2011 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Mini Jam 12/17/11

Ed thanks for organizing this. The venue was absolutely perfect and the company was even better. As a sort of lurker here for awhile, I have to admit I was unsure if I should attend this, but I am super glad I did. For all of you that are reading this if you were considering coming but didn't, make sure you find a way to make it next year. The level of tying ability was awesome, from the younger guys (Gaeron, NICE fly), to the more "experienced" (not old ! ;) crowd everyone had something to share. This was my first time meeting anyone of you face to face and it was a pleasure. I thought it was really cool to see the whole room go completely quiet when Dave R started tying, reminded me of the old E.F Hutton commercials! Thanks again for having me, it was a humbling to share my pattern and have an audience interested in what I was doing. Next time I'm bringing a hook with no point, or GSP :)

Thanks Ed. Again you were able to pull off a great event and the place we were at was perfect. If anyone can juggle cats, it is you.
I was also impressed by the flies tied and the tricks learned. Thanks for sharing your knowledge guys.
Merry Charismas to all.

Just wanted to give my Hats off to everyone who organized and participated in this event. I learned more in a couple of hours than i learned in a year.What a good time and great bunch of guys. Very Profesional.. I can't wait till next year.
Ok guys enough pats on the back I want to see some pics :p
Fredrick wrote:
...I want to see some pics :p

Speaking of this...

If anyone that has pictures of this event that they'd like to send me, PM me, and I'll send you my email address. In lieu of this, you can also PM or email me a link to a picture hosting site, like Photobucket, Flicker, etc.

When I get all the photos downloaded, I'll write a recap of the event and post a link to a Photobucket album of the event. IMO, this would be better than trying to post dozens of pictures here, and hogging up bandwidth.

Just wanted to thank you Ed for such a great event! The nature center was a great place to hold this and I cant wait for next years tying Jam!! It was great to see other members techniques and ideas on tying some great patterns. It was also nice to put faces with online names. Oh yea, great diner too!! OMG!! the food was great not to mention the half gallon beer mugs!!!
Great job, Ed and congratulations. Funny how this enormous success means that you will be required to sacrifice your services again next year. To the extent that PAFF gets credit for this event, I say thanks from the whole community, Ed, for making us all look good.

I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of you for a fantastic event and a great day. I must publicly - cause as H.A. says, you deserve to be called out for both the good and the bad - give special thanks to a few individuals.

H.A. for his tremendous organization of the event and bringing us all together. Great location and excellent choice for the post-event meal.

Tony for his teaching, techniques and patience. You did a wonderful thing on Saturday. I wish we could make it for more.

Krayfish - Thank you for an amazing gift. The tools to execute the things that were learned on Saturday will absolutely go a long way to helping young Ben pursue and enjoy a lifelong passion.

whheff, Erik, Longcast, and FrequentTyer for their sharing of flies and materials.

Glenn McConnell for the wonderful donations and the chance to hear what is really happening in the Pine Creek Valley. Next year, we will not turn away. We will be back, and I hope that everyone on here takes an opportunity to fish that beautiful area.

Gaeron - That was a hell of a fly you tied, and watching you execute was a treat as well. Your modesty of being "just a kid" should never be a barrier to you. You, young man, have mad skillz that stand up to any "old man". Be proud and keep going. Many of us were extremely impressed, not because of your age, but by your skills.

Gfen - despite your (well, everyone's) protests to the contrary, you have a friend and admirer in young Ben. I will be sending him and his things to live with you after the new year. Please post your home address here in the forum..... :)

Mooney - thanks for sharing the ride and the pretzels.

And to all, thanks so much for being such a great group. Skilled people that were mezmerizing to watch, great to talk to and a pleasure to be around. I hope to see all of you (and those that we missed) next year.

One last note. Sunday morning, Ben was up before 7am, pulled out the extension on our kitchen table (by himself) so he would have a place to clamp on his vise, and proceeded to tie 5 "weenie" bugs, as well as his own invention with peacock hurl that looked a bit like a skinny crayfish. If it catches fish, then we will name it, and next year, Ben will be up to teach all of you how to tie it.

Thanks again so very much.

Paul (aka Hack)
Great post, Paul.

When I originally wrote the recap, I thanked everyone individually, but the post was just too long!

The gift krayfish gave was a complete tying setup - nice vise, all the tools needed (and then some), very useful materials, and a beautiful Orvis hardbound tying manual. It had everything and more that the most expensive tying kits contain.

The smile on krayfish's face when Ben received his gift spoke volumes. Andy understands, and exemplifies what this event was all about. Way to be, kray!

So what will be the next even ?
Thank you for extending the hand of friendship at the mini jam
I had a good time,I have tried to do the polish weave not have the outcome desired any tips?you would like to pass along
Long cast just keep tying them, your weave will improve.
its not staying tite
when I pull it over the bottom of the hook the other color wants to roll around the shaft of the hook
Longcast, Start a thread about weaving bodies. Im sure you will get a lot great tips from members.
longcast wrote:
its not staying tite
when I pull it over the bottom of the hook the other color wants to roll around the shaft of the hook

Hi longcast - Some things that might help:

Secure the lead underwraps with super glue.

Make sure the underbody is nicely tapered, and fairly tight. I used Uni-Stretch, as it's quick (like 230 denier), but any thread will work, as long as it lays flat. Most Uni threads are bonded into a rounded "rope" shape, and don't work well for this. Danville Flymaster, or UTC threads are good.

Are you using the two bobbin technique? This helps keep even tension. Make sure the bobbins are pretty "loose". Pull the arms out until the tension is just above "free fall" when the bobbins hang. I find that the least amount of tension possible allows the weave to stay centered easier. The ribbing will help with durability.

Here's a really good link that explains the shuttle weave:

shuttle weave

Good luck!


this is a problem with certain threads. I would suggest trying to weave with wire first, it stays put when you let go. Once you get the feel of it, try a nice flat floss. I
Johnney Utah
How do I start a thread? I never did that.
Longcast - I think if you click on New Topic at the bottom of the forum page here, you should get a new thread going.

It was a pleasure to meet you. Thanks again.
Ed and all attendees of the tying jam,

Thank you for the fun time. While I have been tying for many years, I learned much by watching and talking to such skilled tiers. From the young to the..well...seasoned, there was always something to add to my skills. To the new tyers, I am sure that watching the demos will help you gather the skills needed to be sucessful. To Old Lefty, thanks for teaching an old dog new tricks. That cress bug pattern will be added to my arsenal for sure. And as Ed mentioned, seeing Krayfish's expression and then Ben's smile when he recieved the gift of a complete tying setup was worthy of this holiday season.

Peace to all,

tony c.