Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

Wow. What a day. First, i realized that my wedding ring was not on my finger. Keep in mind, my wife was already skeptical about me waking up at oh-god-hundred, to meet a bunch of strangers. Then she discovers my wedding ring at home, not on my finger. I texted her about it, so she knew there was no threat of losing me to another. What she hadn't counted on was OldLefty.

OldLefty did not correct my cast...he created it! I figure the more time I spend with him the quicker I'll advice from newbie. So, my wife could be in trouble afterall. I heard he's a good cook too...

Enough BS, the day was truly better than I expected.

Thanks to djs for hitting the grill. It was HOT! But he never lost focus and cooked the venison perfectly.

I shocked the crap out of Ed...which I gather not many folks can do, so that was fun. I'm not going to list all the guys who were of help, but suffice to say this is a great bunch of guys and it was much appreciated by those of new to the sport.

Ealry on the LL

My only fishing partners today

My catch of the day

djs's brother with his catch. When compared to my catch, there's a secret if you look closely at those two fish...
Nice pictures, Mr. Wilson. ;-)

You indeed got the drop on me a few times today.

I absolutely love that hat! Thank you so much.

As we were talking, I thought there was something familiar about you. To discover that you were my favorite fishing buddy's brother was a most pleasant surprise!

Gene and I haven't been able to mesh our schedules this year, but at some point we will. I hope you can join us.

If you catch up with Gene, let me know, but be careful. Not many folks can take a double dose...

Very glad about the hat. I was doing cowboy action shooting and grabbed a few nice hats. The plan for that one, which was a tad big for me, was to wear it in the summer with a sweatband underneath. I just couldn't bring myself to let it sit for such limited use, so I was glad to pass it on.

I missed the Mr Wilson reference, so I need to watch it a few more times. My wife hates you for that and she wants her pineapple stuffing back...
Over my dead body is she getting that back.
joseywales wrote:
I missed the Mr Wilson reference, so I need to watch it a few more times. My wife hates you for that and she wants her pineapple stuffing back...

To help keep the peace, check out this part of the movie. The 4:00 mark should be just about right.....

Running on 4 hours sleep I was really not in the mood to fish. However, I did enjoy catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones. It was nice being able to impart any knowledge I have on the newbies. Any time I can sit around and shuck corn with Mcfinn, it is a good day.

Thanks to Old Lefty for refining my casting stroke. I look forward to going out and practicing in my yard. If it wasn't for him, I would have never even realized I was double hauling most of the time.

I really had a good time and could spend a whole day just sitting around a picnic table and bullschnitting with everybody and picking the brain of the old guys. :)
Couple more thank yous to Fox and Ha for putting this together. Way to make it easier for the new guys to have an easier curve. DaveR's story about the guy on the Little Lehigh when he was younger made me realize why mentors are important. Also, thank you to WildTigerTrout for giving me a few of your secret flies ;-)
You know, I want to let the folks know that the newbies appreciate you bringing the picnic. What I mean by that is Cathy bringing products, but also setting up. djs bringing the grill, setting up, and slinging burgers and sausage, HA, foxgap, for their efforts. McFinn, who set a world record for corn boiled on a camp stove and Shane for shucking it.

All of the above and more allowed the newbies to focus on conversations about making leaders (thanks Deltadog), knot tying (Stagger told me he was tying a Polymar knot while driving home. Actually, as he read this he's freaking out because no showed him a Polymar yesterday!). OldLefty and Chaz for casting classes. And just our ability to listen to your stories and observe.

Some may have thought we weren't listening, at times paying too much attention to our PDAs and emails. As Stagger now knows, I was simply emailing notes to myself!

Thanks again
Wow, I do not know where to begin. Forth time since March I have hit a newbie get-together and they are always great but everything involved ystrday takes the cake … so far.

I can not express my appreciation enough to each and everyone of you experienced guys for taking the time, out of ur precious free time, to give us guys some knowledge. Was great putting a face to the poster ystrdy and I must say, each and every guy and gal at that jam yesterday are good people. Honestly; fishing, knowledge, good people and conversation, & good food (Props to the grill master Dave and everyone for chipping in with food) … only thing that could’ve made it better would have been a few cold ones. Met a bunch of new posters and all you guys are great. To the Pocono guys (Paul and Shane), I love these type of get-togethers and would totally be interested if you do one up there .. just need a decent amt of notice (think u guys were talking the fall) to work off my wifes and kids schedule.

George – thanks again for putting this together and setting this date. Apparently, while my wife and kids were @ her sisters I missed a whole ton of drama so I thank you for this date. :-D You’re like the PT Barnum of these events, from setting it up to running up and down the creek making sure everyone is OK. Thanks a million and hope to get everyone together again soon.

