2010 Summer Terrestrial Fly Swap

I have to bow out. I'll be away on company business until 7/15. I just found out about it this morning.
I guess i missed this one , but i went fishing since the Jam and was away from the site for a couple weeks. I've been catching them on ants and inchworm imitations for a couple of weeks now. Terrestrial flies have always been good to me. I'm sorry to have missed this , near and dear to my heart.
bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECIEVED
Alpabuck - chernobyl ant
njk3395 - foam spider
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
jjsjigs - skoal-lipper beetle
whheff - ladybug - RECIEVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
Missed this one too, hope you guys post some pics. Some interesting named flies here.

Guys I have to cancel as well. Sorry!
Why couldn't one of the guys who missed, fill in for thse bowing out. I tied and shipped mine out for as many as was originally needed. Maybe we could pick up one or 2 two fill the spots.
I sent out some messages to guys to try to get the spot filled...I will send back extras if there are any to people who have already sent flies.

bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECIEVED
Alpabuck - chernobyl ant - CANCELED
njk3395 - foam spider
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
jjsjigs - skoal-lipper beetle - CANCELED
whheff - ladybug - RECIEVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
I'm going to have to cancel.. really sorry.. was busy the last few weeks with finals and stuff now im going to vermont next week.. i thought id be able to make time for it but i just cant.. you should get someone who wants in to take my spot.
Wow...it is really hard to have a good fly swap when you get guys who commit and then back out on you and it's now two weeks before the deadline...I'm sorry to everyone who has put time and materials into tying flys for the people involved in this and already finished tying and or sent them. I don't really know what else to say.
bjshaffr - texas **** ant
gentleshepherd - green inchworm - RECIEVED
Alpabuck - chernobyl ant - [color=FF0000]CANCELLED[/color]
njk3395 - foam spider - [color=FF0000]CANCELLED[/color]
mike_richardson - flying ant
boss_steb - cricket
jjsjigs - skoal-lipper beetle - [color=FF0000]CANCELLED[/color]
whheff - ladybug - RECIEVED
BelAirSteve - Kelly Galloup's Ant Acid
flyfishingNZ - high vis black ant
FrequentTyer - letort cricket
auker9 - beaded red san juan worm
Big White - wooly worm
I still think the ones who said that were sorry that they missed should be asked and given maybe an extra week to put something in the mail.

So no we are at 10 instead of 13, Maybe we can entice some of the others back in.
That would be fine with me as long as it is ok with everyone else...I would love to have everyone who originally signed up participate.
How about letting some of us fill in the blanks , move the deadline back a little?
Works for me! Maybe an extra week or so could be added for you all to fill in the blanks.
osprey wrote:
How about letting some of us fill in the blanks , move the deadline back a little?

This is fine with me too!! :)
bjshffr............if it's ok i'll get in what's the deadline , it'l be a fly i thought up on my own i call it "death from above"
Sure Osprey....that sounds great! How's July 8th sound to everyone.
If it cool, I'll take one of the vacant spots as well? July will plenty of time to get a dozen out bthe door.

New deadline is fine with me. I'm ready to send mine, so please pm the address.
Flyfishermanj I'll count you in!