2010 Summer Terrestrial Fly Swap

im a no go only got 6 tied. with wedding and house and work. i could send some beadhead nymphs i have stock of. im sorry guys.

should have stayed single. more money less stress. more fishing.

I would say send what you can. I can appreciate the stress, I just lost over $300,000 in accounts this past week.
BTW - good luck with your marriage, they sometimes are harder than work!
I need an address, can someone PM it to me. Thanks

I will post an updated received list Tuesday when I return from TN. Hope everyone has mailed already!
Thanks for doing this...I ran one back in February...Hope my flies pass muster....

Been a crazy week, they are in the mail!!

bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECEIVED
mike_richardson - flying ant - CANCELED
boss_steb - cricket - RECEIVED
whheff - ladybug - RECEIVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid -
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant - RECEIVED
FrequentTyer - letort cricket - RECEIVED
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm - RECEIVED
Big White - wooly worm -
Osprey - Death from Above -
flyfishermanj - wasp - IN THE MAIL
gene_cyprych - pink san jaun worm - RECEIVED


Big White
Sent PMs to all late participants.

flyfishermanj received
Any word on the late contributions?
Well I have not hear back from the following people...

Big White

I don't want to keep everyone waiting because of a few so I can send out all the flies I have recieved and either

A) just mix in the extras with what i send and use all the flies.
B) send your extras back with your flies

Please let me know what you guys would like to do.

I would mix up the extra's and send what you have. I won't comment on those that were not able to finish the commitment that they made, unless it was for a really good reason.
gentleshepherd wrote:
I would mix up the extra's and send what you have.

I agree. If you don't hear from them in another week, mix up the extras. I don't need my flies. You could donate the extras to a good cause too.

Thanks for doing this!! :-D
Give' em a week and then mail them out. Give the extra's to the mod's.

I agree. Mix em or give extras to the mods. Thanks for working through this Brian!
Unless they have a good excuse don't let the offenders participate in future swaps. I am hoping that you can mail the ones you did receive by 8/5. That way I'll have them for my trip to Spring Creek the following week.

Thanks for facilitating.
It sucks to have people back out after commiting. We are all pressed for free time these days but as a stop gap, you can always order some flies from an online vendor so you have some to contribute.
Sounds good...My schedule is pretty crazy this week but I will try to get them out ASAP. Thanks to all that participated (and actually tied and sent their flies.)
Hope all is well. It's been a tru month since all of the flies were to be sent in. I would say at this point, ship what you have and donate the rest to a TU in your area if you have one, or double up on some to ship to some of the others in the group.

Hope you all have a great day! I'm going to be playing with cement after church. Yay for me!
Due to circumstances beyond my control , health , $ , and transportation i'm not gonna make it. I know it's irrelevant but as Boss can attest i've participated before and hope you will allow me to participate in the future , i'm very sorry but i'm not gonna be able to participate....................please forgive me , Osprey.