Traveling Trout Co. - Trout Towns

^For small unstocked streams (say 10-15 sq. mile-ish watersheds and smaller), from a practical perspective, this translates into the whole stream most of the time = Go somewhere else.
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All this intruder talking has me boiling again, a few weeks ago I was at a pool on the clarion river near johnsonburg got there before daylight,strung up started fishing and missed a good 18+ incher on a Woolley bugger , as I was getting ready to fish again a father and son walked right up to me and started fishing one guy to my left his son to my right 10 ft away, talk about being mad , I just wrapped up and left and went to another spot but I should of said something but didn’t,or I should of stumbled around like I was falling in before leaving everything all spooked ,pissed me off to say the least
I don't like fishing real close to people but sometimes have had some interesting banter with guys on bigger streams. I also don't mind spectators. I got a big fish a few weeks ago and there was a couple watching me fight and then net it and they actually applauded. I bowed and then released it.
Spectators are fine I had something similar happen last year I was fishing and A couple getting water out of a spring asked if I was having luck and at that moment hooked up on a nice one right in front of them similar results and I let it go
All this intruder talking has me boiling again, a few weeks ago I was at a pool on the clarion river near johnsonburg got there before daylight,strung up started fishing and missed a good 18+ incher on a Woolley bugger , as I was getting ready to fish again a father and son walked right up to me and started fishing one guy to my left his son to my right 10 ft away, talk about being mad , I just wrapped up and left and went to another spot but I should of said something but didn’t,or I should of stumbled around like I was falling in before leaving everything all spooked ,pissed me off to say the least
Well maybe it would be wise to stop "reporting" all these large fish in this river by this town to the internet. I was one of the younger guys you met in the parking lot after getting off this stream and you showed us pictures of the fish you had just caught. I later recognized the pictures on here. One thing to tell a couple guys face to face...the internet is a different game.
This thread is pretty confusing to me.....

In defense of Traveling Trout Co, he posted that thread in February of this year (2024) but started his Trout Town series more than a year ago. It's inaccurate to say he stole ideas from the board and then used them to create the video series. He posted here asking what he missed (meaning additional towns) and was very transparent about wanting to make further videos. I enjoyed the discussions in those threads, and his original thread prompted the board to have an official vote-off - which I thought was pretty cool.

I'm generally not a fan of his video content - more from a formatting/content/flow perspective, but it's clear he's been progressing as an angler and becoming more self-aware of practices, etc. I can relate to him in many ways, as I didn't have a fly fishing mentor or anyone to teach me the ropes. Like most other folks in this state, I grew up fishing for stocked fish with a spin rod on opening day. It's been a long road of learning and trial and error - and a lot of stuff I'm embarrassed about in hindsight. I'm sure I still have a lot more to learn.

Now, all that said, I'm not a fan of spot-burning, and most, if not all, of the FF creators I follow don't spot-burn or list stream names. That said, when it comes to spot-burning, I don't think his videos have had any impact on those streams. I just pulled up his channel to check, and pretty much all of the streams he posts (except for maybe 1 or 2) are streams you'd come across within the first few hours of researching PA streams or streams from the other regions he's been to. They seem to be mostly all tier 1 and tier 2 steams, which is to say they're streams listed on numerous websites and in multiple books, and countless videos have already been posted about them - including some major players like Orvis, etc.

I'm not encouraging spot-burning or defending the overall practice of FF/stream content, but I think some folks here are blowing this a bit out of proportion.
This thread is pretty confusing to me.....

In defense of Traveling Trout Co, he posted that thread in February of this year (2024) but started his Trout Town series more than a year ago. It's inaccurate to say he stole ideas from the board and then used them to create the video series. He posted here asking what he missed (meaning additional towns) and was very transparent about wanting to make further videos. I enjoyed the discussions in those threads, and his original thread prompted the board to have an official vote-off - which I thought was pretty cool.

I'm generally not a fan of his video content - more from a formatting/content/flow perspective, but it's clear he's been progressing as an angler and becoming more self-aware of practices, etc. I can relate to him in many ways, as I didn't have a fly fishing mentor or anyone to teach me the ropes. Like most other folks in this state, I grew up fishing for stocked fish with a spin rod on opening day. It's been a long road of learning and trial and error - and a lot of stuff I'm embarrassed about in hindsight. I'm sure I still have a lot more to learn.

