Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd

Had a great time. It was good to see everyone again. Thanks
This was a great time. Less rain next year but cant beat the crowd. Anybody hitting the Drake hatch? How is it going?
What a great time with everyone and the right amount of rain. Always nice to see people I run into once a year and others I feel I know from the site site with daily interaction. We were very fortunate to have Dave Rothrock spend some time and share some of his knowledge. Tom and Derek were a big help on Saturday morning and always reminds me what a giving group everyone is on the site. After 33 years or so fly fishing there is always something to learn from each other.

A special thanks and recognition to Maurice for all his help on the site. Really enjoyed one of my best days on Saturday on Spring. Thank you all for attending!

A good time indeed. The rain has become so typical for the jam that we tolerate it well and at least this year the streams were not blown out as has so often been the cas at past jams.

Anybody see a rattlesnake during the jam? It seems like every jam at least one of the participants has a timber sighting. Last year Aducker saw one at Cherry Run. Snakes anyone?
Lots of snakes. No rattlers. The ones I saw were all of the water variety.
Just about stepped on 2 different decently sized water snakes while walking one of the "islands" on Penns. That's about it...