Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

I think so. We had quite a few last week too. Heck if we spend some coin in his shop, he'll probably be doing back flips!
Thanks I hope I can make it. It looks like it is at the fly shop by the hatchery. I fished there once and know where it is.

Welcome PJ .. hope you can join us on Saturday
PJHarrington wrote:
Thanks I hope I can make it. It looks like it is at the fly shop by the hatchery. I fished there once and know where it is.

Great, hope you can too. BTW, I'm terrible with names so if I call you Brian all day, just shake your head and walk away. :roll:
No problem call me Brian.
Foxgap239 wrote:
......just shake your head and walk away.

Those of us familiar with the Fox do this to him on a regular basis.

If you see him fishing, just pick out the toughest spot to get a cast into, and tell him you saw a fish rise there.

Then, when he steps out of the stream to untangle and re-tie, you just zoom in and catch the fish before he gets done. Works every time.......right Dawg? :cool:
LMAO.....Yep.....but in my own defense I did get him on the last fish . Which was a nice one till his lack of skill broke him off. Newbie!!!
Ouch. But in my defense, that fish broke the tippet, the fly did not come out! Critical SOB!
PJHarrington wrote:
I hope I am posting this in the right place. I just started fly fishing this year and found this site a couple weeks ago because I saw a window sticker on a car and finally decided to join and this is my first post. I can cast ok and I can catch some trout with a hare ear fly and a thingabob and I want to learn a lot about fly fishing because it is fun but nobody I know fly fishes. I would like to attend this newbie thing on Saturday but may work on Saturday and will not find out until Friday so if I do not work can I just show up and bring soda or chips? My name is Paul and I live around Wilkes-Barre and if I attend you can’t miss me unless all of you are 6’-8”.

Welcome to the jungle, Paul

I'm from Carbondale and found this forum much the way you did. This is one great bunch of anglers and will certainly help you become a better Fly-Fisher.

Come on down and join us. Just pay no attention to the insults flying around. Most of them are tongue-in-cheek, the one exception being any directed to Foxgap239
djs12354 wrote:
Come on down and join us. Just pay no attention to the insults flying around. Most of them are tongue-in-cheek, the one exception being any directed to Foxgap239

Exactly when did I become the PAFF kick ball?
Hey, Looking at the number of people planning to come down, I think we are nearing "mini-jam" status.

Should be a great time if the riot police don't show up and spoil the fun. :)
Sorry can thank Ed for the assist. :)
So I'm bringing:

Pineapple stuffing.

Anyone good at cooking venison on the grill? I have ground venison and pork roll venison.

I can also pack some spares of condiments, trash bags, etc.

Any other ideas of what we might need?
"Geeeeeeeez Chaz, I can't give away all of my secrets! Look forward to seeing you. These guys and gals can pick another brain, I think they done picked mine clean."

I'm afraid there isn't much left of my brain to pick.
Chaz wrote:
"Geeeeeeeez Chaz, I can't give away all of my secrets! Look forward to seeing you. These guys and gals can pick another brain, I think they done picked mine clean."

I'm afraid there isn't much left of my brain to pick.

That depends. You could show people how best to cast underneath overhanging brush and into small little slices of water. Not to many people can do that successfully without getting hung up in branches.
Foxgap239 wrote:
djs12354 wrote:
Come on down and join us. Just pay no attention to the insults flying around. Most of them are tongue-in-cheek, the one exception being any directed to Foxgap239

Exactly when did I become the PAFF kick ball?

You ought to brand that - then you can sell tee-shirts, hats, socks, waders, vests - the list goes on. You can even start a PAFF kick ball league. Figure it's great way to wind down after a day of fishing.
By the way, I think Becker can use a pointer or two (or three or four) on fishing smaller water. Any takers?
Hey guys .. maybe passing my local shop this AM and I have a $25 gift voucher that I must use by July 31st.

What exact flies should I have for Sat?

For example .. when you talk abt tricos I know what they are but I don't .. LOL

Let me know exactly what you recommend and hopefully I'll see the post b4 I'm there.


///Also .. how impt are greenie weenies to the arsenal? For trout and WW .. dont have any and was wondering if I should
Get some size 22 and 24 trico duns and spinners if he has them. Also get some size 18 black ants. Then some of those searcher nymphs I told you about. size 12 to 16 should be perfect.
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (Garrett) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - tentative TBD
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's (boiled or grllied?)
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
PJHarrington (Paul) - tentative TBD
JoesyWales (Mark) - Venison and pineapple stuffing
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Invitiation is still open to anyone. Join us and just bring along something you think would be picnic worthy but let us know so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. I show 16 people above so far, please make sure to let me know if I missed you.
