Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

Jeff .. IMHO 24 should be enough. Looks like we have 22 confirmed and have a smorgasbord of meat (dawgs, burgers, sausage, venison) and shell fish (shrimp). Just picked up the burgers and buns from BJ's and have extra if people are still hungry
Wow this is gonna be one hell of a spread.
martin0206 wrote:
Do you think 24 hotdogs and rolls will be enough?

Absolutely, given all the other food we have, I can't see anyone going hungry!
martin0206 wrote:
Wow this is gonna be one hell of a spread.

When Stag suggested this event, I don't think he envisoned how grand a scale it would become! :-D

k-bob won't be fishing with us but may crash the picnic on his way home from fishing.
When Stag suggested this event, I don't think he envisoned how grand a scale it would become!

Thinking of starting a new career as party publicist
We should probably start thinking about what to do with the leftovers. Is there any place local that can benefit? Maybe we feed the folks at the Fly Shop?? I hate to see waste.
joseywales wrote:
We should probably start thinking about what to do with the leftovers. Is there any place local that can benefit? Maybe we feed the folks at the Fly Shop?? I hate to see waste.

Nice call out Outlaw!

The fly shop owner has already been invited.

H-A, do you know the local Waterways guy? Maybe invite him over to have lunch and allow the guys to ask PFBC questions. Plus, there will be a ton of fisherman in the area we can offer a bite to.

I agree, we don't want to waste and people can certainly take doggie bags with them.
After all is said and done, any of the local guys know of a food bank ... Condisering how many people are having a tough time we could possibly donate the left overs
Stagger_Lee wrote:
After all is said and done, any of the local guys know of a food bank ... Condisering how many people are having a tough time we could possibly donate the left overs

I like this idea but I have no idea of an answer. Maybe H-A on someone else attending can answer this question.
Sadly, i gotta bail on sat, kids. Something about a walnut tree and my new bathroom skylight after last night's storm. On the plus side, the whole house smells like fresh cut walnut (and manly chainsaw oil).
mcfinn wrote:
Sadly, i gotta bail on sat, kids. Something about a walnut tree and my new bathroom skylight after last night's storm. On the plus side, the whole house smells like fresh cut walnut (and manly chainsaw oil).

Sorry on a few counts Derrick. Let's get out real soon though.
Don't count the McFinn out yet. Just talked to him....when I mentioned that we could watch Heritage Ed eat (quite a show that), he said he might just make it after all. But he does have some plumbing and a roof to fix. The perils of living in the woods.
Thnx, Fox... BUT, all's not lost. Just got the Rocky Motivational Speech from JT, and if i sweat enough copper and throw sheet rock like a mofo, tommorow may be do-able. Plus, Ed's Jowl Power at the dinner table is not to ne missed.
LMFAO..................nice to see someone else besides me being the abuse victim. Not that I don't often deserve it but ALWAYS!!!!!!!! Come on, Man!

We are praying for a little rain but I'll amend that prayer not to include your township!
Foxgap239 wrote:
We are praying for a little rain but I'll amend that prayer not to include your township!

Lets just not pray for the added thunder and lightning.

Don't know bout you guys, but I am just getting so darn tired of thunder storms and having to drive directly into them no matter which direction I commute. I swear these things speed up to catch me on the turnpike.

Though I don't know him well, during a T-storm, I picture Ed raising his rod to the heavens, like the priest in Caddyshack. As I recall, that didn't end too well...
joseywales wrote:
Though I don't know him well, during a T-storm, I picture Ed raising his rod to the heavens, like the priest in Caddyshack. As I recall, that didn't end too well...

Explains the hair-do though....
mcfinn wrote:
Sadly, i gotta bail on sat, kids. Something about a walnut tree and my new bathroom skylight after last night's storm. On the plus side, the whole house smells like fresh cut walnut (and manly chainsaw oil).

Man, some guys will come up with any excuse not to be seen with the Fox......

Seriously, McFinn, sorry to hear whey you won't be able to make it. Hope you can get things back to normal quickly!
Set the departure schedule with the Aardvark and we will be heading for the Turnpike a little after 4 am. (Joy's been shaking her head since I told her what time we were leaving)

Truck's 98% packed and I am really looking forward to tomorrow!
Okay, I have a disaster at work and unless I can get it resolved today (like McFinn I plan to hang like a mofo), I may miss tomorrow. I think (I HOPE LIKE HELL) I can get this taken care of tonight but I figured I'd better get it out there now. :evil: