2010 Summer Terrestrial Fly Swap

So what is the final number of flies needed? I have made 16 hi-vis ants and they are wanting to play with some fish.

Note - two ants fell on the floor during the photo.


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Here is the updated list...there are 12 participants (+4 for the mods and Dave) NEW DEADLINE JULY 8TH

bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECIEVED
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
whheff - ladybug - RECIEVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Osprey - Death from Above
flyfishermanj -
I'll tie a pink san juan worm. I know it's simple but it's my go-to fly on the Gunpowder MD, brookie streams, and a few choice streams in southern PA.
I'll be tying a wasp pattern. Tied a couple today and they turned out pretty neat.

I thought I posted yesterday. I will tie San Juan Worms- Pink. My go to fly and color in a number of streams in PA and Maryland.
Here is the final list...all vacated spots are filled...there are 13 participants (+4 for the mods and Dave) DEADLINE JULY 8TH

bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECIEVED
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
whheff - ladybug - RECIEVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Osprey - Death from Above
flyfishermanj - wasp
gene_cyprych - pink san jaun worm
No orange ants...Im shocked!

I'm shocked there are no beetles!

Good to see the swap move forward and some folks were able to fill the open slots.
Thought about that the other day, no swap is complete without a WMD!

Here's the pattern I tying:Shark's Wasp
That is a really cool looking pattern
flyfishermanj wrote:
Thought about that the other day, no swap is complete without a WMD!

Here's the pattern I tying:Shark's Wasp

I have a friend who tied them and they were one of the neatest patterns I've ever seen.
Can't wait to get one!!
Thanks for the link. I will have to try it myself.
If there is anyone who still needs my address just PM me.
im going to have to switch my patter. my dumb cat tore up my hackle and only the good little feathers of course.

so i am going to tye up a bunch of cat fur spiders.

LOL Just kidding!!

Not sure what one to make yet now.
bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - [color=33CC00]RECEIVED[/color]
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
whheff - ladybug - [color=00CC00]RECEIVED[/color]
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket - [color=00CC00]RECEIVED[/color]
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Osprey - Death from Above
flyfishermanj - wasp
gene_cyprych - pink san jaun worm
I am a complete boob...time just got away from me...I sent them today and should be there shortly...

I will have to write the pattern down but it is unbelievably easy....not sure they will catch fish...

Sorry to everyone that got them in early...they are on their way...with a bonus fly

ok...so this is my fly pattern. I am not sure it will catch fish but it was nice to be back at the Vice again for a bit.

Hook: Size 14 2xl
Thin black foam
black dyed deer hair (wanted elk but was having trouble finding it)
6/0 black thread.

Cut a black strip of foam approximately the width of the gap of the hook.
Tie in near the eye and work back to the bend with the thread. work back to the eye covering the hook generously.
Attach the foam near the head. Wrapping semi tight loops down the foam to the bend.
Fold the foam over and tight down the foam with more space between thread turns back to the eye(leave the foam intack above the eye for later use..
Cut and even the black deer hair in the stacker.
Tie in the deer hair so that it was approx. the length of the hook. Tied down approximately an 1/8 inch towards the bend where you tied down the foam last.
The hair will begin to spin...tie it down tight and cut the butt ends off.
Fold the front of the foam back over the butts and tie it down forming a head.
Whip finish and cut the thread.

Not sure it will catch fish or even float...but it looked ok in the end.

I tie a grasshopper pattern similar to this. it catches fish but at times it has trouble floating right side up. go to youtube and type in clodhopper grasshopper fly pattern or something like that. if nothing else, it looks cool.
bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECEIVED
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket - RECIEVED
whheff - ladybug - RECEIVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket - RECEIVED
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Osprey - Death from Above
flyfishermanj - wasp
gene_cyprych - pink san jaun worm
bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECEIVED
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket - RECEIVED
whheff - ladybug - RECEIVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket - RECEIVED
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Osprey - Death from Above
flyfishermanj - wasp
gene_cyprych - pink san jaun worm - RECEIVED
Hey guys deadline to mail your flies is today...if there is going to be delays let me know.