2010 Summer Terrestrial Fly Swap

I just don't think it is worth getting that worked up over a handful of flies. The guy said he was having personal and family problems. I can think of plenty of things for myself that fall into that category that would take precedence over a fly swap. Just write this one off as a loss and move on.
The conventional wisdom on the board says "only do swaps with the swap master if you know him".
FrequentTyer wrote:
The guy said he was having personal and family problems.

Yeah, like trying to find them to tell them they won the UK lottery and a year's worth of Cialis...

Sucks you guys got stung on this! :-x
I have to say I agree wth Frequent Tyer...I just sort of wrote it off...I gotta believe the guy needs some slack...

I know it stinks...so things must be bad for him...

boss_steb wrote:
I have to say I agree wth Frequent Tyer...I just sort of wrote it off...I gotta believe the guy needs some slack...

I know it stinks...so things must be bad for him...


I think boss is gearing up to run off w/ our steelhead swap!!!

btw, you should have my flies tomorrow, forgot about the stinking holiday.
No problem...a few guys have contacted me...I am dividing them as I type and ready for immediate return...
I agree that it's not worth getting worked up over a dozen flies. I am dissappointed that there are some less than honest (or at least responsible) people on the board. I come to this board figuring we are like brothers and sisters of the fly. ;-) Seriously, we share a common sport and some values. Stuff like this brings one back to reality. The web, including this board, is what it is.
I don't tie, but I'd be glad to take the resonsibility of getting the flies back to you guys. I would make sure they would be returned!

"To err is human; to forgive is divine." - -- Alexander Pope

I have hosted several swaps and I have to say that it is much harder to coordinate than most people think. It is actually a lot of work. I have been burnt many times by people that forgot to send postage or return packaging. I never called anyone out and just assumed it was error on there part. I sucked up the cost to avoid an issue like this. Honestly, I think everyone that I have hosted has has cost me money and stress. A couple of times I can remember being very overwhelmed by the whole thing. Most often it was because people did not follow the rules of the swap - missing deadlines, not sending postage, sending a match box to return a streamer swap, being very late on sending the flies, dropping out of the swap, Blah blah blah

Give the guy a some slack there are better things to get mad about.

Brisket !
I can sympathize with your reaction Bruno, I get that whenever I put together a luncheon seminar.. But BJ even came back online and said that he had issues after being missing a month and stating that he would mail them out. Now he has not been online since the beginning of September, I don't get it.

Even though I got burnt I probably would consider doing another swap.
:oops: I didn't send boss return postage for the Steelhead swap, that part of it never occurred to me. Looks like I owe him a couple of bucks....
gentleshepherd wrote:
But BJ even came back online and said that he had issues after being missing a month and stating that he would mail them out. Now he has not been online since the beginning of September, I don't get it.

Even though I got burnt I probably would consider doing another swap.

I have to agree with gentleshepherd. I think we have all been involved with some project that does not work as planned but he did say he would send them out.

I'm not mad, I did this to see what others tie and use. I will do other swaps again too.
We all have problems, some bigger than others.
I just hope all is well with BJ.