2011 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Mini Jam 12/17/11

I am from central Pa. I would like to come to your event .I tied at the pa.sports and outdoor show last Feb. I had a hard time connecting with the people from the Cumberland Vally chapter of trout unlimited.If you don't fish the Yellow breaches or Latote they didnt seam to want to talk to you.I never fished the Lehigh will I be looked down at because of that? If we meet I have some good places on Penns Creek to tell you about !!!
sincerly Longcast
I think you will fit in just fine. Most likely you will be looked up to for never having fished the Leigh.
longcast wrote:
I am from central Pa. I would like to come to your event .I tied at the pa.sports and outdoor show last Feb. I had a hard time connecting with the people from the Cumberland Vally chapter of trout unlimited.If you don't fish the Yellow breaches or Latote they didnt seam to want to talk to you.I never fished the Lehigh will I be looked down at because of that? If we meet I have some good places on Penns Creek to tell you about !!!
sincerly Longcast

You're welcome to join us. It has nothing to do with the Lehigh, other then we will be doing a raffle to benefit the Gap Nature Center. It is just another reason for a bunch of us to get together, possibly go fishing in the morning, drink some beer, eat some good food, and tie some flies.
jdaddy wrote:
SBecker wrote:
drink some beer, eat some good food,

Interest level has gone up. Is this just your babbling?

Yes and no. Sparky babbles. Fact. We'll be heading over to Riverwalck's after the Jam for the beer and food part. No alcoholic beverages or food is permitted in the Osprey House.

We have to clean up after ourselves while at the LGNC. Lost hooks are an especially bad thing.
I would like to register.hopefully no snow storms do I need to bring a table or will they be provided
I will have to think about what fly to tie,I let you know
I would think that size(22,24,26)would not be good because a person would have to stand very close to see
I am already looking forward to this
longcast wrote:
I would like to register.hopefully no snow storms do I need to bring a table or will they be provided
I will have to think about what fly to tie,I let you know
I would think that size(22,24,26)would not be good because a person would have to stand very close to see
I am already looking forward to this

Consider it done. We'll have tying space for at least 30 tyers - possibly more. We'll be located in the lab of the Osprey House. There will be at least one person attending that is part of the LGNC staff, probably more.

We'll likely wind up elbow to elbow on the tying tables. We don't want to clutter up the areas around the tables so people can walk around to spectate as the tyers demonstrate their chosen tie. Tyers should choose a few patterns, or even just one, and bring only the materials necessary - probably not a good idea to bring your entire inventory of tying materials.

I'm gonna hit up the dollar store to find some inexpensive placemats to protect the tables from cements, hair stackers, etc. This facility is brand new, and the LGNC spent a ton of money on it and it's contents. Each tyer is responsible for cleanup of their tying space when done tying.

If you have a clamp style vise, make sure it has something inside the clamp surfaces to protect the tables - top and bottom.

As we get into December, I'm gonna consolidate the list of tyers that will attend, and I'll then need to know what folks are planning to tie/demo, and if they'll provide 6 "kits" for others to try tying their pattern.

Heckling and "armchair quarterbacking" is prohibited while tyers are doing their demos. Tyers should keep their demos to 10 minutes or less if possible. Plan accordingly. We've got 4 hours to complete this, and who knows how many tyers. Have your materials ready to keep things moving along. It may wind up being a brisk pace!

This is what the lab at the LGNC Osprey House looks like.....
If there's still room left, I'm down to tie some bugs there. Not sure exactly what, but I've been on a rubber leg kick so i'll just say it will be something with rubber legs sticking off it. Could be a hopper, stonefly, copper john, bugger, etc. Depends on what I feel like tying.
H-A, how are you are thinking that the demos will work? Will we all be tying simultaneously for small groups, or will you be having each demo run once for an audience? I realize that the second option is a lot harder to schedule and you will not be able to fit in 30 demos, but it would allow everyone to see what the other tyers are doing. Also, based on the response so far you might wind up with more tyers than watchers.
FrequentTyer wrote:
H-A, how are you are thinking that the demos will work? Will we all be tying simultaneously for small groups, or will you be having each demo run once for an audience? I realize that the second option is a lot harder to schedule and you will not be able to fit in 30 demos, but it would allow everyone to see what the other tyers are doing. Also, based on the response so far you might wind up with more tyers than watchers.

My original intent was to have the demos run one after another. This would allow everyone but the demo-tyer to be a spectator.

