2011 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Mini Jam 12/17/11

Updated list:

H.A. - sulphur comparadun demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bain demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo

Me and the boy are definitely reserving our seats at the beginner table. Looking forward to Gaeronf teaching this bald fat old guy with gray in the beard a few new things. :)
JohnnyUtah wrote:

Oooops. My bad.

H.A. - sulphur comparadun demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
Updated attendees:

H.A. - sulphur comparadun demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
Im still in for this. Looks like alot of fun.
surveyor06 wrote:
Im still in for this. Looks like alot of fun.

You're going to be expected to do yours' outside, and with gloves on. Just so you know. Keeping up tradition and all.
Haha, no problem, thats where I do my best work
This looks like a fun day!
zerodrag wrote:
This looks like a fun day!

So, are you signing up? Lemme know if you want to do a demo, or just watch. We'd be glad to have you attend.

Due to Foxgap239's choice of a comparadun demo, I'm changing my demo up. Fox knows how to tie a mean comparadun!

Here's the updated list...

H.A. - Polish woven nymph demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
krayfish - (?)

Wow, A mean Comparadun. I will have a chat with them and work on a kinder, gentler comparadun. I'll also bring materials to tie the Klinghammer Special, if anyone wants to see how that is tied.
H-A, if you still have room, I'd like to come to the Jam. I'll tie an attractor nymph.
whheff wrote:
H-A, if you still have room, I'd like to come to the Jam. I'll tie an attractor nymph.

Doesn't take much to get you out fishing, or tying. :lol:

Updated list:

H.A. - Polish woven nymph demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
krayfish - (?)
whheff - Attractor nymph demo
H-A, I'll tie my Action Caddis. What's the deal with including kits and such?
The idea behind the kits is for the demo tyers to have 6 kits with all materials (don't forget hooks), except thread, in 6 seperate plastic bags. The demo tyers would then instruct the newbies, or any interested tyers, on tying their fly.

Unused demo kits would be kept by the demo tyer that supplied them, or donated to the raffle - their choice.

Providing kits is optional, and some ties may not be "newbie friendly", so good judgement is advised.

Updated list:

H.A. - Polish woven nymph demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - Action Caddis demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
krayfish - (?)
whheff - Attractor nymph demo

good morning
I do not want to impose on anyone
so I will just ask I have trouble tying the "HUMPY"
this is a fly that torments me at times. anyone good at tying this fly? if so and you are going to the mini Jam I could use some pointers
what do you think?
I am sure Heritage, could show you. Private message him
longcast - Humpy's are easy to tie. You can do it - I promise you'll get all the help you can stand. :lol:

Here's the updated attendance list:

H.A. - Polish woven nymph demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph demo
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - Action Caddis demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bane demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - cressbug, or Iso nymph demo
Foxgap239 - Comparadun, or honeybug inchworm demo
krayfish - (?)
whheff - Attractor nymph demo
tony300wby - beginner's instructor
