Toothy Critter Success Thread

This guy ate a big black bunny leech streamer this afternoon - low 30 inch range, Susquehanna River. With the ice off the rivers (at least around here) - time to get out and get a toothy fix!


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Nice fish guys. I have caught tons of different fishes. From the salt and fresh. But I never have caught a muskie. This will be the first year I try.

Pretty looking musky there Fish. '14 looks to be shaping up to be a good yr so far. I know of 6 PA guys that's landed em so far.
Awesome fish, fishidiot! Im going for the first time after work friday. Hopefully the ice at Marsh Creek has receeded to the center.
Fishidiot wrote:
This guy ate a big black bunny leech streamer this afternoon - low 30 inch range, Susquehanna River. With the ice off the rivers (at least around here) - time to get out and get a toothy fix!

He shoots, he scores! Good stuff!
BlueSteel89 wrote:
Hopefully the ice at Marsh Creek has receeded to the center.

Was there on sunday, and the main lake is still solid. There are a few hundred yards of fishable water in conestoga cove. I didn't get to actually fish, but that's another story.
I took my maiden voyage today musky fishing on the fly. I wasn't a success in the conventional sense but everything else was a success. 10 wt BVK and airflo fly line casted awesome, but back to the drawing board on my leader and a few fly patterns. I had more fun just throwing all my flies I've been tying and seeing what they did in the water. Had a great time but I quickly found the learning curve! Thanks to everyone for any info they have shared on here.

Jay, thanks for the heads up. I couldn't believe that much of it was still iced up. FYI the cove near the dam where the old outflow used to be had a good portion of fish able water as well. That is if your willing to stand in that cold water!
If your using a intermediate or full sink keep your leaders around 4.5 ft. I run a strait piece of 40 pound flouro. And about a ft long bite guard. These flys will straiten out any leader so ya don't have to worry about taper. Plus when ya pull the leader up in the guides ya only have to worry about your nailknot slipping out the guides when ya be bit
On a figure 8.

I think I will do that and incorporate a break point in case I get snagged wading. What pound/brand do you use for a bite guard? I'm also going to go to using clips.
If I use a break point I
Put between the fly line and my leader. So it goes 25 (break point) 40pound temnial part of leader. The the 80 bite guard. That way diameter aren't so extreme between the break point Nd the 80 pound bite guard. And 4 ft away from any muskys teeth.
Doing a float this Sunday with a fellow PAFF member for some musky. Couldn't be more excited. Hoping to finally boat one of these suckers!
Good Luck TL. All the lakes are still frozen around here, or I would be slingin the big uglies as well. Can't wait.
What colors do you guys think would work best in the susky during the spring time? The warmer weather has given me the itch to get out now that I live within a 5 minute walk from the River.
zfisher wrote:
What colors do you guys think would work best in the susky during the spring time? .

I'm not sure color really matters much but you'll get different opinions on this. If it were me, and the water was stained or dirty, you can't go wrong with black with a splash of orange or chartreuse. Lots of muskie guys like bright colors for much of their fishing regardless of season or conditions: red, pink, orange, fire tiger, etc.

There's a thread on muskie flies - check it out and take a look at some of the patterns and colors.
Couldn't pass up the nice weather so I decided to hit the water for a little bit this evening after some toothies. The pike action is heating up on the local waters and I've already got a few spin fishing recently so I figured now would be my best chance at getting one on the fly.......and sure enough it happened! It's a little guy, but hey you gotta start somewhere.

Nice job Streamerguy! I've been thinking about pike lately and hope to get out later this week to target them if work and weather cooperate.

For those with a hankering to catch pike on the fly....Now is time! From ice out until about mid to late April, you can find pike in shallow weedy lake coves close to shore. By summer, most pike (esp bigger ones over about 2' in length) will be deep. Large pike prefer cold water and will not likely be found in the shallows in summer in this part of the country.