Now, all that said, I'm not a fan of spot-burning, and most, if not all, of the FF creators I follow don't spot-burn or list stream names. That said, when it comes to spot-burning, I don't think his videos have had any impact on those streams. I just pulled up his channel to check, and pretty much all of the streams he posts (except for maybe 1 or 2) are streams you'd come across within the first few hours of researching PA streams or streams from the other regions he's been to. They seem to be mostly all tier 1 and tier 2 steams, which is to say they're streams listed on numerous websites and in multiple books, and countless videos have already been posted about them - including some major players like Orvis, etc.

I'm not encouraging spot-burning or defending the overall practice of FF/stream content, but I think some folks here are blowing this a bit out of proportion.
His videos certainly won't change anything in my world of trout fishing.
You ever notice he never shows his face? Maybe he's afraid he'll get his azz whooped. :D
That’s a really good way to explain it.

Gonna cliffhanger us on the one time you didn’t get the apology? 😛

I say something similar a lot of the time. It happens most frequently to me actually surf fishing. There are days where it’s acceptable to be one truck width apart based on crowds. If you don’t like that, don’t go on those kinds of days…holiday weekends, etc. And there are days where you better not be within a quarter mile of anyone else. Gotta read the conditions. But there’s a lot of people out there who just buy the surf tag to be able to drive on the beach. I’ve seen people tossing a pyramid with no hook when they get there and never touching it until they leave.
That one was interesting, was fishing the gunpowder with a buddy at 30 cfs. We were fishing a small riffle that was deep enough to fish, it was about the size of 2 hot tubs. We were taking turns when a guy comes down the path and begins fishing the other side of it. The fisherman was about 10 feet from my buddy when I said we would have given him more space. He replied"its a public river" which really set my buddy off. He lived and fishes in Denver(where I think they have zero respect)and he was appalled. He said fine and began trouncing through the small hole kicking and splashing water everywhere. Luckily the guy tucked his tail between his legs and bolted but it could have been ugly.
That one was interesting, was fishing the gunpowder with a buddy at 30 cfs. We were fishing a small riffle that was deep enough to fish, it was about the size of 2 hot tubs. We were taking turns when a guy comes down the path and begins fishing the other side of it. The fisherman was about 10 feet from my buddy when I said we would have given him more space. He replied"its a public river" which really set my buddy off. He lived and fishes in Denver(where I think they have zero respect)and he was appalled. He said fine and began trouncing through the small hole kicking and splashing water everywhere. Luckily the guy tucked his tail between his legs and bolted but it could have been ugly.
Dear ryansheehan,

I'd tell you about the time I was getting my rod out of the back of truck on Big Fishing Creek while fully suited up in waders when someone skidded into the gravel lot where I was parked just above the "No Sunday Fishing" cabins.

He ran down the bank and started fishing. I stood on the bank and tossed gravel at the pool and at him and said, well I can't say it here, but I'll bet you can guess. It had lots of F's and lots of K's and bad words about matriarchal family members in it.

He came up the bank and left. I waited 20 minutes and had a good evening. The fish know who is worth getting caught by and oblige when necessary. ;)


Tim Murphy :)
I've had my share of incidents all related to crowding which include throwing rocks off a bridge in the water in front of a guy who jumped in front of me on the Saucon, challenging about 4 a-holes to a fight on the Musconetcong, and pushing a kid in Marshall's Creek who literally stood right next to me & my wife.

I don't take to it kindly...
In most of these situations IMO, a punt and change of location is probably the smartest play call. Though I’ve said stuff in the past in this scenario, I’m going to try to just walk out and leave and say nothing moving forward. Not worth it.

This thread underscores why I put so much effort into seeking out locations where it will be highly unlikely to run into another angler.
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Quietly take there valve stems out of there tires and throw them in the weeds as you’re leaving , I know someone who did this to a guy that was reeling stealhead onto the shore, letting them flop around till the hook came out and was kicking them back into elk Creek my buddy approached him , said something to him about it the guy replied none of your business there going to die anyway,😂😂😂not that I would condone this kind of action but I think it was deserving, totally different than being encroached on though
Rule number one of life…Never, under any circumstances, is it justified to mess with someone else’s vehicle. Period. One of the few times you can actually get away with saying never.

We all had prank wars with your buddies in college. What was the only “gentleman’s” rule?…Girlfriends are fair game, but vehicles are off limits.
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