Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd

Ah, yes. However.

This weekends festivities are northern jet dominated. Clipper type systems with no southern jet interaction. They're fairly strong, but they're clippers. They're gonna be moving pretty quick and are not moisture enhanced from the gulf or ocean. Not a ton of danger of a multiple inch type storm. Predictions are probably pretty accurate.


Check out the 120 hr. That'd be Wednesday. Big old storm to our west. If this formed like this, it wouldn't miss us, and we'd be in for real rain on Thursday or Thursday night. This is the Canadian model.

The accuweather forecast is based on the GFS, which had this system (a very wet Thursday/Thursday night) up till yesterday. It did away with it today.

I haven't dug into it too deeply, but it looks like this is a phasing storm. In the animation, you can see the northern stream moisture starved clipper diving down out of Canada at hrs 45-80. It stalls over the great lakes. And then it gets "eaten" by the wet but weak southern stream storm in the west, strengthening it and drawing it up towards us. That would depict "real" rain.

Phasing systems are fickle. At a 6 or 7 day lead time models will lose, and re-find, that thing multiple times. It's all about timing. If the northern stream is a little quicker, or the southern one a little slower, they don't interact. That northern storm doesn't stall, and dies out as it slides north of us with not much more than some clouds. The southern storm stays south and weak and slow, and passes to our south a few days later, keeping clouds around. As the GFS now shows.

But if timing matches up they combine and bring a stronger, wetter storm right over our heads, and would be ushered out quicker too, bringing clearer skies (and higher streams) for the weekend to follow.

Bottom line: There's a rain threat Thursday into Friday. Threat, not certainty. It may or may not materialize. If it does, we get very wet Thursday and then it clears up. If it doesn't materialize, we don't get wet, and it stays cloudy all weekend.
Let's lock in today's GFS then! Can we do that?

I bought American beer (not Canadian beer) for the Jam this year anyway. :pint:

The Canadian at 120 hours out essentially shows a typical low with a front and storms along the front. Even that I don't think would blow the big streams out, as long as the central rain mass around the low misses, which if it forms like this may or may not. As long the central mass misses the storms along the front will maybe bump and dirty the big streams a tad, which isn't a bad thing most times, but not blow them out IMO. Could still do without it given the timing of Thursday and my tent already being set up though!
Let's lock in today's GFS then! Can we do that?

haha. I wish.

Models should never be used verbatim. They give you the range of possibilities and help you focus in on what causes what. In this case, they will tell you to focus on the timing and strength of that northern clipper diving down.

A real meteorologist, which I am not, will then backtrack and try to make that prediction. For instance, that disturbance is currently located in the arctic ocean just NW of Alaska. I have my doubts if it's sampled well, lol (gaining initial conditions to plug into model). Just not too many weather stations up there I'm guessing, and buoys would be problematic with ice cover. But if they deemed it necessary, they could send up a team with some weather balloons, or send up the hurricane hunters to take some measurements, and get better sampling (I doubt if they'll do that to determine how good the dry fly fishing on Penns Creek will be, but if it were a potential hurricane threatening NYC, they would).

And if it's currently stronger than the model assumed, does that mean it'll come earlier or later?
Hmmm well I might be bringing some PBR or a combination of these...oh and bourbon....always bourbon.



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Damn they pic of the dragons milk barrel aged stout didn't that is a good after fishing beer. Like a delicious meal and beer all in one.
An amateur meteorologist will say "what does king Euro show?"

Well, hey, weather underground is based on the Euro.

It says no phase, the northern stream is faster, and stronger, but that the clipper will indeed hit us and not pass fully to our north. Arriving Tuesday night, about 1/4" of rain. Clear by Wednesday afternoon, and bluebird skies from then through the weekend.


Canadian - clipper meets southern storm and they get it on. Around an inch of rain Thursday night, then clearing through the weekend.

GFS - slightly faster clipper. Flirts with southern storm, does a little slow dance, but they don't hook up. Clipper passes harmlessly to the north on Thursday, no rain, just clouds. Southern storm passes harmlessly to the south on Friday-Sunday, no rain, just clouds. We don't get wet, but never see the sun from Wednesday-Sunday. I would LOVE this.

Euro - fast and strong clipper, dives south and hits us and gets the heck out of here before the southern storm ever even knew it was there. 1/4" of rain on Tuesday night and then clearing on out of here by midday Wed. Southern storm stays WAY south, doesn't even give us clouds. Wed night through the weekend are bluebird skies.

3 different forecasts based on different actions of that clipper, which is currently over some ice in the arctic ocean with very little sampling, so none of these 3 models know what it looks like NOW. Don't you love weather?
My official forecast: I will drink beer, eat good food, hang out with some good FFin' friends, and probably catch some Trout. Oh, it may rain, it may not. :-D
Is anyone coming early in the week? I'm actually checking in at Seven Mountains this Sunday....

Can't wait, this work day can't end soon enough...
Earliest arrivals I know of are Wed. But there's a few of us....
The Paflyfish Jamboree is Woodstock for fly fishermen without the women, drugs and the Grateful Dead. So we got that going for us.

Sorry it's Friday and feeling a little punchy today with all this beautiful weather.

It is a really fun time to catch up with many people on the forum. Many of which you never really hear much from, but will be there to hang with, often have a beer, share fish tale or other story.

I'll be posting more details in the blog by Monday once some of the happenings and what to expect. It is very informal event and intended to be that way. I think if we were to get caught up into many things than it looses the intent of the weekend.

One week away and looking forward to it. I'll be there from Friday morning through Monday evening.

Not that women aren't welcome... We've had several female fly-fishers in the past and they are most certainly welcome.

Of course women are welcome and encouraged to join us. True there have been some female anglers with us in the past. Also I have seen a lot more women at the fly fishing shows and especially this year.

Took my daughter out with me when she was at PSU, she just sat and read a book. Glad she was out with me. She he is heading to Chatham for a grad program starting this fall. Need to get together for a beverage!

You may recall my daughter spent Friday night with us last year. And my son and nephew attended when they were younger than 10, I believe. You have to have sensitive ears and know when the evenings and days will be pleasant for you. Many people have brought wives as well. There is a good group of folks, a good campground and a hell of a lot of good trout water. If you can't find fun, I wonder what you are looking for.
dkile wrote:
The Paflyfish Jamboree is Woodstock for fly fishermen without the women.
I drive past Chatham on my way to Pitt everyday. Yes, lets have a drink and maybe a float on the Yough while she's in the Burgh.

Of course I knew how you meant your pun, just trying to avoid having someone read it another way.
This time next week we be jammin!

If you smell Gemmies burnin' on the fire and hear Busch Light cans gettin' crushed, that's me.

I did put the stock exhaust back on the Mini for the weekend so I don't wake anybody up when I roll back in from Penns at 4am. You're welcome in advance.
King Euro FTW. GFS came around. Light rain Tuesday and Wed. Sunny and dry for the remainder.
Green DRAKES....
Looks like good fishing weather!

Sunny 70's on Friday > Light rain on Saturday 68* > Cloudy Showers on Sunday near 70*.
