The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

No offense to Susan, but it seems a small price to pay. Was it me?
DNA test results will be posted.
I had a great time and it was a pleasure to see old faces and meet new ones.
A bit to cold for my old bones and metal knee,but I survived.. Next,Steelhead,can't wait. GG
JackM wrote:
No offense to Susan, but it seems a small price to pay. Was it me?

It was not. I know exactly who it was.

(fwiw, it was no one under our roof, either)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Spoke to Susan on the way out yesterday, and as you could guess, she was most pleased with our group and looks forward to seeing us again.

There was one minor problem though. Someone left a big pile of cigarette butts on the ground outside their cabin, and she wasn't too pleased to have to pick them all up.

Just a little heads up for next year.....

I just blamed it on Maurice. One last act of defiance. :lol:

As soon as i get myself from under the bus, they throw me back under!
If that was me I apologize. Mo I'll throw myself under the bus.
Had a great time seeing everyone and meeting some new guys too. I landed 1 and lost 2 others, only fished Saturday. Can't control the weather so you make the best of it.
In terms of "unfishability", how did this Jam rate?
I'd say it rates right near the top! even the brookie streams were raging, clear, but raging. Folks that drove an hour west on fri and sat found better conditions. Sunday saw conditions improve a lot, but penns won't be fishable till june! There WAS some fishing to be found, but compared to last year, it positively sucked!! The socializing made up for it though, great campfire at the pavilion, geeetar playin and hollarin, you know, the usual stuff!
This was a trip full of firsts for me: First Spring Jam, first fish on a dry fly, first wild brookie on a dry fly, etc. etc. I'm really glad I made the trip despite the weather issues. Thanks to everyone that shared information with me around the fire and help point me in the right direction. Special thanks to HA, Dan, Rich, Pcray, Ducker and Scott who took the time to give me some on stream instruction. I will definitely be attending this event next year and I hope I get a chance to meet up with you guys for a few day trips before then!
In terms of "unfishability", how did this Jam rate?

Friday and Saturday? Awfully high, if not #1.

But, there were many saving graces.

1. Fishing was great right through the spinner fall on Thursday evening. We had a lot of jammers out on Wednesday and especially Thursday. Some got scared off by a pass-over type storm prior to the spinner fall, but those who stuck it out found excellent conditions. Conditions didn't turn bad until Friday.

2. Really, the worst of the weather was confined to the overnight hours Thursday night. Friday and Saturday were fine weather. So while it brought the streams up, it did not really hamper the social scene, nor the enjoyability of spending a day outdoors.

3. As usually happens, somewhere within reach of the jam got hit to a lesser extent. Those willing to adjust plans based on conditions still found fishable water and caught fish.
It has been beautiful for the last two days.even though no rain,penn's and elk still blown out.lots of sulfurs at spring
today was great too! lots of guys from classic fly rod forum.steady sulfurs,plenty of brownies!
Hi all, it was great meeting a number of you on Friday night. I've been battling a pinched-nerve/herniated disc and it flared up pretty bad Saturday, so I didn't make the big party on Saturday, but Friday was proof enough of what a great (and entertaining) community you all have here on PAFF.

Good luck the rest of hatch season I'm sure I'll see some of you around on PA streams and now be able to put a face to some names!

Despite the monsoon season that set in on Thursday night, it was still a great weekend. Making new friends in those conditions is memorable. Great to meet Ducker and Murph!! Glad you had a good time Murph and Congratulations on those firsts!!! I'd like to thank Dan "Delta Dog" for his accommodations and for those damn steaks!!!! FANTASTIC!!!! Also thanks to Dave Kile for the website and to all the moderators for their dedication.