2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

Looks like I wont be able to get off work to many other guys off that weekend.
A buddy of mine might attend also. He just joined the fourm (Gone_Phishin). I think it would be benificial for him.
Let me say this, newbie, middie or expert can benefit from the comradarie alone. Don't let the title of "Newbie" Jam scare anybody off. Come join us, I think you will undoubtedly have fun.

At the very least you can break my butt. I'm told it's an enjoyable past time. Although I suppose it depends in which side of the fence you reside. :roll:
Foxgap239 wrote:

At the very least you can break my butt. I'm told it's an enjoyable past time. Although I suppose it depends in which side of the fence you reside. :roll:

Wadda Ya Mean? :)
djs12354 wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:

At the very least you can break my butt. I'm told it's an enjoyable past time. Although I suppose it depends in which side of the fence you reside. :roll:

Wadda Ya Mean? :)

I don't know what you mean George....
We ALL treat you with the utmost respect...

(OK, I mostly kept a straight face while typing that) :p :p
Foxgap239 wrote:

At the very least you can break my butt. I'm told it's an enjoyable past time. Although I suppose it depends in which side of the fence you reside. :roll:

I am looking forward to meeting you this time, Fox. I've heard a lot about you.

.......none of it good.......... :-o
hack wrote:
I am looking forward to meeting you this time, Fox. I've heard a lot about you.

.......none of it good.......... :-o

Hi Paul - While I enjoy busting on da Fox as much as the rest of the world, I make every effort to fish with him as much as possible.

That's the highest compliment I can give to anyone.

OK, that's enough being nice to Fox - don't want to spoil him. :cool:
I recently joined this forum,and I am a definite newbie.My wife and I were supposed to visit friends that weekend but I am going to try a change the dates.This sounds like a must for a newbie.I don't have waders or boots yet,will I be ok with just rod and reel that day.Thanks.
Fly5 wrote:
I don't have waders or boots yet,will I be ok with just rod and reel that day.Thanks.

You will be just fine without waders or boots for the jam.
"You will be just fine without waders or boots for the jam."

as long as you dont listen to some of us too much :)
Might make a weekend of it and stay up at the cabin.
Guys, I will not be able to make the newbie Jam on the 16th. I was just made aware of some changes to my scope of responsibilities at work which will include several direct reports and a rotational Saturday duty requirement moving forward. Of course, the first one I am scheduled for is March 16th. I am the least tenured manager in the office, so I'm not really in a position to request a switch at this point.

My portion of the "Where to Fish" station was going to focus on researching and finding WW streams, and how streams tend to transition from cold to cool to warm water as they grow in size. I was also going to include some information on the fish species more commonly found in our transition and WW streams. If anyone would like to pick this up in my absense, let myself or H.A. know.

Sorry again guys.

- Matt
No worries, Matt. Life has a habit of getting in the way of plans.

This is exactly why I wanted to assign at least two instructors to every station. We'll be fine.

Sure hope you still plan on helping with the planning for this event. ;-)

I like the way you think, and you'll still be able to provide some very valuable input to this event. :pint:
Yeah, fortunately I'm still good for the... :pint: ...planning! Very much looking forward to it.
OK, just an update.

We've lost some very valuable instructors, so we're gonna have to juggle things around.

Our guest instructor who was going to do the knot instruction is now going to do the entomology station. He's pumped for this, and will do an awesome job - lots of visuals.

We'll combine the knot station with the leader building station - they're pretty much tied together anyways (pun intended).

I'm not gonna remove Swattie and Fox from the list, even though they can't be there on March 16th - their contribution is just too valuable, and their work will still be a large part of the presentations at their stations.

If anyone is interested in helping out with the instruction, feel free to jump in and join us. We're OK, but could use the help...

1 - Gear Setup (Phish_On, djs12354,+?)
2 - Knot Instruction (Frequent Tyer, FGSIII)
3 - Leader Setups (FrequentTyer, FGSIII)
4 - Entomology (Guest instructor, +?)
5 - Fly Tying for Beginners (Volksnurse, surveyor06,Dewey,Hack)
6 - Fly Casting Instruction (H.A., krayfish, +?)
7 - Where to Fish (pcray, k-bob, Swattie87, +?)
8 - Wild Brook Trout Fishing (Foxgap239, Delta Dog, k-bob, +?)
That is a shame about Swattie and Fox, but it still looks like it will be a great event. I'm sure that between FGSIII and myself we can take care of knots and leaders.
I was looking forward to meeting Fox, and this is not the first time I missed him. I'm starting to think you guys have an imaginary friend.
I was looking forward to meeting Fox, and this is not the first time I missed him. I'm starting to think you guys have an imaginary friend.

LMAO.....now that's funny. Don't worry Mike sometimes we wish he was imaginary. :lol:
FrequentTyer wrote:
That is a shame about Swattie and Fox, but it still looks like it will be a great event. I'm sure that between FGSIII and myself we can take care of knots and leaders.
I was looking forward to meeting Fox, and this is not the first time I missed him. I'm starting to think you guys have an imaginary friend.


Just stand in a stream, making your drift. If you hear an "Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, behind you - Turn around quickly. That will be the call of the wild and wooly Fox, encouraging you to strike! ;-)

delta_dog wrote:
LMAO.....now that's funny. Don't worry Mike sometimes we wish he was imaginary. :lol:

Very funny, funny man. Imagine me at camp without you!!!!!!!!!!!! :pint:

That said, I even think my wife wishes I was just a figment of her imagination at times. In a speedo, of course. :-D
That said, I even think my wife wishes I was just a figment of her imagination at times. In a speedo, of course.

All I can say to that is poor Ed! :-o He will never be the same!