2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

Really looking forward to tomorrow. I'm thinking i should don my neo chesties before hitting the buffet. May be a struggle getting them on aferwards! :-D
I have some obligations tomorrow but I'm going to try to break away and catch up with you guys...
Not gonna be able to make it for the first half, but will meet up with you guys to get some fishing in!
Really looking forward to this event. Bringing up my buddy as well. I don't care what the weather does, gonna be great to learn from others experience. Thanks in advance for putting this together.
Okay - The car's loaded, the driver's not. Setting the alarm for 4:30 and I'll be on the road to pick my friend, Pat, up by 5:30.

Should be at the conservancy by 7:30, after stopping to pick up the coffee.
Sounds good, Dave. I'm running a bit behind you at this point, but I'll catch up soon.

If you have the $, can you grab two boxes of coffee? I'll pay you for the extra. The Dunkin by me is always packed in the morning, and they take forever to fill a box of coffee.....
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Sounds good, Dave. I'm running a bit behind you at this point, but I'll catch up soon.

If you have the $, can you grab two boxes of coffee? I'll pay you for the extra. The Dunkin by me is always packed in the morning, and they take forever to fill a box of coffee.....

Glad I checked back here....Two boxes it is!

Just got off the phone with Pat. He's looking forward to tomorrow. Called to confirm meeting place.

How's the stream levels down that way? Lackawanna was/is blown out. Tunkhannock Creek section we fished today was high and cloudy, but clearing as the day wore on. Water level did not change much, though.
Funny, I just got off the phone with Pat too (pcray).

The Little Lehigh should be in perfect shape for tomorrow. I suspect we'll see a good olive hatch in the afternoon.

Game on. :)
Drove 4 hours tonite for this thing. I'll be there hell or high water.
Wow, look forward to meeting you L Soult. Coty told me he was the better brother. Lol
Have fun guys, and I'm sure the newbies will learn a lot. Wish I was there...Sent from my cubicle.
Sorry guys I'm not going to make it today. I've been sick for 2 days and don't want to pass this on to anyone else. Hope all have a good time
Live update from the Jam. We have a nice crowd and with great questions. You still have plenty of time to join us. Due to a family issue I had to cancel my WC trip, so yes, I'm here and we are having a blast. Come join us.
I couldn't make it. My Blazer sprung a gas leak.
been there done that with my blazer and astro.
Wasn't able to make it either....we ended up car shopping and picked one up....took forever to do paperwork and get out....hope you all had a blast!!
Hope everyone had a good time and learned. I had the luxury of entertaining 15 five year olds at my sons bday. What fun :roll:

Hope to see you all at the brush up jam
Just signed up on here after attending the Jam....it was a great day learned a lot and the little Lehigh was producing like it thought it was late May...thanks to everyone for putting this event on and turning out.....I did get talked into buying another rod guess I should have expected that.
My thoughts Exactly!!!

Thank you guys a lot for putting on a great show. Had a blast today, and learned that my casting needs plenty of help.. LOL

Delta_dog, Thanks for the 1-on-1 fly tying demo, me and my buddy got a lot out of that, I think he is buying all the stuff he needs as I type this.

What a great event, can't think you guys enough for putting in the time to make this happen.

I am so thankful I will let someone else post the pic of Fox-Gap. He knows the one!!!
