Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

k-bob wrote:
Thanks for hospitality and venison meatballs even though I got there so late!

wait, you were there?
gfen wrote:
k-bob wrote:
Thanks for hospitality and venison meatballs even though I got there so late!

wait, you were there?

He was. And for the upteenth time, they were sausage balls!!!
Had a great time yesterday..Thanks to everyone who got this together. The food was amazing and hell of a show by DJS on the grill. It should definitely be an annual event. I take some satisfaction in knowing I tricked a few fish on trico's but pulled a George and didn't land either. Carolyn on the other hand did land the one wild brown that she hooked so again the tally at the end of the day was 1-0...this streak must come to and end so I'm taking Mcfinn's advice and just ordered a case of dynamite...I think that should do the trick for getting some fish.

Since its that time of year for olympics I think I saw a world record fall yesterday. I have never seen so many chocolate chip cookies disappear in such a short amount of time than I did yesterday when Ed took a seat at the picnic table with a stack of cookies in front of him..It was quite a show but understandable because I couldn't stop eating them myself. Ed and George, thanks again for setting Carolyn up big time yesterday. She is already talking about fishing next weekend. Lunch is on me next time we get together and fish..I know Ed's picking Cali burrito!
I had a great time yesterday. It was so nice for all the experienced to just walk up and start helping us out. I look forward to many more events like this.

Aducker .. you (and I) forgot to show me all those flies yous tarted tying. I think you told me awhile back that while u were resting ur arm u began tying .. gonna have to show me ur work next time we meet up. Glad that u were able to make it to fish and ur arm is feeling better
Guys .. I had a question that I forgot to ask on Sat.

We had the instructional jam back in March prior to the season opening. Why were we allowed to fish that day?

Heritage section or a special regulation area. You can also fish streams that are not state stocked.
Heritage section or a special regulation area. You can also fish streams that are not state stocked.

Thanks SBecker .. I will do some research after the season but I assume the heritage and special regulation sections are listed PFBC site?
Believe so
Stagger_Lee wrote:
I had a great time yesterday. It was so nice for all the experienced to just walk up and start helping us out. I look forward to many more events like this.

Aducker .. you (and I) forgot to show me all those flies yous tarted tying. I think you told me awhile back that while u were resting ur arm u began tying .. gonna have to show me ur work next time we meet up. Glad that u were able to make it to fish and ur arm is feeling better

Crud I knew there was something I forgot when I was there. I had bunches of them to show off too:)
Yes my arm is about 80% with Shanes help showing me how to cast I had no problems with any shoulder pain Saturday.
SBecker wrote:
Couple more thank yous to Fox and Ha for putting this together. Way to make it easier for the new guys to have an easier curve. DaveR's story about the guy on the Little Lehigh when he was younger made me realize why mentors are important. Also, thank you to WildTigerTrout for giving me a few of your secret flies ;-)
Sorry it has taken me so long to post about the Jam. My computer crashed and I just got it back from the repair shop. I must say that I had a GREAT time meeting with all of you. Thanks to Ed and George for putting it all together. PAFF certainly has a bunch of good people. It was nice to see you folks in real life. The food was the best esp. the baked beans. MAN they were out of this world good! The fishing could have been better but not the company. Thank you to everyone for making me feel welcome as I had not attented a Jam before. I will be going to more though. S. Becker, let me know how those flies work for you. Take care all and I will see you next time or maybe even streamside. That's for you George. We have got to fish together this fall.