The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

I’m speechless, yes I’m coming!


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forecast for spring mills has rain on tues,thurs and friday now.

which streams will drop quickest ?

it looks like small brookies streams ?
Relax, wait, and see. It's May. Chance of storms virtually every day. They hit one place and not another.

Like today, they were calling for a half inch. What that means is somebody will get an inch, and somewhere else will get zero. We got virtually nothing here. Judging by radar they got more to the south.

Even in high water years one of the big streams tends to get missed.

Coming in, everything is low, so we can handle a little. Leaves now on trees as well, which helps prevent runoff.
Here is the Jam forecast. Pretty typical weather for nearly every Jam. Last year was the best weather I can ever recall; the cricks were at ideal flow and both the bugs and fish cooperated.

Like Pcray said above, no biggie if you adapt to where, when and how to fish. Bring a raincoat, though.

Can't wait!
I wish I could make it this year, but Old Man Winter and Mother Nature have not been to kind to us up here in the north country. We are still preparing the golf course to fully open and it looks like I will not be able to get away this year. Have fun and enjoy everything.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Murph wrote:
Just made a reservation. See you guys next Thursday!

Murph - Check your PM's.

Hey HA, I replied to your PM. I decided to come Wednesday afternoon instead of Thursday morning. See ya there.
Looks like a good heavy rain thursday night
I'm tempted to scrap the Jam and head to the Upper D tomorrow instead. It will buy me a couple more hours of fishing before the monsoon. Otherwise, it looks like a frantic 2 or 3 hours of fishing normally tomorrow, followed by 12-18 hours of decent streamer fishing, followed by a drive home over muddy streams on Friday night, followed by a dawn patrol at the beach for stripers. If you haven't seen the radar, you should check it out. I don't see how even brookie streams are going to be fishing reasonably by Saturday. Perhaps, but I'm not expecting it. And I don't feel like battling 120 jammers at Spring. Or getting wasted with a bunch of hardlegs in the woods. Depends on what tomorrow morning looks like, I guess, but right now, mierda.
honestly, in my opinion, this gathering isn't all about the fishing anyways, sure it's nice to hit it right, experience some hatches, and catch fish. But, with so many old and new friends as this gathering grows, I don't mind a rainy time to catch up, share some beers, have show and tell with equipment, etc.
And with the way my work has been lately, I'd be happy to just sit and do nothing for 3 days!!! Catching fish would simply be a bonus.
I'll be there tomorrow by noon, maybe heading out to fish if not raining hard, or sharing some camaraderie if it's cat's and dogs, either way, I'll be having fun and NOT worrying about jobs!!!!
Wish I could hang in pavilion and tip a few Friday but I have to be on the road by 4 Saturday morning. Have fun gents.
Doing some early packing tonight and trying to remember everything. You would think after having done this after all these years it would be easier. I can never remember what food to bring up. Well I have the coffee maker and coffee for the mornings. All that really matters.
even with heavy rain, will the upper parts of the limestoners still fish ?

fishing creek, spring creek, cherry run , elk creek etc ?

the rain looks like it hits around 8pm tomorrow night and lasts til 4-5pm Friday.

i'm not bothered about fishing in the rain, nor hatches, but i want to be able to fish !

another thought, if the rivers are no go, is it worth bringing up the float tube and trying some small ponds, any spring fed ponds up there ?


It looks like i may make it to to penns for the thursday spinner fall. Probably go downstream of coburn. Maybe i run into some of you early jammers. Also looking for a bed thursday night if anyone has an empty amd doesnt mind snoring. :)
Long time lurker, first time poster. I have a campsite tomorrow through Sunday and will probably stay after somewhere if the fishing is good.

I've been thinking about making this meetup for years, excited to make it finally happen.
Wheel, make sure to introduce yourself to this friendly bunch.
Well I didn't know if I was gonna be able to make it until a couple of hours ago, but I'm planning on going up tomorrow. Rain's a bummer but oh well. Hopefully there are still campsites available.
Oh that's what I'm coming for! Looking forward to meeting ya.

By way of interweb introduction, here's a little album from my last trip up that way:
I was planning on getting camp set up tonight and just relaxing, but with the forecasted rain looking like it might turn all fishing for the rest of the weekend into a Brookie deal, I'm gonna try to make it to one of the big boys tonight. Penns most likely. Mo - I'll look for ya.
Just to let everybody know there still is a couple of cabins available for the weekend. one sleeps 6 and the other sleeps 5. Call the office and talk to the great people there.
I'll be driving a white ford super crew. Text me when u head to penns.
