Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

PoconoPaul wrote:
By the way, I think Becker can use a pointer or two (or three or four) on fishing smaller water. Any takers?

I have no problems fishing creeks the size of the LL or Valley. It is those dumb trickles with 4 inch brookies that I don't care for.
Foxgap239 wrote:
djs12354 wrote:
Come on down and join us. Just pay no attention to the insults flying around. Most of them are tongue-in-cheek, the one exception being any directed to Foxgap239

Exactly when did I become the PAFF kick ball?

For those that don't realize what is going on with this....

Some of us are good fishing buddies. We have fun here, but the snide comments are always just friendly ribbing. Mostly, we're just re-hashing things that have happened on past excursions - sometimes with a twist, just to rub it in. It's all in good fun.

We especially like to pick on da Fox. We do this because we actually like him, believe it or not.

Moment of weakness>>>>> Truth is, Fox is about the most fun person you will ever fish with. He's a highly skilled angler, and hasn't been a newbie since Nixon was president.

When I asked him to get involved with the Newbie events, it was with the knowledge that he had so much to share, and was taught by the same mentor that taught me so much. It's a way we can honor our mentor, as he was one of the few people that believed strongly in helping others back in the day. Way back, people were really tight lipped about skills they had to learn the hard way. There was no internet back then.

It's not so much like "paying it forward", as it is just paying it back. We hope you all will do the same....

OK, enough being nice to the Fox. Gotta keep him on his toes, 'ya know. ;-)
Heritage-Angler wrote:

We especially like to pick on da Fox. We do this because we actually like him, believe it or not.

OK, enough being nice to the Fox. Gotta keep him on his toes, 'ya know. ;-)

Well in fairness, it's not like I don't ask for it! I can dish it out too but H-A is right, it is all in good fun. It's sorta like, if we's pickin on ya, we's likes ya!

For anyone that's on the fence about joining us because you think you may too much of a newbie or not newbie enough, please join us. We really do enjoy helping, sure we're gonna bust your balls but that's half the fun. Maybe a testimonail from some of our current newbies might help persuade some you. Also, if you've been "lurking", sign up and join us. The knowledge pool you will meet Saturday would be tough to duplicate and the price is right just bring something for the picnic! Who knows you could even hook into a nice fish and H-A will surely be there to preserve it for posterity on disk!
SBecker wrote:
PoconoPaul wrote:
By the way, I think Becker can use a pointer or two (or three or four) on fishing smaller water. Any takers?

I have no problems fishing creeks the size of the LL or Valley. It is those dumb trickles with 4 inch brookies that I don't care for.

Come on now, I don't really fish trickles. Maybe I'll take you to a couple of places I go and you'll see the water isn't all that small and the fish aren't that small either. Sorry if I do prefer brookies over browns. Not that I don't like browns, just brookies are prettier and lots of fun.
#24 trico duns, male and female, and spinners male and female. Don't waste money on any other size, they are 24's.
Chaz wrote:
#24 trico duns, male and female, and spinners male and female. Don't waste money on any other size, they are 24's.

Chaz, I hear you but I got most of my fish last week on the 22. Just sayin................. :-D
Chaz wrote:
#24 trico duns, male and female, and spinners male and female. Don't waste money on any other size, they are 24's.

I've never had success with these flies on the LL. What would you suggest in so far as tippet size / leader length there?
Gee, this is really tempting me to see if I could get a day off and make a trip. Don't know how much I could contribute, though, IF I could get the time off.....

Dave R.
OldLefty wrote:
Gee, this is really tempting me to see if I could get a day off and make a trip. Don't know how much I could contribute, though, IF I could get the time off.....

Dave R.

Dave, you are kidding right? You could contribute more knowledge than all of us put together. (Minus Chaz, of course :-D) It would be a real treat if you could join us and lend a hand with these newbies!!!!!!!!
OldLefty wrote:
Gee, this is really tempting me to see if I could get a day off and make a trip. Don't know how much I could contribute, though, IF I could get the time off.....

Dave R.

This is funny. One of the most knowledgeable flyfisherman in Pennsylvania (and beyond), and you don't know how much you can contribute.

Don't make me kick you on the good leg! Just limp on down and play with your friends. :-D

Chaz - I agree with you, but it depends on what hook you're talking about. The old "standard" - the Mustad 94840 is the perfect length (sz 24). The gap stinks on that hook though. If guys are buying tricos, they're likely tied on cheap hooks, and the size might be wrong. If they're tied on Tiemco 100/101's, the shank length is longer than the Mustads. You gotta use a sz 26 to get the same length as a Mustad sz 24. All hooks are NOT created equally, unfortunately.

Fox - Try tying up some of those cdc tricos on Tiemco 2488's in a sz 22. The wide gap will help you land fish (and trees). The 2488 is a shorter shanked hook, so a sz 22 works perfectly.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Fox - Try tying up some of those cdc tricos on Tiemco 2488's in a sz 22. The wide gap will help you land fish (and trees). The 2488 is a shorter shanked hook, so a sz 22 works perfectly.

H-A, I'm going to bring my vise and stuff so I can work with guys on their tying questions. I'll have both types of hooks, if I don't tie them up before I get there. I assume no tails on the 2488's?
Foxgap239 wrote:
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (Garrett) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - tentative TBD
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's (boiled or grllied?)
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
PJHarrington (Paul) - tentative TBD
JoesyWales (Mark) - Venison and pineapple stuffing
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Invitiation is still open to anyone. Join us and just bring along something you think would be picnic worthy but let us know so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. I show 16 people above so far, please make sure to let me know if I missed you.

Fox, I think I might be able to make it Saturday. Will know better on Friday.
PoconoPaul wrote:
Fox, I think I might be able to make it Saturday. Will know better on Friday.

Outstanding, I hope you can join us!
PoconoPaul wrote:
What would you suggest in so far as tippet size / leader length there?

Paul, my trico leader starts at 10ft, and is often longer. It typically ends in 6X - I rarely use 7X. The trick is to reduce micro drag. The old wive's tale about needing 8X is false. If fish can see 6X, they can see 7 or 8X. Drag is the problem, not tippet size.
What time is this thing kicking off? 7, 8am, anytime in the morning?
PoconoPaul wrote:
What time is this thing kicking off? 7, 8am, anytime in the morning?

I plan to get there at 5:30 with coffee, but you are welcome any time. Yes, I'm kind of an early bird.
Foxgap239 wrote:
H-A, I'm going to bring my vise and stuff so I can work with guys on their tying questions. I'll have both types of hooks, if I don't tie them up before I get there. I assume no tails on the 2488's?

I'll bring mine also - I promised OJW (Outlaw Josey Wales for you non-Eastwood fans) I'd show him how to tie Al's Trico.

I only tie 2 tails (splayed) to help the fly ride properly. The real bug has three, but I don't think the fish can count. They didn't spend enough time in schools. ;-)

That's one of the advantages of Al's Trico - no tails. The LL oldtimers leave the tippet tag about 1cm long to give the illusion of tail(s). See the picture...


  • Al's trico.jpg
    Al's trico.jpg
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Heritage-Angler wrote:
PoconoPaul wrote:
What would you suggest in so far as tippet size / leader length there?

Paul, my trico leader starts at 10ft, and is often longer. It typically ends in 6X - I rarely use 7X. The trick is to reduce micro drag. The old wive's tale about needing 8X is false. If fish can see 6X, they can see 7 or 8X. Drag is the problem, not tippet size.

Thanks H-A. Drag is a pain I suspect that's probably why I've not had much success fishing tricos there. That said I've done well with other patterns. Then too, tying small (22's, 24's on for me has been a challenge as I've gotten older in both being able to see clearly and having stubby fingers.

I am guessing this time of the year and am fishing will be all about tricos, anything else hatching down there in the am? I've been out of the loop on LL hatches for a while.
Foxgap239 wrote:
PoconoPaul wrote:
What time is this thing kicking off? 7, 8am, anytime in the morning?

I plan to get there at 5:30 with coffee, but you are welcome any time. Yes, I'm kind of an early bird.

That is way early, wow - where abouts in Philly are you coming from?

I was born and raised in Philly and spent the first 20 years of my life there. I am what they used to refer to as a "Yunker" - Manayunk native.
Very close to the old Liberty Bell Race track. It's about a 75 minute drive.