Toothy Critter Success Thread

I have a couple toothy critter success stories from the Potomac recently. I have invested some more time into chasing Musky on the Fly, and it has been nice learning some new areas of the river. Last weeked, my buddy from Quantico came up with his bass boat and we fished a deep slow water stretch of the river in Washington County. First thing in the morning, I was throwing a 5 inch articulated streamer to a fallen tree, with sink tip line, and boom, I come tight to a heavy fish. I am assuming that it is a smallmouth or largemouth bass, and it takes a decent run upstream. When I finally catch sight of it, I noticed that it is a puppy 25-30 inch Musky. Success!!! and only after about 20 casts, well...not so much. I get the fish along side the boat, and grab the 17 lb floro, to guide it in. He does a little tail walk, and out comes the fly. I would count that fish, if I was a tarpon or Sailfish hunter, but alas, I believe that you need to catch a fish, to catch a fish. I spent the rest of the day backfilling the 10,000 casts.

This morning, I cannot sleep, so I head out to a wade fishing spot on the river, where I caught my last spin fishing musky, and I set up at about 0430 am. The river has a bit of an energy too it, while you are alone in the morning, standing in the fog. I make a cast to get some line out, and on my first long cast...strip...strip...strip...boom. Nice head shakes, and strong fish, but not very energized. Turns out to be a 22 inch Walleye. He is followed by an 18 inch eye, and a 4 lb channel catfish that I swore was a musky. Oh well, ESOX still evades me, but I am getting closer, and I scratched walleye off my list on a fly rod.


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Was over in nj yesterday fishing and caught this toothy critter . He blew up on my offering threw the mats . Wasn't the toothy I was hunting for but all fun still the same .

He was hiding under this stuff
I've been messin around with a two handed surf style casting a switch rods for musky. A 450 grn line chucks singles pretty well. Today I got back to my roots and put the waders on and got out on foot. And put 11ft hurt on a good musky. When your fly looks like this is a good day.



A 8wt switch. For over head casting go to off the rods grain window. I'd be more comfortable with a 9wt or 10wt switch. But the 11 ft lenght puts the butt hurt on em!
Hey folks

Been super busy with work and guiding and other personal stuff (moving) and haven't posted much lately.

I just got back from my annual pilgrimage to Wisconsin. Pre fished for 3 days took a break and then me and my buddy Phil competed in the Musky Flyfishing World Championships. Well I'm proud to say that the title has come to PA this year boys. Team Keystone Predator Outfitters took first place for the team championship. We didn't get the big fish award but we were consistent. Fishing was tough. Quite a few fish were caught but when it was said and done we pulled it off. I also caught my personal best a 47" beast that ate a figure 8 at the boat. The 47 was caught prefishing but none the less was completely awesome. Phil also caught his personal best 40" fish during the tournament. I have lots of pics and will put them up later but had to get this up and show you the beasts.



Phils 40
Wow! :-o

Some awesome fish Todd - congrats on your first place. Seeing these pics is some great motivation for us to get out and chase the big toothies this autumn. Love it!
Thanks Fishidiot. We were pretty stoked about it.
Wow, that is an awesome fish. Congrats all the way around.

The fall bite is in full swing! Got out and did some turns on the Allegheny with Td55 and another buddy. Picked up a chunky girl on a red Buford 15 min into the float. It was a great day. Thanks to my partners in crime for putting me in position.

Very nice Paco, unfortunately my plan to hit muskies hard this season have fallen thru the cracks. I haven't had the boat out on Arthur once this year, sorry to Bikerfish & Ryan for not making it happen. Will have to make a good effort next season.
Any of you guys happen to work at Lezzer Lumbar in SC? My dad has been outfitting his place with new windows and he said one of the employees is huge into muskie FF and just started a club for central PA.
I don't work in State College. But some buddies and I started then new Muskies Inc. Chapter 64 that covers central PA. Which half of our membership is musky fly fishers. I'm a member as well as the Flyfishing director for the chapter. If you have any questions or would like to join please feel free to pm me.
This thread has just been wonderful - been running nearly three years and over fifty thousands page views! However, due to potential tech glitches, we are closing it down due to the thread size.

I have started a new thread with the same title - feel free to add upcoming pics and stories to the new thread if you care to.
Spring is right around the corner and toothies should be on the move. Here's wishing for some luck with pike and muskies in 2015.

(This thread is locked)