Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd

pcray1231 wrote:
I'd split the cabin or I have camping gear, just no spaces for tents left.

I'd echo Jack. Ask if you can pay for a trailer site.

Honestly, the tent area is kind of an afterthought there. It's near a little marsh and when things get wet, it's real soft down there. One year we got totally flooded, my air mattress felt like it was floating with moving water under the tent! ...

Maybe that is because it was.;-)
Thank you PCRAY for the info on the shops... Do tiers usually sell flies at the Jam ?
I think commerce is discouraged at the Jam except for the "official" raffle.
JackM wrote:
I think commerce is discouraged at the Jam except for the "official" raffle.

I think what Jackson means is that no one will be there with the intention of selling their wares like at a trade show. I would think you could work something out with another forum member if you were looking to buy some flies to fish for the weekend.

I'm making it a point to get to Penns Creek Angler even though it's a bit out of the way. I follow Bruce on Facebook and he seems like the nicest guy and is always sharing information on there. I need to at least stop in and say hi.

Me and Joe Bamboo fished the Cherry Run area last year, and I always enjoy that section.

It sounds like ... regardless of the direction you are coming from, you will pass near one of those on the way to the CG

Not at all. If you come from the S or SE, you will not.

It's more, when going from the campground, to a fishing spot, most of the famous waters have fly shops nearby.

The exception is Penn's. Sort of. There are three separate access points for the canyon area. By water, they are separated by only a few miles. By car, all of them are a minimum of 40 minutes apart from one another. Strange, I know, but that's how it is as the roads go WAY around.

2 of those 3 have convenient shops. The 3rd is Poe Paddy, which happens to be the one most convenient to the campground.
Thanks Jack and Pray. Appreciate the good advice. I will see if any are available still
I will be there from thursday to sunday.
After much personal debate and reflection on my Jam beer selection for this year, and taking into account some of the threads this Spring there was only one way to go...Busch 30 pack. Was bummed I couldn't find camo cans though. They're already packed up in the Mini.
Head hunter and ruination for me
I have some SN 4 Way IPA mixed pack still in the fridge and am in the market currently for a case of BP Grapefruit Sculpin cans, but headin' for the mountains just seemed right.
Weather is looking good. Can't trust it yet really but it's a plus for my expectations. Much better than the rain it was forecasting.
Swattie87 wrote:
I have some SN 4 Way IPA mixed pack still in the fridge and am in the market currently for a case of BP Grapefruit Sculpin cans, but headin' for the mountains just seemed right.

Ooh. Ima grab some Sculpin cans too. Good thinkin Swattie.
Yep, just concerned about the rain ahead of time a bit. Not too much. Just a bit.

Today through tonight - 0.22" predicted
Sat through Sat. night - 0.45" predicted
Sunday - 0.1" predicted

That's roughly 3/4 of an inch in the next 3 days. But then a pretty dry week in store.

^^If that holds true, I'm happy. But if you doubled it, might be some high water upon my arrival!

The way things can work in thunderstorm season is that a prediction of say, 1/4", doesn't mean anyone's actually getting 1/4". It means that'll be the average over a large area, but that doesn't mean that one spot doesn't get more than an inch and other areas get nothing at all.

All you can do is watch where those storms hit and miss, observe gauges, and make game time decisions on where to fish. Same as it always was.
This weekend is just looking better and better.
I think I asked before but, does anyone know how much the raffle tickets are?
Yeah the forecast/flows look about as good as you can ask for a week out. Some light to moderate "maintenance" rain early in the week, followed by dry, rain free conditions from mid-week through the weekend...good for camping. Comfy temps too...low 70's highs, low 50's lows. I'll take it right now with no changes, lock it in!

Spring is perhaps just a touch low, but still very much ok. Penns is dialed in. I'm not as calibrated on the Little J's gauge...guessing similar to Spring...a touch low, but pretty good.

As long as the potential T-Storms don't come with large scale low-pressure systems or warm fronts from the south, they typically don't create blowout situations, for the larger streams anyway. They'll dump an inch+ of rain in a fairly local area, and may perhaps blow out the small streams for a day, but they typically don't cover enough surface area most times to blow out the big streams. Looking at the forecast, it would seem there's no real soaker in the next week. I'm guessing similar flows next weekend to what we see now.
afishinado wrote:
beer choices look good (except for the Busch 30pack).

Turns out I like good beer, and bad beer!
Really looking forward to the Jam. Both of my fishing partners had to back out so I'm coming stag :) hoping some of you fine folks will let me team up for fishing since I've only fished Penn's once a long time ago and have no idea where to go.
I'm traveling up that way early Friday morning from York and am thinking of looking for a brookie stream to fish along the way, any suggestions?