2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

delta_dog wrote:
That said, I even think my wife wishes I was just a figment of her imagination at times. In a speedo, of course.

All I can say to that is poor Ed! :-o He will never be the same!

Troutpoop, his Dad, and myself were scarred for life. We really need to buy Fox a bathrobe to keep at camp. :-o
Sounds good!! FrequentTyer (Mike) and I will have things covered in those departments. Thank you for the update!!
Do you need a head-count for this event? I may bring a couple of newbies that I introduced to FF last summer. Unfortunately for them, I've shown them all my bad habits & unconventional methods. I would be good for them to see how to do things the right way.
A BIG thank you to Dog, H-A, Pcray and Swattie for braving the elements and helping us get some video footage for our newbie brookie how-to video. I think you newbies will get some great tips on brookie fishing. You won't get many tips from this video on catching but when you have 5 guys tromping around a small stream the fish are likely shell shocked. We had a great time getting the footage and even though I won't be able to attend the jam, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.
TimB wrote:
Do you need a head-count for this event? I may bring a couple of newbies that I introduced to FF last summer. Unfortunately for them, I've shown them all my bad habits & unconventional methods. I would be good for them to see how to do things the right way.

Tim, it would be good to know how many but its not necessary, bring as many as you want.
Had a great time today too. Was glad I could be there since I can't make it on the 16th now.

It really does seem like the fish know when you're trying to do something like this and just plain don't cooperate. That said, we probably had a good dozen takes, half of which resulted in hookups...not too awfully bad for a freestoner in February. It would have been nice to have a little more fish footage, but we set out to prioritize demonstrating technique over catching fish and I think we accomplished that. I think the newbies should be able to pick up a thing or two from it.

We probably have enough footage to put together a brief "what not to do" list too...like wade up to your armpits (slight exaggeration) to retrieve a fly in 40 degree water! Admittedly Pat, that's not easy to accomplish in most Brookie streams!
TimB wrote:
Do you need a head-count for this event? I may bring a couple of newbies that I introduced to FF last summer. Unfortunately for them, I've shown them all my bad habits & unconventional methods. I would be good for them to see how to do things the right way.

This is funny! Tim, if you've mentored those newbies, they're off to a great start. IMO, they're very lucky to have you teach them.

To the brookie video crew - I can't wait to see the footage we took today. Some great approaches, casting, and techniques. It was obvious to me why you guys have such good results on-stream. Very impressive! Thanks for putting in time to help the newbies - I'm sure they'll like this presentation. :)
Who cares if the fishing was slow I had a blast. I briefly reviewed the footage from today and I'm gonna have my work cut out me. The footage is pretty awesome. It should be very usefull to anyone looking to get into Brookie fishing.
You guys are kooky. I can imagine the strategy discussion at the car before going into the woods. I'd like to see that film. :)
Can't wait to see the footage. The 16th is gunna be a lot of fun.
Can't wait for the part where Ed and George are dancing to Beyonce....

delta_dog wrote:
Who cares if the fishing was slow I had a blast. I briefly reviewed the footage from today and I'm gonna have my work cut out me. The footage is pretty awesome. It should be very usefull to anyone looking to get into Brookie fishing.
Volksnurse wrote:
Can't wait for the part where Ed and George are dancing to Beyonce....

I thought they were going old school to U Can't Touch This?

MC Ed getting down with the Fresh Foxgap Prince?
I was planning on coming, now I cant miss this video!! I just found this post so I'm catching up. Ed if theres anything I can do to help out feel free to put me there. Maybe stream side cooking!!!! Hahahaha!!
mooney4 wrote:
I was planning on coming, now I cant miss this video!! I just found this post so I'm catching up. Ed if theres anything I can do to help out feel free to put me there. Maybe stream side cooking!!!! Hahahaha!!

Glad to have you pitch in!

We'll keep you un-assigned, and plug you in somewhere that we are shorthanded. I have complete faith you could handle any station with no advanced planning.

Make sure you bring your fishing gear for the afternoon on-stream session. We're eating lunch at the same place as last year (Gourmet Buffet & Grill @ 12:30) - wouldn't want to leave you behind when we head out for lunch. :oops:
I picture Ed as more of an Electric Slide kinda guy.

There is no registration right, just have to show up?
That said, we probably had a good dozen takes, half of which resulted in hookups...not too awfully bad for a freestoner in February.

My take was a classic screw up. I had too slack a line, as I was payin attention to something related to filming instead of fishing at the time. The take surprised me, resulted in one of those super high reeling hooksets to take up the slack. But I hooked him.

Then, instead of landing it, I tried to extend the fight to allow someone to get a camera ready. Of course he got off. :( Only to find out Ed filmed it all. lol.

And I did NOT go over my waders retrieving that fly. Just goes to show, there's a reason for chesties on brooky waters. And that one is a good lesson. A fly is never lost when brookie fishing. There are only varying degrees of effort required to retrieve them.

Wish we would have had a video of volksnurse launching his staff. That was classic. And that also occurred while he was trying to retrieve my fly. See a pattern here?
pcray1231 wrote:
Wish we would have had a video of volksnurse launching his staff. That was classic. And that also occurred while he was trying to retrieve my fly. See a pattern here?

Volksnurse???????? Now that's a classic.

Ed could you see Dan driving an Element?????????? :lol: