bit. Small or not the take was probably still vicious.
I'll be going out on Sat. with a friend. We will be fishing the Nock. Have not targeted muskies there yet but going to give it a try. Don't really know where to look but will give it a shot.

Gen fished nock on wed for musky, nothing and will be fishing it later today. As far as where to go i would start at where the Tohickon flows in
No...Start in the shallow coves. they are seeking the warmest water at this time of the year...going shallow if it has not been an extra cold night and swimming in the upper 2-3 ft of the water column in the deeper areas of the coves. Tohickon Ck cove is the antithesis of what you want. the creek is flowing well and probably cold.
Finally got out today to chase the toothies at my regular spot and managed a follow from a nice mid 30's. On my very first cast..I thought for sure I was going to hook up on this fish it kept following during a couple rounds of figure 8's but ended up fading away as only a musky can do. I've never had a fish stay on a the fly that long while figure 8ing, so that was kinda kool.... And that was the only encounter I had this evening. Crazy. Glad I got out though.
Awesome! I was going to go after muskies today but decided to take my girlfriend fly fishing for trout instead. So in other words I undid tangles for an hour in the rain lol. Good to hear someone had some action with the toothies!
It was good just see a musky after all the months of no fishing. Even though I bungled the figure 8. I really think I should have been able to convert a fish that was that "hot" on the 8. In my defense I am a little rusty once I shake the rust off I'll be puttin some metal in em'
Last night I finally boated one! Just a tad over 28". I'm still shaking! Floating a river tomorrow for them too! So stoked


Here's the fly it took

Great job T'. Nothing else in the fishing world like it. Now your ruined!
Great job T'. Nothing else in the fishing world like it. Now your ruined!

Thanks Paco, and you're not kidding! My dad and I were yelling like little school girls hahah
Great looking fish and fly. Nice job on both.


Thanks GenCon

So this morning I had a little more action on the river. The drift started off with some really nice smallies on a slightly bigger version of that fly. Then about an hour later I had a SUPER fat 40+ purebred follow my fly up to the boat in some skinny water (2-3ft). Did figure 8's and big circles for about 30 seconds, but we were moving at a pretty good clip and never saw him again. That got my blood going! I couldn't get over how wide its head was. It would've taken me for a ride thats for sure. I don't start my internship until after memorial day so I'm going to hit the lake HARD next week. Hoping for some good conditions, although the moon isn't the best.

Here was one of the many nice smallies of the day. Thankfully, only one of about 15 showed signs of spawning, and we only saw one redd. I was a little worried they would be going after the smaller musky flies and we'd be disturbing the spawn. I'd say next week they'll be full blown


Nice job TL! Those big river smallies do love to crush muskie flies.

I'll bet there's a pretty good chance you'll see that big purebred again. Hopefully, we'll see a pic of him on this thread in the near future.

No pressure. :-D
Haha I sure hope so! I wish I lived a little closer to my buddy so I could float it a bit more with him. I'm going to buy myself a john boat this summer so I can get on the Schuykill and give em a shot. I already have two trolling motors so I'll be able to strap them on and move it a bit easier than my bulky bayliner I use on the lake now haha. And it will be river capable.
Tloomis getting on the board!!! Congrats and nice tiger. That smallie is pretty impressive had a little humpback no?
Thanks crawdad and yeah it had a serious dome lol. Hitting it hard this week since it's my last week before my internship starts. Thankfully I work just down the road from the lake 😉