Dan – What a great guy and I can’t express my gratitude for the time you took in the AM with me. I have to get that forward cast/release down just having a hard time stopping & getting the fly out there straight. On a real positive for you to pat urself on the back … You really got me to understand how to mend (also strip a lil line) to keep my bug moving at the correct speed. I stayed until 6ish and was chucking hoppers and ants. Started mending right when they dropped and continued .. they were moving at the same speed of the white bubbles and I felt like I was doing that well. Some cool war stories at lunch time as well.

Ed –thanks for teaching me the 2 knots and the material to practice. Had a decent day fly wise as I hadn’t got hung up in the high of low trees for most of the day. Everyone splits but I hang around and fish. I’m chucking a hoppers and of course what happens .. hung up in a high tree. Try to free myself and basically loose all/most of my tippet. Walking back to my car first inclination (as this is what I always do) is to just put a brand new tapered leader on and go back in for more fishing. I said f’it .. just learned a new knot going to try it. Had to sit down at a picnic table and get used to the size (compared to what I practiced on) but I tied a triple and fished it fine for an hr. Going to have a bunch of questions for you, Dan, and whomever abt tippet, sizes to leader and/or bugs, etc, etc … I just have to wait for Mark (joseywales) to PM me all the after lunch notes he took when you guys were talking

OldLefty – WOW can that man cast. Gave me a few pointers but I have a lot of work to do and he was a pretty popular guy after lunch. His story abt being 16 yrs old, on the lake, and why he mentors really made me appreciate more what you guys do and hope one day I can pass it on. Right now I will do the lil things like try to get others interested in the sport and or anything else I can do to help you guys out. You said you can get crotchety but I don’t see it :) .. hope to see you out again so I can spend a lil more time and pick your brain a lil.

I’ll talk abt the fishing later but I wanted to drop a line to any newbie who lurks or posts, currently or in the future, and is hesitant abt attending these events for whatever reason. I never fished b4 in my life and April was my first time on the h2o with a fly rod and I have probably now done it 10 times max. If you have the opportunity to attend one of these events do it! I cannot tell you how many lil pieces of knowledge you will pick as well as meeting a great group of guys to fish with. FF can feel daunting and/or overwhelming for various reasons but I have never once felt intimidated by any of the attendees and I have been to four since March. Just my $.02
I want to thank everyone who supported this event. I think everyone had a great time and learned at least something even us non-newbies. Fishing was very tough but some guys and all the girls got fish! Consensus is that this be an annual event. I suppose we will have discussion but I can't see why we shouldn't make it that way.

The food was amazing and everyone was more than generous.

I want to apologize for leaving so suddenly but I had a situation at home that needed my attention but thankfully (fortunately I typed that because as OldLefty will tell you, I couldn't pronouce effortlessly yesterday and no alcohol was involved) it all worked out fairly easily upon my return home.

Whew to DD, I had no idea until well after my introduction that he was taping things. The only thing worse than listening to me in person, is having to endure me on tape! :)

I look forward to our next get together.

Stagger, the only thing with more slack than your line, is your attention to PMs. I sent you that PM this morning!!!
I had a great time yesterday. It was so nice for all the experienced to just walk up and start helping us out. I look forward to many more events like this.
Lol .. got it thanks. Will read it tonight so I can post my questions if I have any

For starters .. this is a great link and was something I was looking for
Choosing the right tippet size
much appreciated josey

///Still waiting for that pineapple stuffing recipe :)

Yesterday's get together was great and I can't say enough about the comaraderie, the information sharing, meeting new faces and the food.

Despite the heat and slow fishing it was a great time. What I like about this format is that it provides both an opportunity to share, but also learn as well. And in fly fishing you can never know enough.

As Shane (SBecker) and I mentioned yesterday we'll look to put a similar get together (together) for the Fall here in the northeast region. I am thinking possibly September or maybe early October.

Should be cooler temperatures by then (hopefully) and more fish (hopefully)....

If we can get something in order we'll post on the board as far in advance as we can.
I had a wonderful time yesterday. The fellowship was wonderful, you are a great bunch of guys.

Now that I thoroughly have the trout bug back the bluegills and bass will be safe for awhile.

Rumor has it we've had enough rain to make the Lack fishable again so maybe I'll do some trico fishing in the upcoming week.

I just hope I don't see any leftover stockie palominos because I can't help myself and throw everything in the fly box trying to catch the the stupid frankenfish.

some action photos from the gig...


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Lol, it was the only cob left by the time I got to the food. You animals demolished everything. It was my own fault though, I was too busy watching Old Lefty find his casting stroke of 103' after a couple months off.

McFinn - Sizzle Chest? Really?

Good thing I'm not as thin-skinned as the Official PAFF Kick-Ball (aka the Fox) is...... :)
Had a great time yesterday. Was awesome to meet everyone there and put a face to the screen name. Can't wait to do it again.
Thanks for hospitality and venison meatballs even though I got there so late!