2011 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Mini Jam 12/17/11

This sounds like a great time. Just dont leave for lunch without me again!! haha!! I will tye if I can decide what. What ever it is, I'll have kits. Also if anyone wants to car pool let me know.
If you will have me as a tyer I would enjoy demoing the trout bane style of tying. I would do the original bane which is a version of the pheasant tail.

I would would be willing to do kits... no problem.

I would also be willing to demo the emerald trout bane. Which is tied with different materials but uses the the bane style of tying.
SBecker wrote:
I will tye the Spicy Bwo Nymph. Not sure if I will provide kits.

I was thinking of coming till I read this..

I am holding out till he switches his Fly to the FAMOUS

[color=CC3300] Badonkadonk[/color]
That was to obvious, I had to switch it up.
yeah, he doesn't want the secret out. will jdaddy bring the full size print of it so we can auction it off?
I'm pretty sure I can go. Do I have to demonstrate a fly? Or can I just sit there and learn. Plus, I don't think you want a kid trying to teach you stuff...
Sure, you can sit there - but why?

No one knows everything about tying. Just pick a fly, and let 'er rip. I have faith in you.

Besides, I may not let you off the hook so easily after November 19th. ;-)
Oh ok. I suppose. I just don't know if I can make kits...I can try, but no guarantees. And an fyi, I will only be there saturday (19th). Can't wait to see you there!
What a great event. I'm looking to learn myself. gaeronf I hope you can make it and teach me a few patterns? I seen your Blog and you got mad tying skills. Age doesn't mean a thing son.
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah wrote:
What a great event. I'm looking to learn myself. gaeronf I hope you can make it and teach me a few patterns? I seen your Blog and you got mad tying skills. Age doesn't mean a thing son.

Thank you so much for the kind words. If you make it I will 100% teach you some patterns as I'm sure most of the others here would too. Thanks again,

Like I said, I will be there. I just need some clarification. When I click the link it asks me if I'm going to Osprey house or oven knob...Which building are we in?
The Osprey House is where we'll be. It's the main building of the LGNC. The tannery is next to it. The parking lot is on the other side of this building:



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gaeronf wrote:
Like I said, I will be there. I just need some clarification. When I click the link it asks me if I'm going to Osprey house or oven knob...Which building are we in?

When you get there just look for a bunch of old fat guys with gray mustaches.They will point you in the right direction.
Sheesh, I didn't know you were ALL old and fat!!! JK lol. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find you guys from what you've told me. Thanks!
RowJimmy wrote:
When you get there just look for a bunch of old fat guys with gray mustaches.

At least we CAN grow a mustache. :-D

You must have a tapeworm, or something. We'll have to fatten you up on some nachos and beers up at Riverwalck's.
Hey, is that (/\/\/\/\) supposed to be directed to the scrawny 14 year old???? :DDD
Which scrawny 14 year old? :lol:

Nah - it was directed at my little buddy, Rowchimmy. He's lost a lot of weight, and I'm concerned he's bulemic, or something.

You'll like 'chimmy. That boy really knows his stuff, but he's gotta eat more. Needs ballast. I'm afraid he's gonna float down the Lehigh like a Thingamabobber.
Fredrick wrote:
I will try my best to make this Ed since I don't have a set schedule for the next three months I won't be able to commit to anything until two week prior but if I can if you need me to help in anyway let me know .

All that in once sentence.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Which scrawny 14 year old? :lol:

Nah - it was directed at my little buddy, Rowchimmy. He's lost a lot of weight, and I'm concerned he's bulemic, or something.

You'll like 'chimmy. That boy really knows his stuff, but he's gotta eat more. Needs ballast. I'm afraid he's gonna float down the Lehigh like a Thingamabobber.

He don't fish no Lehigh. 78 degrees obviously.
This was actually a good year on the Lehigh warmest temp I took in Walnutport was 74 hatches sucked but next year the river should be full of fish. I still wont be running to fish it.