We've got quite a few really good tyers here, and I was hoping that by doing the demos this way, we'd all be able to pick up a few tying tricks, and techniques. The fly patterns were of secondary concern to me. If you know tying techniques, tying a fly is just following a recipe. My intent is to improve everyone's tying skills by learning from each other.

I have absolutely no idea how many tyers will show up. Not everyone has to do a demo, either.

We've got 4 hours to do this. If we get 24 tyers doing demos, and each person takes the full 10 minutes each, we'll have to hustle to get this done. I'm hoping some folks will take less than 10 minutes to do their demos, which would allow us to fit more demos in.

We'll see how many tyers we get that want to do demos, and go from there. I may have to change the format a bit to doing 2 demos at a time, but I hope not.

I would also like the demo tyers to go to the newbie tyer table after their demos to help the newbies with their patterns (for those that provide kits). This can happen any time after their demos, and more than one can be done at a time. Not every newbie has to tie every pattern - just the ones that interest them. Demo tyers can also mingle with others and use any leftover kits to show non-newbies their ties, for those interested.

I'm also hoping that my buddy tony300wby can run the newbie section if he can make it. He's really good at teaching newbies, and can provide some basic skills before they start tying "for real".

This format was just something I thought would be neat, as well as providing some order to the event. It'll give everyone the chance to teach, instead of just a few. I'm sure everone will learn something, and each tyer (regardless of skill level) will show something that someone else doesn't know. Hopefully, it will inspire everyone to teach a newbie somewhere down the road...

By watching some of the more experienced teachers, hopefully we'll get 20 or 30 better equipped instructors to pass on the art of tying. A noble goal, but it may just wind up in chaos - but it'll be some FUN chaos. It's a good excuse to get a bunch of forum members together, make new friends, and have fun doing something we all enjoy.
Hey Ed,
Here's a thought. I can use my HD video camera, hook it up to my projector and shoot the featured tyer (tier) onto a wall. Do they have a good flat white projection wall there or do I need to get a screen?

Can you stream it live on PAFF? Good luck guys, this sounds like a real worthwhile event.
I rather think its becoming akin to some sort of live fly swap, previously dreamed of but never realized.

If nothing else, let a couple of guys teach and the rest of the hordes can just spread and help each other out. If it turns out to be like the other newbie event, there'll be folks who aren't clued in that can find someone to talk to.

jdaddy wrote:
Hey Ed,
Here's a thought. I can use my HD video camera, hook it up to my projector and shoot the featured tyer (tier) onto a wall. Do they have a good flat white projection wall there or do I need to get a screen?


I like it. My only concern would be the amount of time it adds to each demo to move the equipment around.

I think there's a suitable wall for this, and I'd be totally shocked if the LGNC didn't have a screen that they'd let us use. I'll bet there's one in the lab right now. We'll talk about this - I always value your input and help.

gfen - we could have just a couple instructors do the teaching, but I thought it would get everyone involved more if they each had the chance to teach. It'll draw on a much broader knowledge base as well. Looking back on the newbie jam, I was shocked at how well the instructors did with their presentations. These guys all deserve the chance to shine in the spotlight.

OR - we could have YOU instruct for the entire 4 hours. Heckling and a vocal peanut gallery would be encouraged. I could definitely go for 4 hours of abusing the official PAFF whipping boy.

I spit on hecklers.
How many tyers have signed on to demo? I attempted a count but confusion set in. Old age, I guess.
I counted 10, give or take 1 less or more. You in Dave?
Am I in? Never got a definitive answer :)
OldLefty wrote:
How many tyers have signed on to demo? I attempted a count but confusion set in. Old age, I guess.

Good question. I've been putting off the count but will do so this weekend. I'd say we've got plenty of room left, as a guess. I haven't even made an attempt, and confusion has already set in!

Glad you posted about this - was gonna call you this weekend. It wouldn't be good if my favorite tyer couldn't be there.

dub - of course you're in. Sorry to not respond earlier. We'll find a way to get everyone in.

Going through the posts in the announcement forum first, and then this one, here's what we have so far....

H.A. - sulphur comparadun demo
trowpa - BHPT demo
SBecker - Spicy BWO nymph
Fredrick - TBD demo
hack & son
CLSports - undecided
gaeronf - TBD demo
gfen - The Usual demo
dubthethorax - TBD demo
surveyor06 - olive caddis larva demo
FrequentTyer - BWO parachute demo
jdaddy - videographer
mooney4 - TBD demo
JohnnyUtah - Trout Bain demo
RowJimmy - "The Chimmynator" demo
longcast - TBD demo
Old Lefty - called you tonight.

We've got lots of room! If I missed anyone, let me know...
