2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

You're in, Phish.

I have the perfect "model" to assist you. He's quite a fashion statement. :lol:

1 - Gear Setup (Phish_On, djs12354,+?)
2 - Knot Instruction (guest instructor +?)
3 - Leader Setups
4 - Entomology
5 - Fly Tying for Beginners (Volksnurse, surveyor06, +?)
6 - Fly Casting Instruction (H.A. +?)
7 - Where to Fish (pcray, k-bob, +?)
8 - Wild Brook Trout Fishing (Foxgap239, Delta Dog, k-bob)



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Heritage-Angler wrote:
You're in, Phish.

I have the perfect "model" to assist you. He's quite a fashion statement. :lol:

ARRRRRRGH MY EYES!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Volksnurse wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
You're in, Phish.

I have the perfect "model" to assist you. He's quite a fashion statement. :lol:

ARRRRRRGH MY EYES!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

just proving you don't have to be pretty to catch fish! :)
HA double check your link for the stream location as when I clicked on it it took me to just outside Seattle. While they may have some chrome out there that's a long drive.
OK I can talk about brookies but what is entymology? great if you had your laptop george.
I will have a laptop if George can't bring his. Probably need a plug, though, my battery only lasts about 2 hours. And I doubt it'll have internet access if you're looking for something online.
If you guys can use me, I would be happy to do leader setup again. I'm very biased towards traditional hand tied leaders, so it would be good if someone else could balance this out with all the newfangled stuff the kids are using.
I'll definitely have my laptop, the only question is cell phone access to get internet access. I, too, would need to be close to electric as my laptop lasts a bit longer than Pat's but not much. Dog and I talked a little bit and one of us (probably him) will bring our tying stuff to show how to tie our brookie flies. We are also going to try to get out and video some different techniques between now and then (weather permitting) so if Pat or Bob wanted to join us for that, we'll schedule something. I'll be traveling after this week for a couple weeks but we could use the conference number to discuss plans even while I'm away.
Foxgap239 wrote:
We are also going to try to get out and video some different techniques between now and then (weather permitting) so if Pat or Bob wanted to join us for that, we'll schedule something.

Aren't you forgetting someone???!!!! :-(

I see how you guys are.... (sound familiar?)

Mike - you saved me a phone call.

1 - Gear Setup (Phish_On, djs12354,+?)
2 - Knot Instruction (guest instructor +?)
3 - Leader Setups (FrequentTyer, +?)
4 - Entomology
5 - Fly Tying for Beginners (Volksnurse, surveyor06, +?)
6 - Fly Casting Instruction (H.A. +?)
7 - Where to Fish (pcray, k-bob, +?)
8 - Wild Brook Trout Fishing (Foxgap239, Delta Dog, k-bob)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:
We are also going to try to get out and video some different techniques between now and then (weather permitting) so if Pat or Bob wanted to join us for that, we'll schedule something.

Aren't you forgetting someone???!!!! :-(

I see how you guys are.... (sound familiar?)

You have an open invitation whenever we go out, I thought specifically inviting you would just be redundant-er.
shooting some video sounds like fun. I have these flies that show up well (thanks Dan) before the brookies bash them
I could help out Frequent Tyer aka Mike with the leader set up. If he covers the hand tied/mono leaders I could go over poly leaders, braided leaders, and possibley furled leaders.
Ok, ok, ok.

Sometime in the next month and a half, we need to schedule a massive brookie outing, complete with video cameras. Consider it an "in service" day to plan this thing....

My laptop needs a hotspot, doesn't work on cell phones. Online didn't work last year on mine and I doubt it will this year. Last year I printed out example maps on paper ahead of time and had written instructions on how to get to em, basically walked them through the online screens, but on paper. I just ran a massive slideshow of pictures on the computer itself, which helped lure people in. It is a pretty powerful machine in regards to media.

So it could play the video's and pictures and so forth. If you can get internet, you can go through the online stuff. We can have the paper method as a backup.
pcray1231 wrote:
Ok, ok, ok.

Sometime in the next month and a half, we need to schedule a massive brookie outing, complete with video cameras. Consider it an "in service" day to plan this thing....

I'm in and Ed, you are invited. Let's look for a Saturday or Sunday (we can determine location offline). Can we tentatively look at the weekends of 2/16 or 2/23? Hell this will be a lot of fun having all this brookie knowledge in one place. I'm gonna feel inadequate with this group but hell a little embarassment never stopped me before! :roll:
2/16 might be an issue, have to check. V-Day and wife's B-day are the week before.

Think my parents are visiting on 3/2-3/3. So the 23rd is probably gonna be my best shot.
And regarding numbers of people, 5 guys on a brookie stream? Oh my. It'll be like a jam....
I'm gonna feel inadequate with this group but hell a little embarassment never stopped me before!

I don't know why you would ever feel embarrassed I thought you got over that after all the times I've SCHOOLED you! Oh wait you must be talking about all the face plants you do stream side.......and not so stream side. :lol: :lol: :lol:......... :-D
pcray1231 wrote: So the 23rd is probably gonna be my best shot.

I think the 23rd is gonna work best for me too. My kid is a senior at Temple majoring in communication with a focus on video. He is currently running the video department for the Philadelphia Spinners Ultimate team, so maybe I'll try to bribe him into coming with us with his equipment. If you guys will spend a little time working with him, that might be bribe enough. Whereas I think I'm a good teacher with others, I'm too tough on him and I'm pretty sure he can do better with one of you. Just not Dog. If I let him and my kid compare notes, I'm screwed for sure! :pint:
23rd looks good for me I like the idea of five guys, some of my homemade trails could use some traffic on them!