Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd

What's the choice fly to tie? Anything not to be without?
Sulphur, and rusty spinner of various sizes
I dunno if I'm gonna sleep very much over the next few days, can't wait for this trip!
pcray - Forecast update please. Break it down. Inch of rain Saturday? What what?
Just saw that myself. Stock up on woolly buggers!
Accuweather isn't saying of a few minutes ago. I'm seeing 0.25"ish on Saturday. 70% chance.

Where are you guys seeing this?
Wunderground. Must not be much certainty built in to the models yet. Let's just wait for pcray to do his stuff.
Who ordered up all these different forecasts?
This is what I'm seeing for Saturday. I usually trust Wunderground, but I'm hoping they're wrong this time.


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Just got the weekend off from work and a motel room near State College. Looking forward to the raffles, casting demos/instruction, presentations, fish stories, and IPA's. Hey, what's wrong the The Grateful Dead? Lol. I may wear one of my t-shirts. Looking forward to this as it will be my first year in attendance.
Accuweather (based on GFS model) says .28" Saturday through Sat. night. Weather U (Euro model) says .21". Those two in rough agreement, I'm not gonna be able to beat em.

I'm away from real computers and on my phone, so I can't check out all the models, sorry. Too far into jam prep.

Just glad today's thing largely fizzled. Hopefully that holds through night. If it's gonna rain, rather have it at the end of a trip instead of the beginning. In 24 hrs I'll be waste deep swearing at spinners hovering overhead trying to talk them down.
So who is rigging up the outdoor TV for the Penguins game Friday night? Lol
I've got satellite radio in the car. But really, it'll be 3rd period, or at least mid 2nd, before most return from fishing.
ryanpgh wrote:
So who is rigging up the outdoor TV for the Penguins game Friday night? Lol

I was thinking the same thing.
If I can't find a bar close by, I hope I can pull the radio broadcast up on my phone. Lets GO PENS!!!!!!
I use the iHeartRadio app, however I don't know if there will be cell service at the campground. Anyone who has been there before with Verizon coverage? What type/if any coverage do you get as far as LTE, 3G, 1X, or nothing.

Talking fly fishing, an ear on the Pens, and a few cold ones. Sounds like a decent evening to me.
I hope to see you all after dark on Friday. Then at 630 AM on Saturday, and Saturday night after dark and Sunday morning at 630 AM. Maybe Saturday afternoon following my mid-day nap as well.

By the way, that is me on Fishing Creek studying my drift on a dry fly. I was hoping for my 100th trout, but never got beyond 99. Dang it!
Just after this snapshot, I mended. Believe it.
By the way, speaking of mending a dry fly drift, have you ever mended by skittering your fly into position or just flipping a sine curve toward your offering and having the troot leap to grab it from the air or slash-take it as if you were fishing a streamer? ... Yeah, me neither.