2013 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (aka Newbie Jam) - March 16th

My son and I learned a lot. I want to thank all of you also for volunteering all your time for this. S becker thanks again for showing my son proper technique for casting. Had a great time. Didnt do the on stream instructional bc yeah we fair weather fisherman and didnt want the wife yelling at me if the kid got sick I would have never heard the end of it.
Thanks again
It was nice seeing everyone today.
I even caught fish down near the covered bridge.
I was able to catch browns w/ a BWO on my own hand tied dry fly leader, that was nice. And I also caught using a nymph I tied last night. Even thou it was snowing it didn't feel that cold at all.
I would also like to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge and patience with me and fellow newbies. From delta dog and his gear tips and fly tying to S Becker and his help with casting and everyone else thanks again, and I will definitely keep an eye out for the follow up newbie gathering..
It certainly was a good day!

I'd like to thank all the instructors - you guys did the excellent job I knew you would.

It was a day of surprises, and I certainly got more than my share of them! ;-)

Today reminded me what good friends I've met through PAFF. I hope everyone makes the kind of friends that I've met here. Good fishing buddies are the best kind of friends, and I've been blessed with some truely great ones.

Here's a brief slide show of the day - I think I got all the instructors except krayfish. He just moves too quick to get a picture of. If anyone has any pictures of the day that they'd like to add to the slideshow, just PM me, and I'll give you my email address to send them to.

Special thanks to UFMGuy for spending the morning showing us his incredible products. You answered the only question I had in like 10 seconds. Your "GPS Fishing Guide" for Garmin is one incredible tool for finding streams, and I highly recommend his products for Newbies and experienced fishermen alike. They can pay for themselves in just one trip in time and gas savings, and the smart phone versions are even more capable. Just amazing!

Thanks again to all that made this a fun and educational day!


I had a great time. It was worth the wait. Thanks everyone!!
Excellent. Enjoyed the slides as well. Were most of the newcomers youngsters, or spread across the spectrum? I think it is great to welcome others to the sport with good instruction and appreciation of the natural world. Thanks to all that worked on this.
It was a fun day. I really enjoy working with others on casting. I am by no means great at it, but I can visually see when others need a tweek here and there. I wish you guys the best of luck with your season, and feel free to Pm me about anything or to fish.

Really was a great day because I was able to get a fly rod in my 5 year olds hand for the first time. I was surprisingly pleased with what he did and corrected his casts when I described what he was doing wrong. A 9fter might not have been the best rod to start him with. Lol Also, was able to end the day on olives up top and him reeling them in. Thanks again Ed for putting this together.
Great to see everyone!

Thanks for allowing me a small part in this!
As always, a great collection of guys. Had fun and hopefully helped someone along the way. Hadn't fished in the snow in a very long time and forgot how much fun it was. Thanks for putting that together Ed. Josh enjoyed it so much that he wanted to know when the next one was. LOL.
I had a great time. Hope I pointed some people in the right direction. Cant beat dry fly fishin in a snow storm.
I wanna start off with a very special thanks to Heritage-Angler(AKA Ed/AKA Birthday Boy) Without him these events would never be possible. Another thanks for the instructors who gave up their time to help out.. It was awesome seeing so many new faces this year and some of the same faces from last year who checked in again this year. There were a few people that were deeply missed this year(Stagger,McFinn,CathyG). We really do have a great bunch of guys on here and having Da Fox join us today was icing on the cake. I'm looking forward to the brush up days ahead. Anyone who wasn't able to hit the stream today or needs more help. Stay tuned. The brush up days are ALWAYS a blast.
I think I can honestly say that was the best fishing experience I've had. Thanks to all so eager to share their knowledge, Im sure I gained a year of experience in one day. Also I caught more trout today then in all my days fishing combined. 4 browns and 2 rainbow all on the egg pattern Kindly donated by SBecker ( I believe. Im horrible with names and information overload today.) Its very encouraging to meet people with a great attitude. I didn't know what to expect knowing the kind of elitists that are associated with this sport sometimes. Thanks to all involved. Really looking forward to learning, fishing, and hanging out with you guys in the future.
Hey y'all! That was great! It was awesome meeting some of you and talking shop! I learned a lot and really enjoyed it! Can't wait to hang out with some of you and go fishing! Thanks to all of you who offered your time and expertise for us newbies. Awesome time and good people!
Word! I agree! Thanks for encouraging me to go Fletch!
Yeah good seeing evryone and thanks for the nice job of organizing things... fun time discussing stuff, and great flies by delta dog,.. I liked the lunch and maybe I should have fished the little Lehigh instead of running up to some really cold little brookie stream!
Many thanks to all involved for a great day. I learned a lot yesterday; everyone was very willing to share info.....casting coaching; tackle talk (ie: The Twanger, the blood knot, furled leaders, napalm etc, etc, etc); one on one on-stream instruction (by the way D Dog, that fish was still rising at the white rock when I left....my one taker was on the downstream edge of that blow-down....but I missed him). Just a great group of people to meet and spend the day with; talking about our mutual obsession. Again, thank you very much!
Thanks for the efforts of ALL of the instructors, especially ED, although I hate to single anyone out. You guys are truly ambassadors of the sport. I was very ecouraged on my casting after a few minutes with Ed. I just need to get out with you guys this spring before I become one-winged for a few months.
Once again Ed (AKA Heritage Angler), FoxGap and everyone that put the day together did a incredible job!! I'm thankful to have been able to help with these events when ever possible. DeltaDog, you are the man!! I could watch you tie dries all day long. You make it look so simple and easy. Thanks for the tips you gave me and that special fly!!! I'll be sure to get a bunch of those ready for May. Lunch was great too with all the great guys and young ladies. Although I wussed out on jumping into the water, it was a great thing to see all that did brave the weather and congrats to all that were able to catch some of those beautiful fish in the stream.
The knowledge that comes from everyone on this site is truly priceless!!!! Thank You!!
Rich if you have any more questions give me a call anytime. If you need more help come May we can work on it when you come up to camp.
Thanks again to everyone for yesterday. I learned a whole lot and had a blast meeting everyone. Thanks Pat for the fly and the great pointers, helping me catch my only fish yesterday. Delta, that knot for the droppers may have been the highlight of the day for me.