Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

Stagger_Lee wrote:
If someone else is bringing hotdawgs let me do all the burgers and buns. Least I can do considering what all the senior members/fly fishers have done btwn the Instructional jam, newbie jams and on the water help as well as knowledge you gents passed on to me on this board. Just need a count on FridayAM of who is eating burgers as I tend to usually purchase to lil or to much.

Martin and Carolyn, do you mind doing the dogs then?

Dis is gettin comlicated and my pee brain is on over load!

Stag, it is my goal Saturday to get you a hookup on a trico. I haven't gotten giddy over a first catch in a while and I look forward to it! No comment Dave!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a problem. My wife is going to hate me for changing the shopping list, but oh well, she'll deal. I will bring chips, etc. plus ketchup, mustard and relish.
Any ideas what the "hot" patterns were on Saturday so I can get some tied up for this Saturday?
GRP wrote:
Any ideas what the "hot" patterns were on Saturday so I can get some tied up for this Saturday?

Tricos, tricos and more tricos. Ants may work after the hatch and maybe some searcher nymphs before the hatch but I'm thinking its gonna be tricos.

H-A, your home waters, any input?
What is a 'searcher' nymph?
GRP wrote:
Not a problem. My wife is going to hate me for changing the shopping list, but oh well, she'll deal. I will bring chips, etc. plus ketchup, mustard and relish.

Thank you and apologize to your wife for me! :)
Stagger_Lee wrote:
What is a 'searcher' nymph?

Hare's Ear, Pheasant Tails, GW's, Sucker Spawn, etc. Things like that. I watched a guy catch 3 and miss 2 last week with sucker spawn pre-spinner fall. But he was fishing on the swing and they were banging it. I wouldn't have believed it but I watched him do it. Now the water was off color and up, so we'll see as we get closer. T-storms are in the forecast throughout the week.
Stag, it is my goal Saturday to get you a hookup on a trico. I haven't gotten giddy over a first catch in a while and I look forward to it!

Hope so .. looking forward to Sat even if I'm setting the alarm for 430 or 5. Handful of time Ive been out this summer it has been WW and for me, been killing it. Hope our picky friends are hungry on Sat
Yup I can do the hot dogs and hot dog buns instead of the burgers.
Hey Fox

Sounds like a good crew gathering.

In addition to the grill, I'll bring some hot sausage and rolls. I also have a quick set-up awning and some chairs I can throw in the back of the truck. Let me know if I need to bring anything else.

I've got my brother coming with me and I'm hoping you and/or H.A. can work your teaching magic with him.

Be sure to call him the Arrdvark when you meet him. (it's an old golfing story)

How many days to Saturday??????
I will possibly be able to make it. Won't know till Thursday. You can assign something to me then, once I am comitted.

I will possibly be able to make it. Won't know till Thursday. You can assign something to me then, once I am comitted.


You have the assignment of shadowing and un-tangling the like of me, the Arrdvark, and all the others who fall into the catagory of 'clueless' newbies :-D

"So let it be written, so let it be done"
SBecker wrote:
I will possibly be able to make it. Won't know till Thursday. You can assign something to me then, once I am comitted.


Great, you are more than welcome. The more the merrier! H-A got me involved with the newbies (thanks Ed and I sincerely mean Thanks) and it is a blast. These guys and gals are so appreciative and ask great questions. It really is as rewarding for me as I hope it is for them!
I would greatly take on that responsibility. It is the least I can do, to pay it forward for all the help on here I have received from members.
I would like to attend. I was at the spring newbie jam and had a good time. I've been out twice since then.

It will take me a couple hours to get there so I may not arrive until 7:30 am ~ ish.
When I get there if I don't see anyone do I go left or right on the stream to find everyone? (assuming I'm standing in front of the fly shop, looking at the fly shop)

I can bring some kind of picnic food, I'm thinking cold pealed shrimp, maybe some other things too.

Welcome back Jeff! If you want I can tell the fly shop owner (not sure what time he gets in) if I went upstream or downstream for ya. You and I will look like we know what we're doing with our new waders and wading boots.

How's the arm holding up?
Aducker wrote:
I would like to attend. I was at the spring newbie jam and had a good time. I've been out twice since then.

It will take me a couple hours to get there so I may not arrive until 7:30 am ~ ish.
When I get there if I don't see anyone do I go left or right on the stream to find everyone? (assuming I'm standing in front of the fly shop, looking at the fly shop)

I can bring some kind of picnic food, I'm thinking cold pealed shrimp, maybe some other things too.

Come on out, love to have you. If you get there and stand right in front of the fly shop, you will have probably tripped over us. We will be right there. I probably won't fish until later because I want to get everyone going and into fish if possible so I'll be looking for people. If you bring shrimp, you may end up being our best friend! :-D
Latest Update:

DJS - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Fox - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag - burgers and rolls
GRP - Chips and condiments
Chaz - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD - baked beans
CathG - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker - tentative TBD
McFinn - tentative
Paparise - tentative TBD
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Still need:
pretzels or any picnic junk food you think will work
anything you think we need that I missed

I really tried hard to get everything right so please correct me if I missed or got anything wrong.
pretzels or any picnic junk food you think will work

Junk food???? With Jeff and his shrimp commin on board we are going all class :)

I don't have one but if someone has an extra cooler it may be a good idea to bring it so we can throw all the meat and food that can spoil in it while we fish. I have a cool bag with a few ice packs to get my stuff up there but I don't think it holds up into the early afternoon.
Who is stepping up and bringing a beef tenderloin? Obtw, don't look at me. Lol