Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

thetonyage wrote:
Where is this all goin down?

Little Lehigh, right next to the fly shop. Some of us will be there early and I assume it will go until the last person leaves. LOL

Come on down and join us.
I'm no artist so I'm going to ask for help. Any chance someone can make up a poster that we can hang so everyone knows where to find us? Parking by the shop could get really tight and others may need to park down by the hatchery and walk up to find us.
Careful with signs - the Parks Dept is kinda fussy about that kind of thing.

Just state here that overflow parking is across the street from the hatchery, and we'll be downstream by the fly shop. It's not that far.

The hatchery is also fussy about fishermen parking in the paved lot at the hatchery. The lot across the street from the hatchery is stone/dirt. Lotsa room in that one...
Thanks H-A. I know you know it better than me.
Alright, I am good to go. Just as long as PoconoPaul doesn't come. Anyways, I will have my wife make some desserts.
This event is gonna be awesome ! We have some heavy hitters and some great guys coming. Minus Becker and a few others of coarse. ;-) I'm actually thinking about not fishing and just helping out but anyone who knows me knows that when I see water I lose my mind so I'll see how it goes.
If you get a chance, and aren't going to eat burgers and/or want 2, or 3 (lol), let me know via PM or in a post. Don't wanna bring too lil or much. Anyone who doesn't notify me I'll assume is having. Thanks much

If anyone has an extra cooler (I don't own a real one but will be fine for Sat AM transportation) it would be very valuable for everyone to dump their perishables into while we are fishing .. just my $.02
Stagger_Lee wrote:
If anyone has an extra cooler (I don't own a real one but will be fine for Sat AM transportation) it would be very valuable for everyone to dump their perishables into while we are fishing .. just my $.02

Great point. JT is bringing a cooler but we could use another 1 or 2, please let us know if you can bring one. Thanks.
I'll bring a cooler and some ice.
SBecker wrote:
Alright, I am good to go. Just as long as PoconoPaul doesn't come. Anyways, I will have my wife make some desserts.

Thanks Shane.
Always welcome! Will bring a cooler as well.
Thanks guys, we should be good now. Good call out Stag!
Thanks guys, we should be good now. Good call out Stag!

Just tryin to pay something forward :)
I just received a phone call from Old Lefty. He asked me to ride along with him to the Jam. How could I say no, so it looks like I'll be getting up REAL early on Saturday morning as it is a 2 1/2 hour drive for us. I'm really looking forward to meeting all you fellas and fishing the LL. We should be there around 7am. Foxgap what do you want me to bring?
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Paul, my trico leader starts at 10ft, and is often longer. It typically ends in 6X - I rarely use 7X. .

Okay - Now you just made me sit up! I have this nice leader that some old guy with a gray mustache and a pipe made for me. Sounds like I should be adding 2 to 3 feet of tippet to it? I'm not scared of 7X, so I'm thinking 6X down to &x and the fly?
WildTigerTrout wrote:
I just received a phone call from Old Lefty. He asked me to ride along with him to the Jam. How could I say no, so it looks like I'll be getting up REAL early on Saturday morning as it is a 2 1/2 hour drive for us. I'm really looking forward to meeting all you fellas and fishing the LL. We should be there around 7am. Foxgap what do you want me to bring?

Wow, the good news keeps coming. Now I can meet you before we fish WD together. Looking forward to it. How about you bring some donuts. This way the guys and gals will have something to enjoy with their coffee!
Latest Update:

DJS (Dave) - Grill and hot sausage/rolls
Dave's Brother - Aardvark
Fox (George) - water, trash bags and Box of Joe (I hope)
Volksnurse (JT) - Soda with cooler and ice
Stag (Andrew) - burgers and rolls
GRP (Garrett) - Chips and condiments
Chaz (Chaz) - grill and meat plus his vast FF knowledge
Martin (Jeff) - Hot dogs/rolls and potato salad
Better Martin (Carolyn) - homemade Choc Chip Cookies
DD (Dan) - baked beans
CathG ( Cathy) - plates, napkins, plasticware and side tables
ADucker (Jeff) - shrimp (my hero)
SBecker (Shane) - Desserts
McFinn (Derrick) - corn on the cob and fixin's
H-A (Ed) - Pretzels and junk
PJHarrington (Paul) - tentative TBD
JoesyWales (Mark) - Venison and pineapple stuffing
OldLefty (Dave) - Tentative
WildTigerTrout (Ed) - Donuts
PoconoPaul (Paul, I assume) - Tentative
Don Douple - Watermelon
Dave - Fly Shop Owner (our guest)

Invitiation is still open to anyone. Join us and just bring along something you think would be picnic worthy but let us know so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. I show 22 possible attendees above so far, please make sure to let me know if I missed you. A couple of others have asked about it so that number may go up or down.

I'm planning on getting a box of Joe but I may need two, like Stag asked, PM me if you won't drink coffee, I'll assume all others will and buy accordingly.
Donuts it is! I will see you fellas on Saturday morning.
.....ugh.....cannot pull away for this one....Have fun everyone. If by the grace of God I can convince my wife to let me leave I will let you know.