Newbie Fish & Chips Session II - Saturday, July 28th

Sounds like a great time (wish I could make it).

Have fun guys. Post some pics if you care to. :)
I'll bring an extra cooler and will pack with ice packs. These things will keep meat frozen, so they should do fine in car (in case we can't get one parked in the shade). Plus they won't melt into water.
Not only did you guys basically introduce me to FF but the Outlaw will introduce me to Venison
thebassman wrote:
.....ugh.....cannot pull away for this one....Have fun everyone. If by the grace of God I can convince my wife to let me leave I will let you know.

Bassman, don't sweat but if can get away just show up. You know where we will be.
Fish, you're not coming? I'm terribly bummed! We need another Dave to make it really confusing ;-) Seriously, it would be great if you could make it.

Dave R.
OldLefty wrote:
Fish, you're not coming? I'm terribly bummed! We need another Dave to make it really confusing ;-) Seriously, it would be great if you could make it.

Dave R.

Maybe we can set aside a Dave's only section of the stream?

Dave S :)
How about an Ed only section for myself and Heritage Angler? :lol:
I'll also have a cooler that anyone can put stuff in it.
I have to keep the shrimp cold anyway...
Count me out for coffee. That stuff will kill ya!
You can count me out for coffee as well. I drink a few ounces in the morning, but that's about it.

A former boss told me that I make caffeine nervous...
WildTigerTrout wrote:
How about an Ed only section for myself and Heritage Angler? :lol:

H.A. knows the section set aside for him........

(Fox - that one was for you) :)
I will need a private stream section to host a knot tying demostration.

Anyone wishing to learn how to tie the most intricate knots, while casting, please see me.
Here's a combination newbie and older guy question:

Given that the Trco's we'll be using on Sat will be so small and dark, what's the advantage/drawback of using a more visible stimulator tied some distance above the Trico?
DD wrote

This event is gonna be awesome ! We have some heavy hitters and some great guys coming. Minus Becker and a few others of coarse. I'm actually thinking about not fishing and just helping out but anyone who knows me knows that when I see water I lose my mind so I'll see how it goes.

Seriously .. with the spread we're gonna have all we need would be a bunch of cases of beer and I would just eat, drink, shoot the shinola .. then sleep it off b4 I head home. Glad we don't have any beer :)
djs12354 wrote:
Here's a combination newbie and older guy question:

Given that the Trco's we'll be using on Sat will be so small and dark, what's the advantage/drawback of using a more visible stimulator tied some distance above the Trico?

Or you could use Fox's Hi Viz Trico pattern. (Technically not my design but tied by me) Guaranteed to fool fish, the landing part is up to you though. :-D
thebassman wrote:
.....ugh.....cannot pull away for this one....Have fun everyone. If by the grace of God I can convince my wife to let me leave I will let you know.

Dear bassman's wife,
Please let him out to play Saturday. He promises to be good and we'll return him *mostly* unharmed.


Bad influences.

(Just print this out and give it to her....might work)
Lol @ Volks ^^^^
If my wife knew half of you guys she wouldn't let me out to play either. Especially JT and McFinn!
Aww, c'mon DD, we're not so bad...


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I might be bringing a friend. On this board he's "Olyphant Lacky". He's not sure if he can make it.