Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

joseywales wrote:
Though I don't know him well, during a T-storm, I picture Ed raising his rod to the heavens, like the priest in Caddyshack. As I recall, that didn't end too well...

sure didn't. And if I remember well he walked away from the priesthood thereafter.... Hmmm, maybe not a good idea to raise the fly rod...
Foxgap239 wrote:
Okay, I have a disaster at work and unless I can get it resolved today (like McFinn I plan to hang like a mofo), I may miss tomorrow. I think (I HOPE LIKE HELL) I can get this taken care of tonight but I figured I'd better get it out there now. :evil:

Sorry to hear that fox. Hope you can make it, I am sure everyone will pull for ya!

Foxgap239 wrote:
.... I may miss tomorrow.

At your advanced age, there was a good chance of this happening - even if you were there. :cool:

You just don't want to park next to Volks - completely understandable.

Just got back from the fly shop. The stream looks great, but we could use more rain to color it up some more.

Dave will be at the shop around 7am tomorrow morning.
Disaster averted or at least I think I resolved it.

I'm still planning on beating H-A there!
I have a remote fishing trip planned for the AM, but will try to stop by in time for lunch :)
k-bob wrote:
I have a remote fishing trip planned for the AM, but will try to stop by in time for lunch :)

There SHOULD be enough food! :roll:
No disasters, no eating disorders. Drinks, cooler, ants, tricos, beetles, various junck flies and inch-ish worms ala Fox packed. Just gotta remember to pick up McFinn
Fox - Can I stop dancing yet? :-o
Please do. I'm out of dollars.

Definitely bringing the buggers and streamers.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Fox - Can I stop dancing yet? :-o
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Fox - Can I stop dancing yet? :-o

Good job H-A. Looks like just enough to make fishing "Stagger"-ing-"Lee" good tomorrow!
I'm an hour from the LL, but red ants are dropping out of the sky on to my deck (and head)...
take plenty of pictures tomorrow for those of us who can't make it!!
Just out of the shower after a long drive home from a great day at the Little Lehigh. I only caught one fish, 3", missed 3 more, as well as watching a number of refusals.
Great bunch of people at this gathering of new, not so newbies and those willing to mentor. Plenty of good food and conversation, as well as a lot of information imparted.

Thanks to the Fox for initiating this gathering, (that sounds like it will turn into an annual event) and to everyone who brought food, drinks and other items to share!

PS. Great meeting so many more members of the PAFF!
Well said Dave! Thanks to George and Ed for organizing this. Had a great time and caught fish! Wish I could've stayed longer...

Thanks to all for sharing their experience and knowledge.

Can't wait till next time!
Yea Volks, where did you and McChub go!
Forgot to add in my post that my only disappointment for the day was not being with my brother to see him catch his first trout on the fly. :-(

I did get to see him catch his first chub though! :)

He has a good story about it, but I think that tradition dictates that he tell it himself.
SBecker wrote:
Yea Volks, where did you and McChub go!

Sorry I didn't get to say manyana (with Philly accent)

Ed insulted my car too much. Gonna wait till I can fish with Gfen and we'll gang up on him.< JK>
Check yer PM.
You missed it Volks - gfen showed up, but he was nice enough to not park next to me.

Fox won the bet this morning. I raced down the hill, only to discover that the Fox beat me by 5 minutes. At 5AM !!!!!

He does not sleep.

Had a great time today! The company was outstanding, as was the food. We're really fortunate to have such a great group of people here on PAFF.

The ladies kicked butt again today - they can really fish! CathyG landed one golden trout on a dry, and lost another.

Carolyn "The Fish Magnet" caught and landed another nice fish today - all by herself, with her new gear. She's a natural born fisherman, and has graduated from newbie status. Way to go!

Thanks to all who participated today, and a special thanks to djs12354 for slaving over a hot grill in the sweltering heat. We had way more food and drink than we could eat/drink.

Here's some pictures of the day....


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I had a great time as well. I was nice to meet so many new people. I'm really hoping this event grows every year. It was also nice to see OldLefty out and about fishing. I just want to take this chance to apologize to everyone who was at the event today. I made a huge mistake when I got home. When I got home I was downloading the pics and videos from my GoPro onto my IPad and didn't pay close enough attention to what I was doing while downloading and selected the wrong prompt and accidentally deleated all the pics and videos. Again I'm sorry and I feel really bad and wish I would have paid more attention. That introduction video would have been a nice addition to the forum. Sorry Ed I had to get that off my chest.
More reason to get together again soon!