Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

Foxgap239 wrote:

GRP - how about you bring mustad, relish and ketchup? Will that work? Sorry to keep changing things on you.

Mustad....very funny. I'm hooked. I get them point. Pun son.
Stagger_Lee wrote:

You have the assignment of shadowing and un-tangling the like of me, the Arrdvark, and all the others who fall into the catagory of 'clueless' newbies :-D

"So let it be written, so let it be done"[/quote]

So what the he'll am I supposed to do? :-D
Fox - Had to make one major edit to your list:

by Foxgap239 on 2012/7/23 18:02:13

Latest Update:

DJS - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Fox - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag - burgers and rolls
GRP - Chips and condiments
Chaz - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD - baked beans
CathG - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker - tentative TBD
McFinn - tentative
H-A -Appetite!
Paparise - tentative TBD
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Still need:
pretzels or any picnic junk food you think will work
anything you think we need that I missed

I really tried hard to get everything right so please correct me if I missed or got anything wrong.
Volksnurse wrote:
Mustad....very funny. I'm hooked. I get them point. Pun son.

Holy cow, I didn't even do that on purpose. Talk about a one track mind!
Can't make it Saturday. Have fun and good luck.
Fox - Put me down for the pretzels, and I'll grab some Doritos or something.

Not promising I can stay awake long enough for the picnic, but I'll do my best. Like last week, I'll be coming right from work (7am).

I'm bringing Sharpie's just in case Ed passes out. :-D
+1 ^sharpie for hapless nappers. Who could say no to a visit with such charming and gallant company? I'm in. Bringin' some corn on th'cob, some butta, and some Zataran's.
Sweet ! Glad your gonna make it guy!
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (not sure) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - tentative TBD
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's (boiled or grllied?)
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Invitiation is still open to anyone. Join us and just bring along something you think would be picnic worthy but let us know so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. I show 16 people above so far, please make sure to let me know if I missed you.

Dave, 4 days left!!!!!!
To update the list, my real name is Garrett
GRP wrote:
To update the list, my real name is Garrett

Thanks Garrett look forward to meeting you Saturday.
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (Garrett) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - tentative TBD
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's (boiled or grllied?)
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Invitiation is still open to anyone. Join us and just bring along something you think would be picnic worthy but let us know so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. I show 16 people above so far, please make sure to let me know if I missed you.

Turnin' into a right proper shindig....
Moist heat cooking for corns, Fox. Might deep_fry some for the Als Rat Pack (DoubleD, Heretic, JT).
As of now, looks like we are going to have nice weather tho I would prefer cloud cover as many of you have told me that is ideal for fishing. Sat high of 83 so I am going to guess us early risers will see mid 60's to low 70's by 10Am. How is the h20 holding up in up there .. is it low?
I hope I am posting this in the right place. I just started fly fishing this year and found this site a couple weeks ago because I saw a window sticker on a car and finally decided to join and this is my first post. I can cast ok and I can catch some trout with a hare ear fly and a thingabob and I want to learn a lot about fly fishing because it is fun but nobody I know fly fishes. I would like to attend this newbie thing on Saturday but may work on Saturday and will not find out until Friday so if I do not work can I just show up and bring soda or chips? My name is Paul and I live around Wilkes-Barre and if I attend you can’t miss me unless all of you are 6’-8”.

PJHarrington wrote:
I hope I am posting this in the right place. I just started fly fishing this year and found this site a couple weeks ago because I saw a window sticker on a car and finally decided to join and this is my first post. I can cast ok and I can catch some trout with a hare ear fly and a thingabob and I want to learn a lot about fly fishing because it is fun but nobody I know fly fishes. I would like to attend this newbie thing on Saturday but may work on Saturday and will not find out until Friday so if I do not work can I just show up and bring soda or chips? My name is Paul and I live around Wilkes-Barre and if I attend you can’t miss me unless all of you are 6’-8”.

Paul, absolutely. We'd love to have you join us. I think we have some guys that can help you out and you can meet some really great people. I'll put you donw as tentative and hope to see you Saturday. If you need directions, PM me.
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (Garrett) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - tentative TBD
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's (boiled or grllied?)
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Considering we may have a few more show up does Dave realize what is happening on Saturday ... this looks like a PAFF takeover of the Lil lehigh!