2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

Lol that is right. I think I remember him quitting for the day after that.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Nice - Mitchell 308? Got a bunch of old Mitchell reels in my collection. Best reels ever.

I think the proverbial "birds nest" is something we don't need to teach. They are.......inevitable. :-(
308, yes sir. I'm also a fan of older GM's. Have a 408 and a couple 300's.
408? Yikes!

GM had a quality control problem on the ring gears on the 408's. They had a tendency to shed teeth. If you have one with teeth intact, and near perfect finish, you're sitting on a gold mine.

About 12 or 13 years ago, I had a contact that used to sell old reels at a flea market. He saved all the old Mitchells for me. One day he had a pretty grimy looking 408 for me that I bought for $5.

I cleaned it up, and it looked like new - no missing teeth. The 408's with a good ring gear were going for over $100 on fleabay, so I listed it for $150 "buy it now", since it looked so good.

When I went back to check the listing, it had already sold for the buy it now price. I can't even imagine what a perfect 408 with box and papers would go for now. :-o
Heritage-Angler wrote:
408? Yikes!

I think mine is one of the last generations of 408's. Bought it new in '79-ish along with the Fenwick Streamside UL rod you see in the pic. In '89 I had the rod's original wire guides replaced with Fugi single foot ceramics because they were grooved. Only issue I ever had with the 408 was with the bail not wanting to stay open: snapping closed in mid-cast....easily resolved with a little tune-up.Other than that, it's been a go-to combo for me for 30-something years.

Apologies to all for side tracking this thread.


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I'll be bringing quite a bit of electrical stuff. Two phones, a Garmin, TV Monitor and Laptop. Sounds like a lot of you will need electric as well.

I'll bring along electric cables and extra surge protected splitters so we can all get the power distributed that we need. I have this stuff from my show kit.

My two phones are supposed to have hotspot capability although I haven't tested them but will in the next day or so. Each phone should allow up to 5 internet devices to connect and I'll be happy to let presenters that need internet connect to my hotspots. I'm sure hoping there is phone service from Verizon or that might be moot.

I also have quite a map collection. Will bring Delorme, Some 7.5 minute topos and some maps I've made as well. If anyone needs anything special, let me know, I might have it in my archives.

I'm planning to arrive late afternoon the 15th and stay overnight.

Can we get in early to set-up?
Hi Mike - Yes we can get in early to set up. I was given the security code to the alarm system, and plan on being there between 6:30 and 7 AM to set up.

I'm relatively sure the Verizon coverage is good there, and being able to access your "hotspot" is gonna really help with some of the presenters displays.

This is gonna be a really cool thing, as the stations on either side of you will mesh perfectly with your display. I don't think it it could have been planned to blend together any better!

I see the bump, and I'll raise you gps coordinates for the Wildlands Conservancy Pool Wildlife Sanctuary.


Ill be there by 7.
Lost the nephews to a basketball tourney.
Ill have a few adult beverages with me also. For after the instruction. Take the edge off, lol.
Sweet on the internet connection. Especially useful for accessing the PFBC maps interface.
I am pretty sure Ed, I will be able to make it to help with casting if you would like. I might have to bring both of my boys along, as Amanda has started working 3rd shift and will want to sleep when she gets home. Would not be fair of me to leave the rugrats with her.
Nevermind, She does not work Friday night. Will bring Mason though.
Are we eating lunch at the same bufett we ate at last year?
That was nice:)

Hope to see everyone on Saturday.
Shane - Sounds good. It'll be kray, yourself, and me doing the casting instruction. Having three of us doing this will allow us to take breaks to go inside and warm up.

Bring your 6wt - I've got leaders and yarn. We can't use da Bean's setups, as I found out they're having their Spring fishing weekend at the store, and they'll be using them.

Jeff - Yes, we have reservations at the Gourmet Buffet at 12:30. Mooney4 will be in charge of leading the caravan of vehicles down there, as it's the only way I can guarantee we won't leave for lunch without him. :lol:

We have the Party Room reserved - I just confirmed the reservation.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Shane - Sounds good. It'll be kray, yourself, and me doing the casting instruction. Having three of us doing this will allow us to take breaks to go inside and warm up.

Thinkin its gunna be cold? Should be fairly nice considering.
Just watching the weather here in NEPA and they are calling for snow on Saturday! :-(
Forecast here is 46 degrees, partly sunny. We'll be fine.