The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

What a bummer about the conditions!! I share everyones disappointment l had a vacation day today and all my favorite streams are blown out. I quit drinking a year and a half ago so everybody have a drink for me. Stay dry and most of all stay safe my fellow Pa flyfishing friends!!!
I am sorry that the conditions are not conducive for fly-fishing for all of you who look forward to this event. I hope you can enjoy your non-fishing activities and that they will help compensate for the water conditions that now exist.
We want to see videos. And we want to see what the drunk -tied flies look like, also.
All my tied flies look to be alcohol influenced.
This weather is just like a prison shower after you have dropped the soap on the floor.
Sorry I couldn't hang out longer. It was good to meet those that I did. Hopefully next time it will be good to fish with those that I meet. Here is the reason I couldn't hang. Hopefully the pic attaches.


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Great jam everyone. Enjoyed seeing everyone. I was there 8 days and the fishing was pretty dang good too. Even the weekend.
Good times; nice to see everyone again, and meet a few new folks, too.
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What Jack said. :)

It's too bad about the weather, but still had a good time!
I had a great time w/ everyone. It's an extremely hard time in my life right now, and being w/ you all for the weekend was a nice break in my daily routine. It really gave me time to clear my head, talk things out w/ some of you, enjoy the outdoors with good people. Thanks to everyone who was willing to sit and listen, or just spend time w/ me talkin' fishing, music, whatever.
Yep - fun time as usual. The fishing was very poor (at least for me) but considering how great it was last year at the puts things in perspective.
Glad to see you guys.
Fun time, as usual.

The fishing was good earlier in the week, but it pretty much went from a fishing trip to a camping trip after the monsoon - at least for our group. Think I put on about 10 pounds from the terrific cooking of my campmates. Gotta mix up some of that apple pie moonshine A.S.A.P.!!!

No biggie on the fishing, as the company was superb. Great to see some familiar faces, and meet some new ones as well. It's hard to not have fun with this group!

I was priveledged to share a special moment with one of our (ex)newbies. Murph caught his first fish on a dry fly on Spring Creek. Took all of 10 minutes for the first, and he REALLY worked for the second one. He's becoming a flyfishing machine, for sure.

Congratulations Murph! Here's the picture I took after he landed #2 - he handled everything like a veteran.


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The streams were a complete mess to say the least. But with the conditions as they were our group decided it would be a good time to put our heads together and figure out how fish through the conditions as they were. We were able to get fish to hand this weekend and the accomplishment really felt good. John, Tom, & Brian made great fishing partners and I really enjoyed fishing with you all, and of coarse the pavilion & fire time was as always awesome!
yep, great weekend, fishing not so great, but that's how it goes sometimes. great seeing everyone again. I managed to salvage the weekend on my way home thanks to Coty, I did good on a small stream he turned me onto near Clearfield!
Had a great time as always! Caught fish on every day Thur-Sun, and that's all you can really hope for. Glad I could help some of you guys find some water to fish. I have some photos that I'll throw up her a little later.
It was a great event even if the fishing was rough. Good to see everyone and catch up on how everyone is. Thanks to the mods and Dave Kile for all the hard work they do to make this site the best FF forum on the internet!

I also caught fish every day I was there. 2 on Friday, 4 on Saturday and 30 on Sunday. Stung some big ones on Spring swinging streamers on Saturday. Sometimes the high water can be an advantage.
I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and some new ones. Great to get out with Turkey and the Soult brothers (Possible band name?). I'll have photos to share later this week.
Just mentally re-lived my week. It was a lot of fun. Fishing wise, neither spectacular nor bad. The company and food were fantastic, both fishing and at the campground.

Fishing partners:

Scott (a non-forum member friend), my dad (non-forum member), Delta Dog, Heritage Angler, Aducker, Murph, Brutus. Stopped and heckled a few others that we saw out and about. All of them were good company, and I enjoyed meeting up with everyone back at the campground as well.

My Daily Fish Totals:

Sunday: 13
Monday: 40
Tuesday: 6
Wednesday: 32
Thursday: 7
Friday: I think it was 8?
Saturday: 22

Total: 128. 36 of them were brown trout on large streams. 119 were caught on dry flies, 9 underneath (3 of which were brown trout). This doesn't count 6 fallfish and 4 suckers, all of which were also caught on dry flies.


Total of 4 for the week + a sip of some apple cider concoction. Proud of myself.


At campground: Kielbasa, marinated pork, awesome pasta salad, brownies, eggs sausage bacon, pizza mountain pies, a couple of ham sammiches, hamburger helper, very good meatball sammich.

Out and about: a burger and fries at the American Alehouse, wings and a cuban at Champs Sports, an egg sandwich at the little corner store down over the hill, Subway, Sheetz, Burger King.

Took my boy on his 2nd camping trip, though the first that he will remember (he was a baby for his first). Wife and in-laws joined. My 2 year old son loved the water feature by the fire ring and was flipping rocks. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess!
Had a blast as usual. It was really good catch up with everyone and I even met a few new folks. The music and the raffle was great again as well.

...and we all learned a new hand gesture from Maurice. Or were you guys just telling everyone that you're #1 ;-)
Spoke to Susan on the way out yesterday, and as you could guess, she was most pleased with our group and looks forward to seeing us again.

There was one minor problem though. Someone left a big pile of cigarette butts on the ground outside their cabin, and she wasn't too pleased to have to pick them all up.

Just a little heads up for next year.....

I just blamed it on Maurice. One last act of defiance. :lol: