Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd

JackM wrote:
By the way, speaking of mending a dry fly drift, have you ever mended by skittering your fly into position or just flipping a sine curve toward your offering and having the troot leap to grab it from the air or slash-take it as if you were fishing a streamer? ... Yeah, me neither.

Not on purpose.
So lets see the pics of the debauchery....
Good times guys. Good times. Broken rods, blood, dead batteries, 30+ hours of rain, uneven wings on sulphur comparaduns, vomit on Spring Creek, breaking off a 20"+ Penns brown, and a Pens playoff loss can't keep us down when the trout are working the bugs.

Looking forward to next year already.
I really enjoyed my visit with all of you on Friday night even though Old Lefty was trying to spot burn some of my best fishing spots. LOL. Hopefully next year I will be able to come for the entire weekend as my son will be at the US Air Force Academy and I should have more time to goof off. Again thanks for the visit fellows.
Thanks to all who came and made the weekend special. I had a blasty-blast as usual. I even fished and caught a couple. I want to say a special thanks to Shakey for the music. He gets paid to entertain, but gives it up for free for us and even indulges my desire to be allowed to sing along a bit.
Thanks to Dave Weaver for his help. Farmer Dave for his am run to the airport. Norms Jbecue,anyone who missed out ,your loss! Restaurant quality!! Thankjs to Shakey for lettin me try his "boo" rod. A first for me.
Great company and a pleasure seeing all of you again. To many to name individually, thanks for a great time. GG
For those of us who had to live vicariously... We need more stories and pics.
I didn't get many pics myself this year.

Since I arrived Sat at mid day, I only fished Spring Cr and left to return to the campground around 7pm. Where we were, the fishing was pretty steady with sulphers but I missed the better evening hours.

On the way home I hit a favorite WW lake and slayed the panfish: crappies, bluegills, rock bass, pumpkinseeds. . .they were all shallow and eager to eat a fly. Good jam fun with fish other than trout.
I do not have a single picture, but let me try a thousand words:

I drove up half-halfheartedly Friday afternoon. Arrived about nightfall to a nearly empty pavilion. I helped get a fire started, greeted the campground stewards who stuck with us for a few hours. I drank a little and waited for returning anglers to get my own vicarious thrill from their stories of the day.

"Lefty" talked to us about fishing the area, spot-burned a few unknowns, and answered sarcastic questions from some of us. His presentation was top-notch and he was a terrific sport for the sarcasm. He also taught a few folks some valuable lessons in fly casting the next AM. Thanks, Dave. And thanks "Tim" for assisting.

Friday was the typical sine curve of participants, peaking around 11 30 pm. By 200 am, there was a small handful.

Saturday, same time, probably 20.

Shakey tied, Maurice tied, there was not an ounce of self-promotion.

I met a bunch of new folks, plenty of recognizable folks, and re-connected in person with a few more that are like "old friends."

If you have never attended a jam or mini-jam, you need to do so. It will change your perspective on this whole message-board thingy.

Great Jam, awesome fishing on Penns and Spring.
I won Dave’s painting, finally! Thanks Dave.
Have a good time in all 3 days, only too short.
Still wander what happen with Green Drakes, they probably go full this Thursday.


  • Wild Trout Spring Creek-Friday-5-20-16.jpg
    Wild Trout Spring Creek-Friday-5-20-16.jpg
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  • Pure Honey from Spring Creek-Sunday-5-22-16.jpg
    Pure Honey from Spring Creek-Sunday-5-22-16.jpg
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  • Pure-Wild -Trout from Spring Creek-Friday-5-20-16.jpg
    Pure-Wild -Trout from Spring Creek-Friday-5-20-16.jpg
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  • Lefty and Paff-er-Saturday-5-21-16.jpg
    Lefty and Paff-er-Saturday-5-21-16.jpg
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  • DaveW and Skybay with Dave's painting-Sat-5-21-16.jpg
    DaveW and Skybay with Dave's painting-Sat-5-21-16.jpg
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    Green Drakes-Sat-5-21-16.jpg
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  • Bald Eagle ridges-Sunday-5-22-16-.jpg
    Bald Eagle ridges-Sunday-5-22-16-.jpg
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turkey wrote:
Good times guys. Good times. Broken rods, blood, dead batteries, 30+ hours of rain, uneven wings on sulphur comparaduns, vomit on Spring Creek, breaking off a 20"+ Penns brown, and a Pens playoff loss can't keep us down when the trout are working the bugs.

Looking forward to next year already.

Let's not forget finding out that emergers do NOT exist.
And add flat tires to that list.

Which was discovered after a night of drinking fat tires......
But you know all is well when on day #1, you're fishing to a march brown spinner fall at 4:30-5:00. You drop your floatant in the stream. As it floats down towards your buddy, you hook and land a more than solid 15-17" brownie. After landing it, your buddy says your floatant was out of reach, and your bummed, but you turn around, and ANOTHER bottle of floatant is floating towards you from upstream. Same brand and all. Nearly full too.

Not sure how I got karma on my side. But it was....
pcray1231 wrote:
But you know all is well when on day #1, you're fishing to a march brown spinner fall at 4:30-5:00. You drop your floatant in the stream. As it floats down towards your buddy, you hook and land a more than solid 15-17" brownie. After landing it, your buddy says your floatant was out of reach, and your bummed, but you turn around, and ANOTHER bottle of floatant is floating towards you from upstream. Same brand and all. Nearly full too.

Not sure how I got karma on my side. But it was....

Play the lottery now, while you're hot.
Good times all around. Had a great time fishing with PCray, Ducker, Matt and Mike. Thanks to CSoult for the gift and Les for handling the accommodations.

I also have to give a sarcastic You're Welcome to the Penn's Creek Gods for accepting my significant donation to their cause.
Hey Murph, my pops and I had a great time fishing with you and Pcray as well. I think you guys got him hooked. He just called me to let me know that in Maryland flyfishing for stripers is a big thing and he has already researched his 9ft 9wt and several kinds of flies to strip infront of a monster striper haha.
Murph wrote:

I also have to give a sarcastic You're Welcome to the Penn's Creek Gods for accepting my significant donation to their cause.

What did you doooooo?
He didn't dooooo anything. He did doo doo something.
He just called me to let me know that in Maryland flyfishing for stripers is a big thing and he has already researched his 9ft 9wt and several kinds of flies to strip infront of a monster striper haha.

We've created a monster.
So thats where the pizza box went.